Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 635: Father and son

Although it is okay now if the person of the Mysterious Pharmacy Union knows the identity of Chekforte, because motivation is the president, after all, the relationship between man and devil is still very complicated. Chekforte is a mixed-race identity. It's better to wait a little longer to really make it public.

With Baidu's situation like this, Qiu Shuai's strength will often become the weakest one in the team. This holy weapon can make up for many of the points brought in this regard.

As just now, the drive was sneakily attacked, and the only thing missing from the shot crew was Chekforte himself, which was because he was not suitable to burst out the side of his fallen angel blood warrior under the watch of everyone.

That is a special identity that really causes a lot of panic!

"Holy artifact!" Broken wind could not help but drool, and turned his attention to motivation: "comrades! One day when you can forge a holy artifact, give me one, I am People are not greedy. Just one, the best shape is the shape of a cigarette. I can always smoke it, and I will never smoke ... "

Before the request for breaking the wind was complete, I was motivated to fly out. What an odd artifact? Not to mention that you are not capable of forging the sacred artifact, even if you are really capable of forging it, you will not get him. If you let Uncle Black know, would you not be repaired?

"It's getting closer and closer to Gancheng ..." Qiang looked at Gancheng in the distance and sighed.

The crowd didn't say anything ... Pedestrians silently rushed towards Qiancheng. Now the identity of the enthusiast is completely different. As long as they are not fighting in front of the enthusiasm, even if the enthusiasts see the enthusiasm, they will not actively provoke them. . Baidu's identity is sometimes a very important force!

The huge dry city once again appeared in front of enthusiasm and others, and the city that was still not protected by the wall was exposed to everyone's eyes.

Familiar cities, familiar roads, unfamiliar passers-by, and the familiar door of the Qiang family.

And the familiar old man squatting next to the gate of Gan's house.

Honesty! He didn't get any preferential treatment and change in the family because of the change of motives outside his identity. He is still a horseman.

The motivation is very clear. The higher his status, the more he will let his father be a horseman and use this to humiliate himself.

But ... pride flashed on Gan Jin's face, Gan Zhanxuan didn't even know that no matter what job the Gan family gave his father, it wouldn't hinder the pride he got from his father!

"Qian Zhanxuan doesn't understand at all, and never will!"

Enthusiastically turned over and stepped down to step into the sincerity, sitting in front of the door of the Qian family, enjoying the warm air of the south near the desert!


There was a smile on Gan Cheng's face, and his face seemed to be stiffened slightly, and his body turned to the direction of energy.

"came back?"

The sincere voice was a little hoarse, the wrinkles on his face became much more, the body did not look healthy, but there was an indescribable joy in his expression.

"Come back." Energetic squatting beside Gan Cheng: "Come and see you."

"Where to go then?" Gancheng smiled energetically. "These days, I can hear people mention you almost every day. The people around me have changed their attitude towards me a lot, and I am doing well now. You do n’t need to worry about anything. You have to remember that only the stronger you are, the better I can live and the better I feel. "

Baidu's rumor, Mu Nazhence carefully stared at Gancheng for a long time and said, "Energetic, what the uncle said is true. Although the Qiang family is a bloodline warrior family, some people's bloodline power can only awaken once or twice. Not mainstream, but they also want to be stronger ... "

Nodded enthusiastically, yeah! Those bloodline fighters who are not too strong, but still have a little privilege in the Gan family, the only chance to become stronger is to nod themselves, hoping to get an excellent fighter!

What a ridiculous irony! Enthusiastically looked up at the high gate of the Qiang family. Qian Zhanxuan in the high wall once ruled all the people in the Qiang family. Now it seems that he still rules everything, but he doesn't know that everything is slowly Changing, some people dare not resist him, but it does not mean that they have no idea.

In particular, these people still have such a little privilege, and they even want more privileges.

There was no power to shake this system before, so this system is always perfect. When there is a sudden emergence of special ability to shake it, all the imperfections and irrationality will gradually emerge, and naturally there will be more People want to try to challenge the rules.

Actively smiling with confidence, this is a very good signal! In the future, the near future! His strength has reached a certain level, and even many family members will choose a new course for their own benefit. At that time, not only will they defeat Gan Xuan in battle, but they will also lose him completely in terms of influence.

This time, the people who came out of the Qiang family saw the motivation and subconsciously returned to the gate of the Qiang family.

