Naruto: "All traitors and ninjas are paper tigers??? "

Sasuke Uchiha: "Hmph, tactically despise each other, but value each other, so wise!" "

Sarutobi Hinata: "Under this kind of psychology, even if you fight against the ninjas in the village, your abilities will be brought into play, and there will be no nervousness." "

Senjukuma: "Such a powerful leader, wouldn't it be better if Konoha handed him over to govern." "

"Brother, we are all dead in the other world, and this child has not yet been born..." "

Thousand Hands Pillar: "Well, that's a shame." "

Bo Feng Shuimen: "So smart, and his remarks, like a wise man, no wonder Zilaiye teacher is willing to follow him." "

Fei Duan: "Jiaodu, why don't you speak, you turned out to be a revolutionary!" What kind of joke, aren't you the most fond of money? "

"Nothing but money, not interested, why is this!"

Kakuto: "Well, maybe I've been lonely for too long and want some warm bonds." "

Kakuto looked at himself in another world on the screen, and felt a little empathy.

He understood why he would do what he did in another world.

In addition to immortality and hatred, there is nothing in the heart, but it longs to be respected and cared for.

Don't want to become a monster, but to become a person again!

He felt it in the ranks of the revolutionaries, so he stayed in the other world.

Nagato: "This leader is powerful!" If it were me, I would not be fit to lead them! "

At this time, he sighed softly.

The shadow of his childhood took an indelible toll on him.

Now that he is the leader of the Xiao Organization, he still lets Yahiko stand in front and command everyone and hide behind the scenes.

[After the wildfire, everyone also lifted their spirits. 】

["That's it, what is a ninja, I can also ninjutsu now!"] Some trainees said with a smile. 】

["Haha, despise the opponent, value the opponent, Mr. Wildfire is really powerful! "】

"I want to try it against the ninjas in those villages now to see who is strong!"] "】

[Kakuto looked at the wildfire on the stage, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. 】

[It is worthy of being a natural leader, often a sentence can boost everyone's morale, which is not something that ordinary people can do. ] 】

[And as a member of Xiao, isn't it too revolutionary to keep a small vault now...] 】

[Wildfire doesn't know what Kaku is thinking, and after everyone recovers, he continues.] 】

["First of all, let's introduce Yuyin Village, the leader of this ninja village is Hanzo, a man known as a demigod with good strength. "】

[And there is also a psychic beast pepperfish, which usually spits out poison and is either dead or disabled. "】

"There are more than three thousand ninjas under him, which is already the limit number that the Rain Ninja Village can accommodate. "】

["Compared to the Rain Ninja Village, there is still a big force in the territory of the Rain Country, that is, rebellion! "】

"These rebels come from various countries and different places, and there are many ninjas from the five major countries. 】

[Almost every ninja who defects, will form or join forces in search of protection and survival.] "】

"There were more than three thousand people, but they couldn't be integrated, so Hanzo didn't care. "】

[After introducing the two major military forces in China, the following words wildfire paused, leaving time for everyone to digest. ] 】

[By the way, two intersecting circles were drawn on the blackboard behind him, one with Yu Shinobu written in it, and the other with Rebellion Shinobu written on it! ] 】

Wildfire cleared his throat and said, "Do you think that we are facing a full 6,000 ninja troops?"] "】

Many students nodded unconsciously. 】

["Wrong! Wildfire drew another circle and intersected the previous two, slapped it on the board. 】

"We're only dealing with some of them, and not all ninjas like to kill!"] "】

["Some are also peace-loving, but I don't know why they keep fighting! "】

"These rebels and ninjas are the ones we need to fight for!"] "】

"Mr. Wildfire, do you mean that our propaganda team can go for the ninja now?"] Someone asked excitedly. 】

["Fight for ninjas, if it really comes true, our strength will increase greatly! "】

["Yes, yes, why didn't I expect to fight for ninjas, how stupid! "】

Just when everyone was excited, wildfire knocked on the blackboard. 】

"Our strategy is to unite civilians and win over ninjas, and our focus is on the former, so the job of the propaganda team is to sow the seeds of revolution in the northern mountain range, a gathering place of displaced people! "】

["When will the ninja fight?" Kawaki asked, raising his hand. 】

["To fight for a ninja, you must first have enough strength, have you ever seen a rabbit make friends with a lion? Wildfire said lightly. 】

[One word to wake up the dreamer! ] 】

[Yes, this world is the law of the jungle, if the strength is not strong, no ninja will care and join. ] 】

[Even if your revolution is great, joining is not a choice of death! 】

[There are too few ninjas like Jiraiya. 】

"We must first sow the seeds of revolution in and around the mountains, uniting peasants, workers, and laborers of all professions."] 】

[Unite progressive-minded merchants and samurai nobles!] 】

[When the germination and blossoms, it is the time for our revolutionary army to expand outward and win over other major forces. "】

"By that time, the fire of the revolution will be burning from the entire northern mountain range. "】

["The sparks of the stars shine in the distance, and then burn to the entire country of rain, becoming the power of the plains! 】

[Therefore, the revolution will win!! "】

PS: Thanks to the 134xxx guy for the 100VIP tip.

PS: The little author asks for flowers, evaluation votes, data, all data, thank you guys.

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