[In the shaking firelight, Wildfire holds a small book and records something little by little, with a serious face. ] 】

"Mr. Wildfire, what are you recording?" Jiraiya asked. 】

"From the current situation, not only are the farming tools relatively rudimentary, but there are no high-yield and stable seeds and fertilizers, which are the problems encountered by farmers at present. "】

"As for the other problem, it's even more serious. Wildfire replied. 】

"What problem? "】

[Wildfire spat out a turbid breath and said in a deep voice: "Exploitation, oppression and land annexation! "】

"According to current research, the land used to belong to farmers, but because the family encountered various difficulties, they had to sell it to the daimyo. "】

"This is a very serious matter. "】

["The peasants cultivate the land for the daimyo, and the taxes have not changed, and they must ensure that part of it is handed over to the daimyo, and the remaining grain is basically not enough to eat. "】

["If there is another ninja war and there is no food at home, the daimyo will have only one final result - that is, starvation! "】

[As soon as these words came out, I didn't feel ashamed. 】

"This is what our ninjas don't do well, if we end the war faster... "】

[Who knows that Wildfire directly got up and said in a deep voice: "Why are you so confused, in this problem, ninjas do not play an important factor, but catalysts! ] "】

["Without ninjas, as time goes on, farmers still can't eat, believe it or not!"] "】

["The war between ninjas only played a facilitating role in the whole process! "】

[The figure of the wildfire is constantly swaying on the wall, and his eyes reveal the fire: "I have found a revolutionary weapon, an invincible weapon! "】

"What... What sharp weapon? Jiraiya stammered as he looked at the wildfire's glowing eyes. 】

["Agrarian Revolution!! Wildfire stood up and said quietly. 】

Wildfire said it well, but he was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Land, revolution?

How can land be revolutionized?

"Mr. Wildfire, can you be a little clearer. Jiraiya seemed to know what he was going to hear, and his voice trembled. 】

[Wildfire clenched his fists and said: "The agrarian revolution is a revolution that strikes the power stratum headed by the daimyo, abolishes exploitation and debt, and satisfies the peasants' land demands!! "】

In this world, there are close to 100 million farmers, and these people are the absolute majority.

Ensuring their interests and uniting them is the most crucial key to the victory of the revolution!!

Now this key has been found!

The wildfire is excited, like the oil lamp in the house at this moment, constantly swaying, exerting its own light.

At this moment, he was extremely dazzling.

[Zi Laiye's body was constantly trembling, as if he had heard something earth-shattering. 】

["Mr. Wildfire, what land reform is implemented to relieve exploitation and oppression, so that we can not fight? "Tap is also unbelievable. 】

"First of all, the peasants do not want to fight, because if they fight, people will starve to death. If you don't fight, you can only barely maintain food and clothing, and watch the sky eat. "】

"There is no guarantee that you can live longer without catastrophe and disease. "】

["Their life is not guaranteed, they have long wanted to change all this, but they still endure exploitation and oppression, why? 】

[Don't wait for yourself to speak, give an answer directly.] 】

[Because their minds are not enlightened, and they have no power in their bodies!] "】

"So they don't dare! "】

["This is a matter of two aspects, one is the mind, the other is the strength, if they have it, whoever fights the war they dare to fight against whom!"] "】

["Whoever exploits and oppresses them, they will do it against whom!"] "】

[The sound of wildfires is deafening at this moment. 】

[Think about it, nearly 100 million powerful peasants, they oppose war, oppression and exploitation, what kind of force is this! "】

"Ninjas, as instruments of the system, cannot achieve peace at all, because you can't help yourself! "】

"Only by breaking the rotten system can we usher in true peace, and the key to breaking the system lies in the peasants, we must unite them, understand?" "】


Total anesthesia!

Not only was it numb, but everyone watching the movie was scorched and tender.

If you just saw the prosperity under the whitewash of the Land of Fire before.

Now it's more like seeing billions of fires burning.

Danzo: "I seem to have seen a monster!" "

Nara Shikahisa: "Ninjas, as tools of the system, cannot achieve peace at all, because you can't help yourself, this sentence really hit the nail on the head!! "

Senjukuma: "I didn't think that the root of ushering in peace lies with the peasants!" "

"The number of farmers is very large, very large, but as I just said, this is just a key, how to implement it?" "

Uchiha Ban: "Hit the daimyo, what kind of joke, the daimyo is hereditary, in charge of hundreds of millions of people, does it mean that you can be defeated if you defeat it?" "

The fourth generation of Lei Ying: "I also think it's unreliable, the number of farmers is large, but the daimyo has ruled for hundreds of years and has not changed!" All used to it. "

Sarutobi Hinata: "Against the daimyo?" This wildfire is going to turn the whole world upside down!! "

Tsunade: "I admit that the Land of Fire can be exploited and oppressed even as the most prosperous country, but I did not expect it to this extent. "

Naruto: "Why did the daimyo do this, why, this is their country." "

Sasuke Uchiha: "Because people are selfish, who doesn't want to make their lives better, then you're too naïve!" "

Big Snake Pill: "Hahahaha, the leader of the Xiao Organization in another parallel world is not an ordinary big one!" "

Jiraiya: "My scalp is numb right now, and if I were with Mr. Wildfire, it would be very exciting." "

Nagato: "Daimyo?" Hmph, just let them be afraid! "

Sarutobi Hinata: "Then you are against the civilians and ninjas of the whole country, and you will not have any place at all!" "

The fourth generation of Lei Ying: "Are you stupid, really think that you can target the village?" When the movie is over, we will be dead! "

Tuan Zang: "So naïve! "

That's right.

If everyone was afraid of Nagato's power before.

But now everyone has found that Nagato's vision is simply incomparable to the wildfire of another world!

And the big names who heard the four words of land reform.

His face turned pale with fright!!

[PS: The little author asks for flowers, evaluation votes, asks for data, asks for data, asks for data, thank you guys! ] 】

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: September 29th to October 6th)

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