Complete Body

Chapter 1095: : Earth Defense Program

On Xingtan No.1, Luo Yun was recalled by Zhixi.

"Mother Zerg civilization is on the verge, how can we resist? Although we can't detect how many fleets there are, but there should be a lot of numbers. All of our current interstellar fleets may not be able to fight together! Even if we have the ability to fight, we will definitely Pay a painful price. "Luo Yun was shocked when he heard the news.

For Luoyun, she is naturally very nervous. This Zerg civilization, without the concept of captive surrender in their eyes, will be completely engulfed by the invading civilization. This is their inherent anger.

The expansion of their civilization is a devastating history of invasion, which can be described as living and living.

In the wisdom civilization that Muxi has experienced, they have also encountered such Zerg civilizations. Their actions are highly unified. At the level of galaxy wars, under the same conditions, they have great advantages. Their powerful reproductive ability can be almost Unlimited consumption. (, Domain name (remember _ 三 "Yes, Zerg civilization is also in the universe Known as: dark civilization or marginal civilization, although some have evolved into higher-order civilizations, they are still despised by other intelligent civilizations. In addition to their way of conquering civilizations, other intelligent civilizations are inferior, and more importantly, this obviously belongs to The reproduction of low-level creatures makes this civilization look incompatible with other intelligent civilizations. "Xixi said.

"Then how do we deal with it?" Luo Yuan asked, looking at the signal on the hologram.

"This will be a tragic small-scale interstellar war. From the strength of the signal source, they should be an offensive forward fleet. All ships add up to about 5 million. But it is extremely large. Some of them are unmanned attack aircraft and strong attack aircraft, and there are no more than a thousand large-scale attack ships and shield ships! We certainly can't deal with such a scale! "Mu Xi replied.

"Mother, don't scare me, this scale is too large?" Luo Yun's face was pale after listening.

"The size of the main battleship of less than a thousand ships can only be regarded as a small unit in high-level civilization. The real galaxy war is not as simple as you think. It will exceed the scope of human cognition!" Said calmly.

"But even such a small unit, we can't bear their blows!" Luo Wan said, while remembering the countless classic science fiction movies in human history before, pictures of alien civilizations invading the earth, and these pictures There are very few alien civilization fleets, and a dozen or hundreds of large warships are enough to destroy all humanity.

And now there are nearly a thousand large warships and five million ships of various types. Such a scale can instantly disappear the entire earth from the universe.

"According to the coordinates of several intelligent civilizations in the Great Ursa Galaxy that they destroyed before, according to the current speed, they can reach the edge of the Rossima Stellar Galaxy within half a year." Jian Xi let Mayfair calculate the result directly .

"Only half a year? But isn't this coordinate still close to a hundred light-years away?" Luo Wan said.

"This is a fleet of top-level civilizations. It can fly three-level curvature, and it can also be transmitted using the ring of stars. I am afraid it will not take half a year if it reaches the Rossima star system directly. My estimate is that they need to be looted along the way. Satisfy their massive consumption! "Mayfair said next to him.

"This is terrible, then we have no way?" Only half a year, even if there is enough fleet support, with the current technological capabilities of the earth, the interstellar fleet will reach the Rossima star system in nearly three years. .

I am afraid that by then I will see a broken star system and a lifeless Dali Ashti.

"No hurry, there is still a way!" Mu Xi replied calmly.

"What is the mother's way? I know your abilities, but in the face of this million-level fleet, let alone confrontation, I am afraid that we will be directly overwhelmed when confronted." Luo Yun said anxiously.

"But you said to me before that the Siberian Stars are willing to assimilate the Dali Artesian to us, that is to say they won't manage everything. Now that they are facing such a crisis, how can they help each other?" Luo Yun naturally knows the reason for this. x33novel m.x33xs

"I will convince them, but even if they do n’t agree, I still have another way! I ’m calling you to see how to speed up the development of the Dali Ashti Stars. Although it may be a little urgent, we have now Entering the universe ecosystem, these crises will come at any time. It used to be estimated that it will take a hundred years, but now it seems that it may be shortened. I have drawn up a reinforcement plan and am ready to submit it to the Star Fleet Alliance and the United Nations for approval ~ www. ~ As for this crisis, other people do not need to know, so as not to cause panic! "said Xixi.

"That mother wanted to go to Tupperara in person? Even if they agreed, it would be too late to send a fleet! As for the accelerated development of the Dali Athetis, I will discuss with them as much as possible, after all, beyond the span of several eras, This is not an easy task, "Luo Yuan said.

"Persuading them to just file, I will leave Scout One within half a year, and you will take over the role of captain. Mayfair will help you! If the reinforcement plan agrees, they will definitely act immediately. I know there will be no acceleration It ’s a small disadvantage, but if it can complete the transition to the current civilization in a normal life cycle, this is naturally the best. ”Mu Xi said.

"Ah, when will you come back?" Luo Wan was surprised.

"It is not clear at present, it may take about ten to twenty years, the Zerg affairs must be resolved first, and then hope to solve similar problems, using the alien civilization to establish an earth defense plan." Xixi said.

"Earth defense plan?" Luo Wei heard this for the first time.

"Yeah, I have considered this matter for a long time. From the current human fleet power, it is impossible to resist the attack of alien civilization, no matter from the technological level and the number level. So the only feasible thing is to borrow aliens. The power of civilization to achieve defensive purposes, that is to say, let them provide us with protection. "Xi Xi nodded and said.

"But ..." Luo Yun was stunned, and it was crazy to let alien civilization protect the safety of the earth!

"So this matter is very cumbersome, maybe it will not be enough for twenty years, and I will come back during this period. I have explained the reason for leaving to the Star Fleet Alliance. If there is no accident, they should agree!" Luo Xi said.

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