[I heard that the green-haired boy in front of me may know someone who can build a ship]

[Dark Luffy's eyes lit up: "Okay, but..."

"Hey. Solon took the wooden knife into his mouth, held it in each hand, and interrupted his confidence and said: "Don't underestimate people, I don't have any opponents of my age here." "】

[Saying that, Solon put on a posture: "Let's make a move! Remember, show all your strength, otherwise you can't blame me if you get hurt! "】

"All strength. "Dark Luffy watched the words fall, and Solon rushed up]

[Feeling the other party's fighting intent, Dark Luffy rubbed his forehead]

["Since this is the case.... Just give that a try, right? "】

[Five fingers together, began to hold, a layer of pitch-black luster appeared in the fist]

[In the next second, with Dark Luffy as the center, an aura spread out like a terrifying beast, mixed with a faintly flashed scarlet light]

【“... This is?! "】

【Solon's face changed greatly】

[This guy in front of you... What's going on]

[Obviously, it looks like a little ghost, but at this moment, it seems that the figure has risen countless times in an instant, giving people a sense of oppression that is almost gradually unable to breathe]

[Watch Dark Luffy dye his pitch-black armed fist and approach him] 08

[Solon suddenly had a vague illusion of disbelief]

["Block, can't stop!"] And.... Will I die?! "】

[Solon noticed the scene of his arm trembling unconsciously, and gritted his teeth: "What a joke! ] "】

[With a loud shout, Solon rushed up]

[However, the closer the distance, the stronger the terrifying aura like death, which makes people confused]

【All the way to】

【Night, starry sky】

"That should mean you lose, right?"] "】

[A voice pulls Solon back to God]

[Subconsciously raised his head and saw Dark Luffy stretching out his hand to look at himself]

["Whew... Me, am I still alive? "】

[Solon gasped, noticing that sweat had soaked his back, only to suddenly realize that everything he had just felt was not an illusion]

[Subconsciously looking at Dark Luffy, Solon barely supported his body and stood up: "I lost, but what was that just now...?] "】

[As a person who has no opponents among his peers in Seymour Chiki Village, Solon is the first time he has seen this... No, it should be said that it is a monster, are the guys outside so terrifying? 】

[If that's the case, how can he go to the sea to become the strongest swordsman!] 】

"That," Dark Luffy thought for a moment and explained, "It's similar to mixing overlord color with beast killing moves, although I haven't used it on people, but it's very practical every time it is used to capture beasts. "】

["Overlord color? Ha? What is that thing? Solon was stunned. 】

"It may be a bit troublesome to explain, but Uncle Shanks said that that power seems to be innate. "】

["Innate strength... This way. Solon was silent for a moment and asked the question in his heart: "Are all the guys out there as strong as you?" "】

"I don't know. "】

["Huh? I don't know? "】

[Dark Luffy rubbed his forehead and said with a smile: "But, well... Nami said that I am very strong, so I should be considered a little stronger, right? "】


Usopp: Phew~

Brooke: Yo, it looks like Solon is all right

Bucky: But what does it mean to be a little bit stronger?! If the guy in the dark straw hat kid is compared with his peers, he is obviously a hundred million points stronger, right? That guy really doesn't have any common sense.

Ivankov: A hundred million dots... It's really an apt description

Rayleigh: Hahaha, but combine overlord and murderous... That's a good idea

Whitebeard: Goo la la, the extent to which you can do that... Sure enough, that little ghost reached a very terrifying realm in the overlord color

Kaido: After all, that little ghost can already be wrapped in the overlord color, damn it, how old Lao Tzu was at the beginning.

Golden Lion: This is people compared to people, angry to death

Roger Gold: Well, I seem to have vague memories of something

Chopba: Huh?!

["Relatively strong... A little? "】

[Hearing Luffy's answer, Solon scratched his hair, but there was no giving up in his eyes]

[Dark Luffy said: "By the way, I originally thought you would retreat just now, why did you rush up?] "】

"Hey. Solon smiled on his face, put away his wooden knife and said: "Whether it is retreating or fleeing, it is the shame of the swordsman, if there is an insurmountable mountain ahead, if you don't challenge, how can you see the gap, reach a higher realm, and..." "】

[Solon stretched out his hand: "My name is Nonoa Solon, and I am a man who must become the world's number one swordsman, Luffy. "】

Bista: Whether it is retreating or fleeing, it is a shame for the swordsman, hehe, even if it is a failure, it will face it calmly and surpass, which is really a good enlightenment.

Usopp: Solon was determined to become the world's number one swordsman at that time.

Shanks: Looking at the enlightenment of those swordsmen one by one, it seems that I can't relax anymore, Hawkeye, you have to be careful, maybe the throne of the world's number one swordsman will be taken away one day, haha.

Hawkeye: It's okay, I'll wait for all the swordsmen at the highest point, but you, it's a pity, you were originally the most hopeful, and that gap can not be made up with a little less banquet.

Bista: Waiting for all swordsmen at the highest point..., should it be said that it is worthy of being the world's number one swordsman standing at the apex of swordsmen on the sea today?

Shanks: Well, that's not easy to say, maybe I'll surprise you when we meet at the top of the war.

Hawkeye: Surprise?

Shanks: You'll know then, haha

Hawkeye: ... Damn, half of the bastard every time he talks (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!). )

Squirrel: emmmm

Squirrel: Seven Wuhai and the Four Emperors say this in front of our navy, don't forget your position, Hawkeye!

Hawkeye: I'm just the same as the little devil in the video who pursues the realm of the world's first sword hao, obeying my heart, if the navy has an opinion... I don't mind what you guys do

Ghost Spider: Damn! You guy...!

Yamaji: Well, this guy from the green algae... The past doesn't seem so annoying.

Solon: emmmm

Hey, hey, then hurry up and get rid of that damn nickname!

"Solon? Hello, I'm Luffy. Dark Luffy looked at Solon's outstretched hand and held it with a smile.

"What an eccentric guy. Solon looked at Luffy's attitude and scratched the back of his head]

[But at this time, Dark Road Fei's pupil 563 suddenly froze and looked in a direction not far away]

["Huh? Luffy, what's wrong? A hint of doubt appeared in Sauron's eyes.

[Dark Luffy didn't say much, but said: "Come out, I didn't expect that there were such powerful people here. ] "】

"Huh...? Solon was stunned]

Choba: Huh?! ... Can Dark Luffy say awesome people?!

Krohnkadar: Huh? Is it an illusion? With the strength of that little ghost, it should be enough to sweep the Great Voyage, right?

Kidd: Nonsense, the weakest sea in the East China Sea... How could anyone threaten that monster?

Cappenbeki: But... Looking at that look, it doesn't look like a joke, is there really a strong person hidden in that place?

The faces of everyone in the speaking area changed slightly.

At this time, as the video darkened the night, a man wearing a dojo costume, glasses, hair tied into a ponytail, tall figure, and a kind smile on his face appeared on the video street.

Roger Gord: I remember, that costume. Isn't it from the country of Ota?!

["I didn't expect to be discovered..." Koshiro came out of the shadows, and his eyes under the lens looked at Dark Luffy unexpectedly: "But thank you for showing mercy to my disciples just now." "】

"Are you...?" "Dark Luffy looks at Koshiro]

On the side, Solon had already taken the lead in speaking up: "It's Master. "】

["Huh? Is Solon a master? "Dark Luffy let go of subconscious caution]

[Koshiro introduced: "Well, I am Solon's master, and I am also the master of the Ichishin dojo in this village, named Koshiro, hello, Luffy. "】。

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