Comparison of Shuangxiao organizations: This leader really wants revolution

Comparison of Shuangxiao organizations: This leader really wants revolution


54 Chapters Ongoing Status

Story of: Comparison of Shuangxiao organizations: This leader really wants revolution

When Pain invades the Konoha Sage state and Naruto appears, a double contrast viewing room comes to the w


Story of: Comparison of Shuangxiao organizations: This leader really wants revolution

When Pain invades the Konoha Sage state and Naruto appears, a double contrast viewing room comes to the world of Naruto.

The contrasting figure is the leader of the Akatsuki organization in both worlds.

Nagato, the leader of the original world, has developed his samsara eye to the extreme, and all he needs to destroy Konoha is one Shinra Tensei!

However, Wildfire, the leader of the Akatsuki organization in the parallel world, is even more shocking.

Relying on the thoughts and understanding of time travel, a technological and ideological revolution was brought to the world of Naruto.

A few years later, when Nagato finally avenged Yahiko's death.

Wildfire has carried out an agrarian revolution in the Naruto world, dividing the land to abolish the debt of exploitation.

Various epoch-making technologies of the Industrial Revolution, aerospace technology, and biological cloning came into being.

Jiraiya: He is not a child of destiny, he is a staunch materialist.

Sasuke Uchiha: The moment I met him, I knew this was the man who could end the dirty world.

Naruto: If my goal before was to be Hokage, now I just want to stand beside the leader of Wildfire.

At the end of the movie, when the two worlds merged, the daimyo of the original world were completely panicked.


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