Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 648: Enter the ruins

Enter the ruins

Huh! A shuttle golden horned beast suddenly rushed out in the sand, and its slender body was like a long arrow. They moved in the sand and popped out of the sand at any time. The sharp corners easily penetrated by the shield pierced the prey's body and took away the essence of the prey's body.

Energetic and steady, the golden body suddenly rises, and the whole shield suddenly appears in front of it. It is like a huge turtle shell, completely enveloping the whole body, and the lines of aggressiveness expand outwards clearly. , Formed a shield fighting spirit visible to the naked eye, and withstood the impact of the shuttle golden horn.

Click! The long horns of the shuttle golden horn that can penetrate the metal shield, and suddenly broke into several sections when struck on the enthusiastic body, and then a hard bone like iron also crackled, and the body exploded directly in the air immediately. open.

Hit it!

Broke the wind and look at the enthusiastic body up and down, the impact and firmness of the shuttle golden horned beast is not the ordinary level, even if it does not move, use the physical body and the fighting spirit to resist? This body ... This body fighting technique is much harder than last time!

Raised his arm and shook his fist gently: "The shield is still a shield, the Fengyun gold body is still a Fengyun gold body. If the sky can be merged together, I can now take the blow of the battle that day. No injuries. "

The burning song of Burning Path couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Every day, everyone is the person who knows each other best. When did the strength of motivation become so strange? Do you want to fight Xuan Xuan?

The burning song madly sucked the air conditioner, and his body is really gold fighting spirit. The defense ability of the supreme gold body has been called a metamorphosis level. I have never seen that body fighting skill can be higher than it. Now the strength In the face of Gan Zhanxuan's blow, he couldn't resist it. How could he resist it? What body fighting skills?

"To be merged together." With a smile of enthusiasm and self-confidence, the Burning Soul Realm is more useful than imagined. It is not just as simple as releasing the burning heat, but it can also burn its own fighting skills and integrate them into a furnace. ,more important……

This is very similar to the rumor, but there are some different Burning Soul Realms, which can burn people's combat power! That kind of function is very similar to the magician's dragon-slaying bloodthirsty madness operation auxiliary magic, but there are some differences, it just increases the combat effectiveness, but there will be no side effects.

In addition, this Soul Realm is not only used by the owner. It can also be spread out to cover the surroundings, so that the soldiers in the shroud can get this kind of excitement. As long as the owner of the Soul Realm wants to get it, then he can get.

Burning the soul realm stimulates combat power, and then later performs the violent soul realm. What power? Enthusiasm can't even imagine how mighty it would be.

Is this really the Burning Soul Realm? The drive is a little dare to doubt, but if it is not the burning soul realm, what soul realm it is.

Broken Wind was very curious and looked at the silent Chekforte. He gave up the enthusiasm for rescue and lost the fallen angel bloodline demon warrior who destroyed the Demon Eye. After absorbing the essence of Lucifer's heart, What will change?

Of all the people, only Lucifer, a Chequerfurt, is the best fit with those essences. In theory, he should get the most benefits.

Duanfeng Fujie can't see what kind of changes the silent killer has made.

Sand, crunching sound under the feet, as if stepping on the thick snow, everyone walked carefully on foot, the ancient barren sand and the sea will always be a life-threatening Warcraft, no one can guarantee Will there be top WoW, suddenly whimpers come out for a walk.

The endless ancient desert sand sea is another two-day trek. A tall snow mountain appeared in the sight of everyone, and the white snow piled up half a mountain peak. It looked like it was placed with the scorching ancient desert sand sea. It's that kind of discord.

If the weird scenery is in the realm of the real policy dynasty, there have already been many adventurer mercenary regiments who want to go into it.

However, here is the ancient desert sand sea, full of death and threatened ancient desert sun.

Some here are just endless fierce Warcraft, they are cruel and fierce, but they will not be interested in these things, let alone think that there is such a strange thing in such a hot place like the ancient barren sand sea.

"Xingying?" Mu Nazhence rubbed his eyes vigorously: "Yes! Xingying!"

Looking at the surrounding environment, I want to know where this projection comes from. It is not a strange thing to see such an illusion in the ancient deserted sea. Everyone can encounter it almost every day. It is just an ancient deserted sea. The scenery in another area was temporarily released to this area.

"This thing is really hard to say! It can be in any direction ... 方向?" Broken wind scratched his scalp: "Someone on the mountain!"

Energetic narrowed eyes stared at the somewhat familiar figure on the mountain: "This is ... barbara ... Bimon?"