For a long time, none of the Gan family came out. Gan Zhanxuan is in retreat. The newcomer king contest is not just the young and big soldiers. The older generations are performing wars. It is difficult to say who will enter the battle. In order to encounter the battle, Gan Zhanxuan will choose to retreat To adjust your mental state.

Gan Wushuang didn't know where to go. Although other members of the family also have much stronger strength than enthusiasm, and can even kill the motivated people, they know that they can't be motivated now.

All kinds of contradictions are intertwined, and the people in the family simply do not know that they have given birth to this thing, and no one appears. Let the energy talk to Gancheng in front of the door. Baidu's time flies, and soon it's a little late.

Shucheng looked at the sky and patted the dust under his buttocks: "I'm off work, let's go! Let's have a drink for both of us."

In the tavern, he watched his father go for a meal and wanted to be alive with alcohol. On several occasions, he wanted to get up and help, but was pushed back to his seat by Mu Nazhence.

"Let the old man do the work for you, it's his pleasure."

"Uncle Gancheng, your son is back!"

"Uncle Gancheng, your son is so handsome! Have you found a daughter-in-law? I know a good girl."

"Uncle Qiancheng, you are so blessed."

In the greetings of everyone who was eating around, Gan Cheng always happily and proudly hung on his face.

Energetic rarely saw his father's expression, so he sat and watched his father busy for him.

At a table full of food, Gan Cheng stood up with a wine glass, and all the young men immediately followed and stood up. Mu Nazhence smiled and followed, and stood up, not because the old man was a motivated dad, just because The old man's pride made him admire himself.

On weekdays, countless ministers toasting, Mu Nazhence just raised his glass while sitting still, today for an old man ...

Baidu smashed the clouds, Mu Nazhence sighed and sighed. After meeting with the drive, he seemed to have changed a lot, forget it! This is also for your future minister, it can be considered to cultivate feelings.

That's right! It must be like this! Just to cultivate feelings with future ministers, nothing else! Mu Nazhence told himself over and over again, the drive is definitely not his friend, he is just his future minister.

Tell me countless times that Mu Nazhence has believed this statement.

"You can be friends in my family, I respect everyone ..."

"Uncle, don't say that! We can't afford it, and we respect you." The sound of the broken wind sounded first.

Cheek Follett bowed seriously to Gan Cheng and said, "You are a great father, and I admire you."

Burning Road Crazy Song raised his glass in silence.

Mu Nazhence looked at Gancheng in depression, and he easily convinced himself, this old man came again.

"Hehe ... old people, people who go together may not be friends, but I still appreciate motivation." Mu Nazhence also drank the wine in the glass.

Gancheng happily watched the people who stood up and waved their hands quickly: "Sit down, sit down, eat, eat. There is nothing delicious, eat more, eat more. ,,

For a meal, I ate the two chicken legs that my father sandwiched into the rice bowl.

When chicken legs like this were enthusiastic, while they were still living in the family, the father would have such a move at almost every meal. Although not necessarily chicken legs, they must also be other dishes.

However, the energy always felt that it was right. Until this moment, I realized that I had always been very happy, and received a lot of fatherly love, but I never realized it.

"Dad ... it's better ..."

"Dinner, go and do your business after dinner." Gancheng interrupted the motivational words: "I'm fine now, you don't want to go to the family to talk about anything. I don't want me to teach for a long time, you again Go back to the cage of the gods' house. Remember! Come up and show it to Dad, you know? "

Nodding enthusiastically, when he left the house that day, he once said arrogantly: "If I can't make a difference, I won't come back!"

Now, I know how naive and selfish I was at the time. At least I did n’t consider my father ’s feelings. Martial King Qiankun made the sacred king to kill the **** of the night. The Zhou royal family will kill the gods of the night, and the throne of the gods will be the best to abandon the world. The throne of the Indian throne begged the world to be the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou royal family ~ ~ There are no old people who don't like their children.

From birth, my father looked at himself every day. When I grew up, I saw my father twice in a year. How many times can I see my father in my life if he keeps doing this?

Enthusiasm is even a little dare to think about this issue.

"Qian Zhanxuan said that the newcomer Wang contest will take me to watch."

Jingcheng laughed and said that Jing Gen was happy: "He wants me to see you defeated, and I believe I will see your gesture, so! Boy, remember, Dad is watching you in the corner of the stand, and give it to me when the time comes. Fight hard. "

The dish sandwiched by Fen Tu Kuang Song was lightly eaten in the air, and similar words Fen Tu Kuang Xiao also told himself not long ago. !! ~!

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