Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 634: Holy hand

If the battle hall wants to kill energy, I am afraid that it is really only Ming Ming! Move a large number of peak soul fighters, completely energize, and then find a magician from the magic palace to help.

But today's magic palace is trying to win over a young female magician called Blue, and this blue woman has heard that she is still motivated.

With such a relationship, how could the magic palace help?

"It still looks like ..." He sighed energetically watching Lu Chang's expression: "Speak to the director of the battle hall, want to kill me? I give them a chance, and after two months, I will go to the battle hall Once, it was a reward for your assassination given to your battle hall. "

Lu Chang took a breath of cold air from the air, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into the ice cave.

No wonder! It is no wonder that Xuan sent people to say directly that the energy is usually a very easy-going person, but there is a proud bone in his body that is even more proud than the bloodline soldiers. The battle hall cannot control such a young man.

Now, Lu Chang finally believed in the message of the messenger sent by Gan Zhanxuan, who was even more arrogant than Qian Zhanxuan said. No one in history has ever dared to go to the battle hall to hit the battlefield! Even if it is a bloodline warrior, any contradiction between the battlefield and the battle hall is also resolved as low-key as possible in other places.

If the blood soldiers who cover the sky really hit the door of the battlefield, then all ordinary soldiers are offended, which is a pain that blood soldiers can't actually bear.

There were also amazing geniuses in the battle hall. Later, the relationship with the battle hall was not good. Even if Fabredis was sanctified, he did not return to the battle hall.

But now, this young man who has not debuted for a long time is so enthusiastic that he is clamoring to go to the battlefield to smash his place.

Broke the wind and look at Lu Chang's ugly face with a smirk. Although the enthusiastic guy usually seems a little bit wooden, he is very opinionated. Others treat him well, and he It is very good to others, but if others are bad for him, he will also ruthlessly slap him back.

"Battlehouse, always waiting for the President."

Lu Changshi did n’t know what to say. He wanted to talk about the internal problems of the battlefield, but after all, nine people came to assassinate him, and although he did n’t join, he did n’t block it. Do next.

Lu Chang watched as the enthusiasm and others left, sighing weakly in the sky, maybe this is the fate of the battlefield. No matter whether it is a conservative or a radical, they can no longer lead the battlefield to continue moving forward. The evolution of the past year is too arrogant, and the mechanism has become rigid.

Maybe going to the battlefield may not be all bad things! Lu Chang even has some expectations that the drive will arrive earlier in the battle hall. Perhaps today's young people can make a new exhibition in the battle hall and change the situation in the battle hall that is already very heavy.

"Comrade-in-arms, are you really going to the battle hall?" Duanfeng Fuji still looked lazy, looking at the jealous sword in his hands: "That thing, is there anything to study?"

"Energetic will definitely go to the battle hall." Mu Na Zhenze's body fluctuated with the war horse, turned and looked to the side for a few days, but always followed the iron man: "Iron man, you know that energy is now What's the most missing? "

"Strength," Tie Nan said, without thinking, "the power is great, but the combat power in the overall strength is the worst."

Mu Na Zhenze raised his thumb and pointed to the iron man next to him: "Look! My most incapable thinking person knows where the shortcomings of motivation are. Do you think the motivation will go to the battle hall? He goes to battle What does Don want to do? "

Broke the wind and smile at the back of the drive. Although this companion doesn't like to talk too much, his head is always turning! Where is the battle hall? There are a lot of ordinary soldiers in that place!

Even the soldiers at the top of the fighting spirit should be the places with the most forces! It is also the place where the soul soldiers are most expected ... "

A soul soldier can let a fierce horse thief like Yi be willing to give a shadow to his energy. So what kind of situation will a soul soldier cause in the battle hall?

After the Rookie King Contest, after all, it is necessary to enter the battlefield between humans and demons. At that time, not only the individual combat strength, the comprehensive strength of a legion, the upper-level strength group of a legion, may determine the future of the legion. Pave the way for your future.

"This sword ..." "A word of energy, attracted everyone's attention.

Wow ... "

The fine sword was broken in the drive!

"Awkward splicing." Looking eagerly at the hilt of the hilt in his hand, his wrist fluttered to Chekforte and said, "Give you a holy weapon."


That is the strongest fighter equipment today.

A holy weapon can even make a warrior who is not sanctified compete with a warrior who is truly sanctified.

A warrior is a holy war!

Then after the equipment is holy, it is a holy weapon!

Just like a warrior has a fighting spirit, he is a strong fighting spirit!

