Complete Body

Chapter 1096: : Camille Star

A few months later, when the local Interstellar Fleet Union received news that Jian Xi had stepped down as captain of the Scout One, Luo Jien and other core members were very surprised, and the reason given by Jian Xi shocked these people, because she had the authority Only the highest commander reads, so this makes Luo Jien extremely embarrassed.

"Several, this matter is very serious, and it is so serious that the entire human life and death is alive. Now that time is running out, how do you think about this decision of Academician Luo?" The conference hall was empty, with four or five top core members sitting The expression looked serious.

"I have incredible trust in her. In fact, many people do n’t need to say anything. Although she is very dangerous, this may be the only way. It ’s just that I do n’t know how she deals with Zerg civilization. We do n’t have Any fleet that can reinforce her. "Zhang Tianwei said.

"She is a mysterious woman. There is indeed nothing we can doubt about her. We owe her too much. Every earth is facing a crisis. Currently, only she has the ability to stand up. The previous Kataloni incident Later, the missing case of Luo Wei was handled by her alone. On the path of exploring alien civilization, she blazed a trail out of the way. Otherwise, we may only be turning around in the solar system now. No matter how, once this crisis is lifted, I want to allow several alliances to give her the highest power, which can be regarded as a kind of recognition for her. "Luo Jien said.

"In this case, she will override anyone. Any organization, any power, I am afraid that the UN side cannot pass it!" Others said at this time.

"This is my proposal, and naturally needs the approval of other alliances, but if this crisis resolves, it seems that even giving her even higher power. Compared to the continuation of the entire human civilization, what are these powers, not to mention her Is it the kind of person who takes power as a profit? For so many years, there are too many people who are superior to her and have more power, but I am afraid that no one will be able to match her in terms of contribution. She was still unknown. Academician Luo, even Luo Wan only came to the present on her own strength, so her character can definitely be trusted! "Luo Jien said.

"We naturally believe in her too, but we still have to wait until after the incident to say that the existence of a crisis is always a sword hanging over our heads."

Then all these agreed with the proposal of Luo Xi, let Luo Wei serve as the captain of Scout One, and she stepped down. As for what she was going to do, no one except these people could know it, it was top secret.

When the appointment letter was sent back to the base on the Lyasheti star, it was less than two months before the Zerg arrived.

For this new appointment, all members of Scout No. 1 have no objection, Luo Yun ’s ability over the years is obvious to everyone, and this is the appointment of the alliance, the most important thing is the proposal made by Xixi, so tens of thousands Everyone feels not used to it.

As for the fact that Mu Xi is about to leave Scout One, preparing to return to the solar system, many people are a little surprised. According to the normal procedure, it must be that the ship is rotated, and the work process is handed over and then back.

But the objection is the objection, as long as the normal operation of the base can be guaranteed!

Luoyun was naturally reluctant to leave her mother, but now that the crisis is coming, she knows what matters most. Moreover, Xi Xing has taught her a lot of new cognitions, enough to cope with the situation on Dali Ashetti.

With the help of Mayfair, Mu Xie can learn about the emergency situation as soon as possible.

There is also the unprecedented prestige established by Chilly in Cherinai, which can completely explain the sacred status of the base in the Dali Atheti.

"Mother, you have to take care of yourself, although I know nothing can embarrass you, but after all, it is facing a civilization without a bottom line." At the time of parting, Luo Yun knew that no matter how much he said, he could not express his concern for his mother.

"I will be careful. From now on, you will have to independently control the entire plan. When you encounter something, you must first analyze it and discuss it with Mayfair. She will give you the most pertinent advice." Xi Xi laughed.

"I know!"

When the shuttle that Mu Xi took left Star Scout One, he slowly flew towards the deep space. Everyone on the expedition ship was watching it silently. They didn't know what to say, they could only silently leave!

Muxi only takes an ordinary shuttle, reaching a maximum of 100,000 kilometers per second.

Muxi has not been out alone for more than two decades. Although the arrival of this Zerg crisis will cause Dali Ashti to be extremely dangerous, it is not difficult for Muxi to solve this matter.

But since mankind stepped out of the solar system, there will be more and more cosmic crises, so the establishment of an earth defense system has become the first choice for Xixi.

As far as the current earth technology is concerned, like a fort without a fortification, it is easy to be defeated by alien civilizations, and if you want to win a place in the universe ’s ecological circle, it takes more than 100,000 years to measure by military power .

So now we can only use the power of other intelligent civilizations to support the earth's umbrella.

This is also the most direct and effective way of Xixi.

This invasion of Zerg civilization is undoubtedly an opportunity.

Forty light-years away from the Rossima galaxy, this Zerg fleet has just completed the plunder of an asteroid and is ready to restart in the direction of Dali Assetti.

Camille, their mother planet is 300,000 light-years away from the solar system, is a galaxy called Ladabner. They belong to the Zerg civilization of the top civilization. From the appearance, they are completely different from the imaginary insects. They are regarded as humanoid intelligent civilizations.

If it is distinguished from the appearance, the long tail and the six erected tentacles on the head may be similar to insects.

Their heads are in the shape of a horizontal rugby ball, and two pairs of eyes ~ ~ are respectively growing at the sharp points of the ellipse, and can rotate 360 ​​degrees in all directions.

The wide mouth has sharp and small teeth, and the tongue like a crawling thing can extend nearly half a meter away. There are tiny sprouts around the roots of the six tentacles at the top of the head. This spur is used to collect high-frequency signals A way of communication for Camille.

Although they also have their own language, they can speak directly, but more often use high-frequency signals to communicate.

Most of their bodies are not tall, they are very thin, and the skin surface is covered with muscle shells of different sizes. This calcified muscle shell is hard and strong, which can effectively protect the vital parts of the body of Camille Star.

Their limbs are well developed, and the middle of the three fingers of the upper limb has evolved with sharp claws.

The tail is long and thin, with small spikes, and this spike is toxic. Like the bees on the earth, this spike can only be used once in a lifetime, but it will not kill.

The social structure of the Camille star and the queen population are different. The difference is that males can have countless female breeding partners and carry out a large number of reproductions.

The group structure of the Camille Stars is the same as the queen ’s population structure in that through thousands of years of evolution, different types of Camille Stars have been differentiated, like worker ants, soldier ants, etc.!

In addition to the difference in appearance, their body shape is also fundamentally different.

The largest is nearly ten meters high, and the shortest is less than one meter, which also leads to their strong division of labor and cooperation ability, thus developing a very high-tech level.

This time to a small part of the fleet of the Rossima star system, it is also for plunder and expansion!

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