Seven princes, one of the three geniuses of the Beamon royalty! Farak! On the same day, the horse thief, Ba Huang, was born with a palm in his hand. He did not die, but Farak, who was just injured by a spurt, appeared in the ancient desert sand!

Why is he here? Furiously frowning, there must be only one copy of the map. Why did you encounter Farak in this place? And look at the barbarian warriors next to him, all of them are physically strong, and they are absolutely tyrannical barbarian warriors, as if looking for something.

What can I look for on this mountain? What else can I look for? Enthusiasm is just puzzled. How did these barbarians find this place?

"Who is that? It won't be preempted by anyone, right?" Broke the wind and turned around again and again to find: "Everyone hurry to find it, otherwise people will be preemptive ..."

"Don't look for it, it's right under our feet." Energeticly pointed at a swirl of quicksand not far away: "Just in the swirl ..."

Quicksand swirl? Everyone looked at each other in astonishment. Everyone was also a strong among the younger generations, but facing such strange areas like the ancient deserted sand and sea, they were still so small.

A small quicksand vortex can bury many people, but it cannot be buried in the station.

Not far away, that huge quicksand vortex can easily swallow a mountain peak. If you really enter it, you want to break free ...

"It must be true!" The eager toes leaped a little to the quicksand vortex. Everyone smiled at each other and didn't say more words. They also launched their own forces towards the quicksand.

What's so scary about a vortex? In the face of the undead army that day, everyone did not die together.

The hot quicksand entangled everyone's bodies, and the forceful tearing force forced everyone to infuriate and protect their body with fighting skills.

咚 …… 咚 …… 咚 ……

The heat flow around the enthusiasm suddenly disappeared, sitting on the ground with one buttock, looking up at the snowy mountains that were so huge in front of him.

The sand is still under my feet, and I feel that I should be coming from below. If I stand on the overseas side of the ancient desert sand, my head should now be facing down.

However, when it really appeared here, everything looked normal again.


Two strong arrows came out of the air to capture the sun, and the motivated left hand lifted up and drew an arc in the midair. The two arrows that could easily penetrate one another fell into his palm very meekly.

Barbarian Shooting! Get up and look at the two barbarian warriors hiding in the bushes not far away, killing arrows: "Shooter with purple vein power?"

In the jungle, two young barbarian warriors are covered with purple lines on their faces. This is a characteristic manifestation of their power to open the veins. When the power of the veins of purple veins reaches the extreme, the whole body is purple.

Missed? Caught up? The two barbarian warriors looked at the arrows in the hands of the enthusiast. Their proudest shooting was the first-class shooting that the eagle in the sky could also be hunted by himself. In the case of a sneak attack, it was easily given I caught it, and found my hiding place instantly.

As an archer, the most important highlight is the one-shot shooting. Never let the hunted prey know his hiding place.

Now, both of these points have failed! A prey who had just entered here, and didn't even understand the environment and terrain, easily solved these two points.

After a brief hesitation, the two purple-blooded warriors suddenly opened their bows and arrows again, and all the arrowheads that had torn apart would reappear with high rotation.

At the same time, two sharper arrows appeared in the hands of enthusiasm, and that cold light instantly nailed to the pupils of the two purple veined warriors.

Suddenly, the two barbarian warriors seemed to be hit by a weird set of magic, watching the arrows in the hands of the enthusiast.

Real shooter! It is not necessary to wait until the opponent shoots the arrows out ~ ~ to know who's shooting is more powerful! Just need ... just one look!

That's right! Energetic hands didn't even have a bow, just just pinching the two retrieved arrows and releasing a hint of arrow, they nailed them in place.

You don't need to bend your bow or take an arrow. You don't even need a bow. It's just an arrow. The two purple-blooded warriors have no courage to put arrows.

"Let the bow down, you are not mine ..."


The sound of two bowstrings trembling in the air still sounded from the hands of the two barbarians. The archer heard a more beautiful sound than playing the piano. He sent a life-saving note, and his thumb was clasped with an arrow. The index finger As a bow beam, then the thumb slipped and the wrist vibrated, and the two arrows broke away from the thumbs that turned into bowstrings, and greeted the flying arrows.

The four arrows collided in the air, sparking the sparks of the stars, and the arrows of the Purple Bloodline Warrior burst into death. The arrows in the zealous hands penetrated the shoulders of the two Purple Bloodline Warriors in the next moment, directing them directly. Nailed to the rock behind them. !! ~!

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