Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 649: 2 ways

Huh! When the metal was nailed into the rock, the instantaneous movement of the broken wind had appeared in front of the two barbarian warriors. Five fingers spread out and directly caught their mouths to prevent them from committing suicide.

A few steps forward to take the potion out of the fighting world, and poured directly into the mouth of one of the barbarian warriors: "Who are you to strike?"

The eyes of the barbarian warrior who was surprised and angry just now showed through his eyes. As the entrance of the potion calmed down, he stared at the drive dumbly: "We are coming with His Highness His Highness Farak."

really! The enthusiasm made sure that there was no wrong person: "So, what are you doing here?"

"His Highness saw a record from a note of his predecessor, saying that he had seen a very strange scenery in the ancient deserted sand and sea, the hot desert, the icy and snowy mountains, and a hint of precious light flashed from the snow ..."

The dull eyes became sober again, and more anger accumulated among the eyebrows: "You ..."

boom! The strong five-finger breaking the wind directly twisted the sober purple veined warrior's neck, and threw the softened corpse on the ground. This is not the time when his hands are soft.

"Farak's affairs" broke the wind and heard the drive, and the reason why he encountered the horse thief and others, also because Farak pushed another stupid barbarian prince Gomez from behind, and wanted to collect the horse thief outside the plug. The regiment finally picked up the horse thief, Bahuang, and gave him a hand, leaving him injured.

With such strength, such a mind and courage, Fufeng Fuji still remembers it, treating him as a potential opponent.

After all, "whether it is a new demonic contest for the demons or a rookie contest for the newcomers to the real dynasty, the barbarians will send younger generations to participate. This is a sign of friendship between the two sides. On the other hand, the two forces are showing off. Very good young generation, don't pay attention to barbarians casually in the future.

The Rookie King Contest and the New Demon King Contest will all have the outstanding young generation of the barbarians playing. This has become a common practice. In this era where the six bloodline warriors may be awakened, the barbarians must show stronger strength, and it must be Will participate in this grand event.

Farak will appear in this place! The enthusiasm has understood everything, this barbaric prince also wants to improve his strength through various methods, so as to deal with the future new king or new demon king competition.

The second bottle of mysterious potion poured into the mouth of the second purple-blooded warrior. The horrified eyes suddenly became blurred and stagnant, and the spirit was once again admired by Mr. Olara's mysterious potion. "Although it is crazy and terrible on weekdays. "But this crazy price" does deploy a magic potion.

"Farak knows, is there anything in the mountain?" "I don't know. The seventh prince said that in such a terrible place, such a strange situation must be a treasure."

Enthusiasm can't be ignored, and Quarkar cleverly hurriedly asked again: "What is Farak's strength now?"

"The strength of the seventh prince ...", the eyes of the purple-blooded warrior changed from stagnation to sneer, the kind of contempt, staring at the drive as if looking at the dead: "Do you want to know? I don't know Let me tell you! If you want to have any thoughts on the seventh prince, you will die terribly, and die terribly ... "

Raising his hand and pinching the opponent's throat, he stopped listening to the menacing threat, intimidation, and curse.

"Let's go!" Energeticly looked at the top of the mountain: "Even if the mountain is Gan Zhanxuan, we should win the treasure, we should still win the treasure."

No matter in terms of the relationship between the Zhenze Dynasty and the Shi family, or the relationship between the drive and the seventh prince Farak at that time, it was really not good.

Because Farak, the seventh prince of the barbarians, was eager to remember that he almost died outside the same day. The two sides can only say that there are festivals and no friendship and friendship. For the next newcomer king competition, naturally, they will have their own strengths.

Tall snowy mountain roads are rugged everywhere, but there is no difference between flat and wide roads at the foot of drive and others, and everyone rushes all the way.

A gorgeous smoke hua suddenly rose directly into the air. The bow and arrow in the hands of the enthusiast almost penetrated the throat of a warrior hiding a release signal at almost the same time.

bad! No way to sneak attack! I sighed with enthusiasm, and wanted to return to him the insidious things that Farak did outside of the same day. I did not expect that the prince was very careful. In this almost sealed space, more than one hidden monitor was arranged. He was anxious. It was a little late to rush to kill at the moment. "

Farak, who moved between the mountains, stopped his majestic body, slowly took off his white cloak, and took the telescope from the person next to him. He stretched a little bit: "Hey? This is not the young guy outside the plug called Energetic "Okay, okay, okay! That's great!"

"His Royal Highness ..."