And if the fighters break through the realm, they are soul soldiers!

A fighting spirit-level powerhouse, even if he is not the top of the fighting spirit, holding a holy weapon in his hand can be called a holy powerhouse!

The sacred weapon is not just a powerful destructive force or a strong defensive force.

The real power of the sacred artifact is also that it can open up the potential of the user. At the same time ... the sacred artifact is like entering the Holy Strong, and it also has its own special abilities, just like entering the Holy Realm's soul realm. The power of the device is called the Holy Spirit.

People only know that the sacred artifact is powerful, but not many people know that the sacred artifact has the sacred soul. In addition to the real strong, only the top blacksmiths can know.

However, there is no blacksmith who can make a forged weapon with a holy soul.

I have read Uncle Black's notes with enthusiasm, know everything about the sacred artifact, and have seen the level of blacksmiths in the major forces that can be seen at least today. With enthusiasm and confidence, no one knows what a sacred artifact is better than him.

"what did you say?"

Mu Nazhence almost couldn't maintain his image for the first time, and fell directly from the war horse to the ground. He stared straight at Chekforte and grabbed it in his hand, as if he was holding a hilt with a similar attitude to scrap iron.

Riding the wind wasn't as good as Mu Nazhenze, with a point on the toes, the man fell off the horse and jumped back to the horse, looking at the hilt in Chekforte's hand.

Even the most steadfast mood-burning mad songs these days were shocked, and he looked at Chekforte's hands, which looked like ordinary sword hilt.

Everyone's mind is full of the same curiosity and doubt. This seemingly broken thing is a holy weapon? Lost energy? Or was it just a brain blow?

"This is a sacred weapon?" Cheek Forte looked left and right, and couldn't see anything special about the hilt.

"Remove the link of the scrap iron on the hilt." The energy pointed to the hilt in the hands of Chekforte: "I don't know that the blacksmith got this hilt, and saw that it is a good hilt, He even attached a sword to it, but he didn't know that the hilt was a holy weapon. He taught like that ... "

Energetic shook his head again and again: "Just like someone painting, you have to draw a truth on the snake!"

Although he can be regarded as a person who knows goods, he is not yet a person who knows goods! Energetic sighed, if the attacker who covers the sky is not holding the continuous sword, but the hilt! Then it is really difficult to say who will survive the final battle.

At critical moments, the attackers can even sacrifice the sacred artifact and directly use the sacred artifact to enter the holy! The effect is far better than the effect of the soul soldier. The whole person is purified in the purest way, and even his own soul domain will be devoured by the holy spirit of the sacred artifact to form a more powerful soul domain!

"I don't know the goods ..." The energy shrugged his shoulders. Fortunately, the assassin didn't know the goods, otherwise everyone would explain here today.

Chick Follett removed the last bit of residue. One of the five fingers holding the hilt was a part of the body extension, as if the entire hilt was part of his body, and he had an unspeakable comfort.

"Send your fighting spirit in." Energetically recounting Uncle Black's notes: "Go communicate with it and wake it up."

"Om ... um ... um ..."

A thunderous trembling sound came out of the hilt. Everyone felt that Chekforte's whole body suddenly became completely different. A little strange power bloomed outward through his body. It also seemed to break out of control.


It was another metal howl, a sword suddenly popped out of the hilt, it was as soft as mercury, and combined with each other to form a sword.

Thin as cicada wings and as thin as willow leaves, matching the shape of Chekforte, it has an indescribable beauty, and a trace of the power of the Holy Spirit is scattered from it.

"Good sword!" Cheek Follett rarely said the tone of his words very heavily ~ ~ with joy in his eyes.

"I rely! Envy." Broke the wind and stare at the long sword in Chekforte's hand: "It is really a holy weapon! With this thing, comrades can't beat you, right?"

"Well!" Chekforte nodded confidently. "I fight with life and death. I can kill it."

He smiled vigorously without arguing. There is basically not much difference between the Chekfalter with a sword in his hand and a strong man who has entered the saint. The scope of the Holy Spirit in the hands of Chekforte.

Fight against the semi-holy, even against several semi-holy at the same time, enthusiasm and self-confidence can confront it positively, but against a true holy strong, that is another concept.

Although Chekforte is very strong, he has a fatal shortcoming: it is difficult to reveal his true strength in front of others.

On the ground of the real policy dynasty, every time Chekforte shows his true strength, the price is to clear all the people who know the real situation around him. !! ~!

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