[Wildfire looked at everyone's bright looks, not frightened at all, but more comfortable to deal with. ] 】

["Before discussing the Rebel Shinobi and Rain Shinobi Village, I would like to ask everyone to think about a question. "】

"Why have so many countries, so many peasant uprisings, not a single one succeeded? "】

[Everyone blinked, thought about it, and it really was! ] 】

[Why did the peasant uprising fail once?] 】

Kakuto thought for a moment and said, "Is it because they don't have the ability to compete with ninjas?] "】

"Yes, how can farmers compete with ninjas."] "】

"The strength gap is too big. "】

【“。。。。 "】

[Wildfire looked at the discussion of everyone in the audience with a smile, and chuckled: "There is a gap, but after the uprising, ambitious rebels will also join, but they will still fail, why?] "】

[Everyone in the audience was collectively dazed... 】

[Wildfire did not sell the pass, and said directly: "Because the peasant uprising only plays a corrective role! "】

["Purge the privileged at the village and town level. "】

"It is not about overthrowing classes and establishing a new order! "】

(Insertion: Zhu Yuanzhang was born as a peasant, but he could not have overthrown the Yuan Dynasty without the support of some landlords such as Liu Bowen, and he actually represented the interests of the landlord class.) )

"The meaning of the peasant uprising is to let those in power know what is wrong, and then correct it! "】

"They don't have effective organization and guidance, but we do! Our revolutionary army has! "】

"Our organization 'Xiao', there are currently two of them, one is Konoha ninja Jiraiya, and the other is Kakuto-san, both of them are excellent revolutionaries. "】

[Kakuto looked at the adoring eyes around him, raised his hand awkwardly and nodded. 】

[But the heart is warm, after all, only two people really enter the core. ] 】

["Our revolutionary army has its own set of processes and systems for screening talents, so that everyone who pays will be rewarded! "】

["Learning ninjutsu is only to increase the chance of survival and kill enemies, not to be superior! "】

["We know that the revolution needs to emancipate the mind first, and if we shout a few slogans to revolutionize, it will definitely fail! "】

["We know that the revolution needs a lot of money talents, so we do business to make money and hurry up to train the team! "】

"We know that revolution needs to unite all those who can be united, people of all strata, and we know that revolution is not the success of one person, but the victory of a group of people! "】

"So we will not fail like the peasant uprising, we will succeed!" "】

[Instant applause thunder! ] 】

[Many people are flushed, and their palms are taking afterimages. ] 】

Daimyofu of the Land of Fire.

At this time, the faces of everyone and the faces displayed on the screen are diametrically opposite.

One by one, their faces turned pale.

The daimyo of Mizunoku swallowed his saliva and said, "A bunch of madmen, what a bunch of madmen!" "

The daimyo of Tsuchinokoku gasped slightly, as if frightened by the sight in front of him.

"It's ridiculous to watch wildfires train a group of civilians, but I can't laugh now."

"This man is not a peasant uprising!"

"He is right, he first emancipates his mind, accumulates strength, and waits for the outbreak of war, when more and more people will join his ranks."

"Could it be that the revolution in the Land of Rain will really succeed?"

After hearing this, everyone's faces tightened.

The Daimyo of the Cloud Country said with a stiff face: "It can't be, after all, the ninja is on the side of the daimyo nobles." "

"Even if he cultivates a revolutionary army and can know ninjutsu, he is still a lot worse than the ninja in the ninja village."

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation thought about it and smiled slightly.

Holding a folding fan to cover his mouth, his eyes skimmed: "Although they are organized and have someone to guide, ninjas are not so easy to deal with." "

"Even if the rulers of the Land of Rain are stupid, they know to maintain the status of ninjas."

"In this way, the enemies of the revolutionary army are the Yu Ninja Village and the rebel Shinobi."

"They can't deal with the ninja forces of the three major countries, and they can't deal with the larger armed riots?"

"Hahaha, that's right, it's right, we think too much." Everyone clapped their palms, their faces eased a lot, and they began to appear red.

Compared to the daimyo of several other countries, the daimyo of the Fire Nation secretly thought in his heart.

"Wildfire is not a brainless person, he will not fail to see this, but how to resolve it?"

[Wildfire looked at everyone's excited looks and was happy. 】

[It is to let everyone feel that the revolutionary army itself is different from the peasant uprising, so that the superiority can be reflected in this situation! ] 】

[After everyone stopped, Wildfire continued: "Now let's discuss, Rebel Shinobi and Rain Shinobi Village!] "】

[When I said this, everyone's expressions became a lot more serious. 】

[For ninjas, revolutionaries are still a little daunted, although they have learned ninjutsu. 】

[But in terms of strength and experience, there is still a big gap compared to the ninja inherited by the family. 】

[Wildfire shook his head slightly: "Ninjas are very powerful, you who did not join the revolutionary army, it is not a problem to fight ten or hundreds of them one by one. "】

["But now that it has changed, the revolutionary army can also ninjutsu, can you tell me now that if you face a ninja, can you let him hit you a hundred a hundred?" "】

["Can't! The crowd roared. 】

"Can you get him to hit ten of them one by one?"] "】

["Fight to the death! "Everyone saw death as if they were at home. 】

[Wildfire said in a deep voice: "Very good, we must know that all rebels and ninjas are paper tigers!"] "】

"On the whole, we have to despise it, and from each inning, we have to value it, because it has claws and teeth, and we have to solve it one by one. "】

"For example, he has ten teeth, the first time he knocks out one, he has nine, and he knocks out another one, and there are eight. "】

【"After the teeth are knocked, it still has claws, step by step seriously, and finally it can always succeed! "】

PS: Thanks for the monthly pass of the 30xxx guy!

PS: It's not easy before a new book hits the shelves, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for data, ask for data!

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