"It's nothing, it's really time to get excited!", Farak's gaze from the telescope in the hand was aligned with the motivated look from his head: "On the day of the day, I left the front door and entered the ancient When the deserted sea looked for this strange mountain, the prince had heard a lot about him, and the entire real policy dynasty was promoting his affairs. "

"I have also heard that I heard that he was very powerful outside the Sierra Leone that day, and that he had gone to the front of the house ..." A Beimeng bloodline warrior, eyes wide open, looked down at the invisible mountain. Motivation direction: "Her Royal Highness, you have to be careful."

"Newstar, do you want to be careful with my prince? Careful?" Farak's smile was full of self-confidence, and his words showed the high momentum: "His strength, this prince has seen outside the plug. Even fighting spirit There is no strength, but it is only the real propaganda of the dynasty. "What is he better than this prince?" This time he just caught him alive and asked him to forge equipment for the prince and allocate potions. I heard that he still has some skills in this regard. "

"Not even fighting spirits?" Beamon warrior Newstar laughed. "The humans of the real policy dynasty are really some waste that only knows to use their mouths! Your Royal Highness, please continue to climb the mountain. I will help you here. Just caught them. "

"Don't worry." Farak put away the dry mirror, picked a clean stone, and sat on top of the big stone with the momentum of the dragon and the tiger: "In these days, I am constantly looking for here in the ancient desert sand and sea, and my life is real It's too boring. It can be considered an interesting thing to be motivated here. The prince wants to catch him personally. As for the people next to him ... "

Farak gave a glance at Newstar's gift: "It's up to our barbarian, Newstar, a warrior who captures the flame devil! The prince will never forget that your fist is faster than lightning, and your power can be pulled up. Sleeping mountains. "

The smile on Newstar's face was enjoyable, Dai! This is how the highest glory is praised, and only such praise is the true warrior!

"His Royal Highness, the future Lord of the Barbarians, your wisdom is like the **** of the stars above." Newstar kneels on the ground and looks up at Farak religiously: "Your servant Newstar is willing to serve you forever. Even if there is an endless flame in front of you, just a word from you, Newstar will walk into it without frowning, and step out the endless flame for you. "

Farak took a set of tableware from the bucket world, put a fragrant roasted whole lamb on the table in front of him, and gently cut everything on the lamb with a table knife, then cut out a piece of fragrant lamb, put Here it is. in.

Several Beamon fighters looked at Newstar with anger and jealousy, and regretted that they had not spoken in time, so that the credit was taken away by this Newstar.

"Yo? They're starting to eat?" Broken wind swallowed the saliva: "It looks like we're waiting for us, then we hurry up and don't let people wait for us too long." Can't hide, can't In the surprise attack, everyone simply let go of their footsteps, but they were full of leisurely taste, and walked up the mountainside.

Under the snow-covered peaks are turquoise green grass. The grass is surrounded by stones that seem to have been washed away by the water for countless years. They are clean enough to be cleaner than many faces. They contrast with each other and form a beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall women's winter coat m landscape.

Farak sat just like the emperor sitting on the throne of the emperor. He looked at the enthusiasm of leisurely climbing up the mountain like a youth tour, and put a piece of lamb leisurely. Zhong chewed slowly and said, "Energize, it's been a long time. Remember me?"

With a smile of enthusiasm: "It is rare for Farak to remember me."

"Two ways!" Farak raised his forefinger and **** with confidence and said, "First: submit to me and be my slave! In this way, you can continue to live, breathe fresh air, and sleep on beautiful women."

"Good suggestion." Energetic shrugged his shoulders: "But ~ ~ Are you stronger than Gan Zhanxuan?"

Farak's complexion suddenly sank, and the cheeks of several barbaric warriors behind him also stretched their cheeks long. Everyone was not a fool. Such a question was full of ridicule.

"I knew you would answer me like this." Farak's sinking complexion gradually recovered, and he smiled confidently again: "Many people, this is the case. When they don't really face death, they always think that their judgment is Right. I am very big, you can change your decision at any time, but be quicker because ... "

Farak's eyes shot two lights like electricity suddenly, and the murderous gas also sprayed out like a volcano at this moment, directly locked on the broken wind Fuji that looks like Ryojiro: "Your friends will, because of you Hesitation is delayed, and injuries are even lost! "

At the moment when the voice fell, Newstar rushed behind a behemoth of Beamon's monster, and the bloodline war body also started suddenly at this moment. In a blink of an eye, it became Beamon's appearance of more than three meters with brown fur on his body. The Beimeng spirit behind was straight six meters, raised two stout teeth like ordinary people's legs and feet, and filled the wild roar.

[... the six-four-nine-two road text updates are the fastest ...] a! !!

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