
【After a three-day voyage】

[Dark Luffy and Nami arrive in Seymour Shiki Village]

[The port here is very small, and it looks like an ordinary village on the sea, backed by a huge forest]

["This is Seymour Shiki Village, right?"] It's finally here, Nami, you really are very reliable! "】

[Dark Luffy jumped down from the boat, swept across the seagull sky in the summer, and curiously looked at the strange village in front of him]

[Nami compared the chart and nodded: "There should be no mistake, fortunately it arrived, otherwise our supplies would not be enough.] "】

[Saying this, Nami subconsciously covered her forehead]

[After really becoming Luffy's companion, she found that Luffy not only exercised very self-disciplined, but also ate extremely exaggerated, the food originally carried with the help of her sister Nokigao could last for a week, but she didn't expect to be consumed the next day, if she didn't arrive in a few days, it would be dangerous at sea]

["Nami let's separate first, you go to the village to see if there is an inn, I have a hunch that we may stay here for a long time, just right, I will go and see if anyone can help us build the ship.] 】

[After that, the dark road flew in the direction of pedestrians outside Seymour Chiki Village]

[Nami saw this scene and rubbed her forehead, but when she heard the hotel, the corner of her mouth raised an arc: "It's just that I haven't bathed for a long time, so let's go buy some clothes by the way" two four seven. ] "】

[In this way, Dark Luffy and Nami go their separate ways]

[But Dark Luffy then asked for half a day, at first the people of Seymour Chiki Village were very enthusiastic, but when they heard that Dark Luffy needed to build a ship that could really sail, many carpenters with shipbuilding experience shook their heads and chose to give up, on the grounds that most of the boats they built were small sailing ships for fishing, and they had no experience in making boats for sailing, so no matter how many Baileys, they could not meet the requirements of Dark Luffy]

[Hearing this, Dark Luffy can only feel a pity, first go to the village to see Nami's situation]

Bucky: Poof...

Bucky: Dark Straw Hat Kid... That guy, is it serious?! Hahaha

Bucky: How can people in that kind of place have experience in making boats for sailing! Hahaha, finally saw that dark straw hat kid deflated

Ivankov: Look at the Dark Straw Hat boy in some places like the Light Straw Hat Boy

Frenchy: No, I still can't believe that Luffy would be so patient to ask

Sanji: So Dark Luffy is different from our captain, but I'm afraid Dark Luffy will be disappointed in building ships, and I really can't think of any shipbuilding masters in the place where Green Algae Head lives

Solon: emmmm

Solon: Hey, don't underestimate my hometown

Usopp: yes, but... I always felt that Nami and Luffy in that world seemed to have forgotten something important

Whitebeard: Goo la la, maybe there are some folk masters hidden in that kind of place, right?

Bucky: How is it possible, that kind of ordinary place is impossible to look at?

Roger Gold: No, that's not easy to say

Bucky: Huh? Captain Roger said the same? Did you discover something?

Roger Gold: Well, I just feel a sense of familiarity in some parts of that village

Chopba: Familiarity? Huh?! Solon's village... Can it be associated with the pirate group?!

Yamaji: How is it possible?! Is there really any secret in the village of green algae?

Roger Gord: Haha, I haven't thought about it yet, let's take a look

【The other side】

[Nami bought a lot of clothes in the village and found an inn]

[Nami remembered something after taking a bath]

[She and Dark Luffy forgot to agree on a turn location]

[However, considering the size of the village, there are only two inns for outsiders to live in, so Luffy should be able to find her, right?] 】

Choba: !!

Usopp: I remembered that Nami and Luffy Dark didn't agree on a place to meet!

Brooke: Yo hehe, it seems like that's going to be trouble

Sanji: I remember... Dark Luffy also has a poor sense of direction, right?

Solon: Don't worry, that guy will definitely be fine, I won't get lost in that village with my eyes closed, not to mention there are two hotels in the village, Luffy just needs to find someone to ask, right?

Usopp: I don't know why... Suddenly there was a sense of foreboding.

[At the same time, it is approaching dusk]

【Dark Luffy came to Seymour Shiki Village】

【Looking at the street where every house is similar】

[Dark Luffy rubbed his forehead: "It's too bad now, I forgot Nami's agreed turn location, but... Well, there shouldn't be a problem if the village is not big, right? "】

[Dark Luffy glanced at the sky, ready to find Nami first, and then discuss building a ship]

[But half an hour has passed]

[Dark Luffy found himself going around in circles and returned to the same place]

[Seeing this scene, Dark Luffy scratched his hair embarrassedly: "... I'm lost. "】

Bucky: ...

Choba: ...

Usopp: ...

Sanji: Sure enough, the biggest headache happened

Nicole Robin: Ahh In terms of direction, the two captains seem to be similar

Choba: It's like: No problem, a person appeared in front of Luffy!

Sanji: Huh? Wait a minute... That guy is?!

Choba: Is it So, Solon?! (?Д?ノ)ノ

Frenchy: Sure enough, Luffy had good luck

[After discovering that he was lost, Dark Luffy thought about whether to shout Nami's name loudly, so that he would definitely be able to find Nami quickly, although he could release the sight and smell color, but the sight and smell color can only determine the breath of people within a certain range, which is currently not feasible in this village of at least hundreds of people]

[But just at this time, Dark Luffy noticed a green-haired boy with three wooden knives hanging on his body, and Dark Luffy's eyes lit up and he stepped forward to stop the other party]

"Hey, who are you?! The green-haired boy looked at Dark Luffy warily, and subconsciously put his hand on the weapon on his waist]

[Dark Luffy saw this scene, first explained the meaning to the teenager, hoping that the teenager in front of him could point the way, the green-haired boy relaxed after understanding that this was a misunderstanding, but for Dark Luffy's request, he touched his chin first...]

["Hmm... You should probably ask someone this question. "】

["Others? Why? Aren't you a local person? "Dark Luffy doubts]

I saw the green-haired boy silent for a moment, looking at the almost identical house near the side of the night, and said, "Yes, because I forgot too.] "】

Nami: ...


Choba: ...

Nicole Robin: Ahhh This~

Sanji: ... Burst!!! Hahaha, I can't help it, that bastard with green algae, didn't he say that he could recognize the way clearly with his eyes closed?

Perona: Sure enough, that stupid swordsman was a complete road idiot from the beginning

Kidd: This sense of direction...

Trafalgaro: Solon's master, I see that it may be a disease, maybe it needs treatment

Solon: ...

Nicole Robin: Ahh It's really the right time to mend the knife

Sanji: Poof, hahaha

Solon: ...

["So, you're lost too..."

[Dark Luffy looked at the green-haired boy who was silent for a long time, scratched his head and said: "It turns out that locals can also get lost, it seems that the village structure here is really complicated...."] (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Nami: ...

Choba: ...

Sanji: Hahaha... I can't stand it, it's obviously the problem of the guy with the green algae head.

Usopp: It turns out that this is the real foreboding...

Solon: Hey, hey, that's enough, Dark Luffy guy isn't lost too!

Frenchy: Well, Solon

Solon: Huh?

Frenchy: Actually... Ahem, I can't help it

Solon: ... (╯)╯┻┻ Lift Table JPG! You guys!

["Hmm... It's complicated, indeed. Solon looked down and thought for a moment, agreeing with Dark Luffy's statement.

[But noticing Dark Luffy's attire, Solon asked, "By the way, you're an outsider, right?] "】

"Well, just arrived here today. Dark Luffy replied, "My name is Luffy, hello." "】

["Luffy..." Solon said silently several times, suddenly realized, and said in surprise: "Ah, it turns out that the weirdo who was uploaded in the village today and asked everywhere that he could build a ship is you?" What's the matter: It turns out that you are also a, no, a guy who is still my age. "】

["Huh? Do you know where there are people who can build ships? "】

When Solon heard this, he rubbed his forehead and said, "Maybe you know, maybe you don't know, but you look younger than me, you dare to go to sea, your strength should be very strong, right?" "】

【“... Strength? "】

["Yes, that's right, since we are both lost for the time being, let's have a fight. Solon suddenly finished with a smile and touched the three wooden practice knives. 】

[Dark Luffy looked at this scene, did not move, rubbed his forehead and said: "This kind of meaningless battle is still forgotten, right? "】

["None... Significance? Hey, you look younger than me, and how can a contest be a pointless fight?! Solon shouted]

[Dark Luffy shook his head and said, "Because my power is not used against ordinary people, it is only used when fighting. "】

["Ha... Everyman?! You guy! Solon was a little angry: "It seems that it is necessary for you to re-recognize, so let's do it quickly." "】

"As I said, this kind of fight is pointless. "】

[Sensing that the dark luffy in front of him really had no intention of fighting, Solon helplessly grabbed 3.6 hair: "It's really strange, are the people from outside so weird? ] "】

See this scene.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates in the speaking area breathed a sigh of relief.

Usopp: I didn't expect that the green algae-headed guy suddenly planned to fight Dark Luffy

Usopp: If it's really a fight... With Dark Luffy's strength, Solon is likely to die, right?

Nami: How is it possible, isn't that a competition? And Solon wasn't a bounty hunter back then, right?

Frenchy: Yo yes, but Solon loved fighting back then

Choba: Phew~ It seems that Dark Luffy should have nothing to do with Solon knowing him... Right? Eh!!

I saw it on the video.

When everyone thought Solon would stop.

Suddenly, Solon, who had been a few steps away, opened the distance.

Without warning, three wooden knives were drawn.

[This distance, I think you are not a swordsman, it should be fair enough, so come and fight, by the way, if you defeat me, I may tell you who in this village has the ability to build the ship you want!] 】

Sanji: ... That guy!

Whitebeard: Goo la la, that look... It's really a little ghost who won't give up easily

Joe Ellie Bonnie: Now I'm more sure that the people of the Straw Hat Pirates are really crazy people covering their faces .jpg

Reilly: Hahaha.

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