Complete Body

Chapter 1313: : The Realm of the Secret Door

   At the time of 1686 in the ephemeris and 3866 in the solar calendar, Zhixi had already incorporated the eighth galaxy alliance as the Earth’s defense system, and a complete defense system would be formed just one short of the end.

"Sister, this Latosia star is really difficult to deal with. We spent a full two hundred years patrolling the year. If it were not for the turbulence within them, we might not have been able to surrender it!" In an unfamiliar starry sky, the Suzaku shuttled on the star course, and the super-breathing star chart showed countless ships passing by in an instant. This was an extremely busy course. Heina lay in the resting cabin leisurely, enjoying a moment of tranquility.

"The opponent is a civilized race that is striding toward a god-level civilization. It is naturally proud and arrogant. We can surrender it. In addition to our own abilities, it is mostly luck. However, once such a civilized race contracts with us, it will never I'm sorry. The list of the first seven galaxy alliances also informed them of their commanders, they can completely predict our potential." Zhixi smiled.

   "Sister, are we ready to start expanding after the entire system is completed?" Heina asked.

   "Yes, we have gone through so many, just for this moment, instead of becoming someone else's affiliation, it is better to become the overlord, not to mention the strength of the earth now." Zhixi replied.

"I heard from you before that the Pashtunmans suppressed the number of your fleet in order to prevent one day from threatening them. If we want to expand, this fleet is naturally not enough! I am afraid that before the contract with the other party, A large number of fleets need to be built to be able to cope with the opponent's counterattack."

"Yeah, I also thought about this. In the early stage, it is natural to form a joint fleet. Since they are willing to surrender to me and provide help to the earth, it should be no problem to allocate a fleet. The time we need to build a fleet by ourselves It’s a bit long, and the resources currently available on the earth are far from enough to sustain the consumption of galaxy wars. Therefore, borrowing their fleet power and establishing a huge fleet construction base is the key." Zhixi nodded and said. .

   "At that time, we will also participate in the news!" Heina laughed.

"You should develop well, but you did a good job when you stayed in the Henni slang galaxy alliance. You got the attention and support of the Marargon star people, and now you should have an extraordinary galaxy fleet." Zhixi said.

"Well, when I left, there were almost two fully-armed fleets. After nearly six hundred cruise years, there should be at least six fully-armed fleets. At that time, I will lead a fleet of Neos Stars to participate in the galaxy war. Get some military merit," Heina said.

   "Haha, you are thinking about the future of the new star people!" Zhixi laughed.

"This is natural. My sister's goal is too far-reaching. I know that I can only follow you. In the future, these members of the Earth's defense system will be included in the star field of the Earth Alliance. I will naturally take advantage of my advantages and give the News star a survival. Space." Heina said.

   "The establishment of this goal will take a long time, but you can rest assured that my sister will definitely not treat the News star people badly!" Sai Xiu said.

   "Actually, the greatest pleasure for me is to follow my sister and experience things that other civilized races can't encounter." Heina said solemnly.

   "I know what you want, but following me for so many years has delayed you a lot. According to the way of life of your News star, you may have to take over the power of the upper father." Sai Hao said.

   "This is my willingness, and besides, I have promised you. After this last one is completed, I will return to the News Starman and spend the rest of my life peacefully, unless my sister needs me!" Heina faintly smiled.

   "When the expansion really started, I am afraid that you have already passed away, so as long as you can spend the rest of your life safely, everything will be fine! Sister, thank you for your company too!" Sai Hao said.

   "If there is reincarnation, I am willing to continue to follow you!"

"There will be. Maybe in the future you will join the battle in the Newce Stars fleet! Although life will pass away, it will not disappear, but it appears in a different way. It will reappear in a certain starry sky and at a certain time and frequency. Bloom." Zhixi sighed.

   "It might be better if the next reincarnation is on the planet Earth!"

"In fact, no matter where you appear, the important thing is your own inner yearning. There may be no chance of meeting between us, but you will definitely meet a companion worth following. The eternity of the universe is rebirth in continuous progress. The fate between life is like these various rays thrown into the starry sky by stars. They will always collide with each other at a certain moment, so that they can burst into brilliant light." Zhixi said. First release https://https://

For Heina, it is natural to want to be with Zhixi until the end of her life, but she also knows that for the News star, she still has a lot of missions to complete. Her father is about to step down. As the young master, she Need to take responsibility.

Although she still has brothers and sisters, they are all busy for their own interests. The rise and fall of the family depends entirely on the support of her father. During these years on News, Heina relied on her own ability to restore the family to Heyday.

   And now she is the most promising candidate to take over the family power. Coupled with the huge influence of her family, it is not impossible for Heina to become the supreme power of the News star. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   The sea of ​​stars, UU reading www. What a beautiful yearning this is, Heina has also realized it, but after all, it is over. She has followed Zhixi for so many years, and she also understands how lonely this seemingly powerful Earth star is.

   Many times, she feels very distressed!

   Suzaku flew towards the final target, and slowly the ships began to be scarce on the constantly changing star course.

   When the Suzaku jumped out of the curvature voyage, they came to a strange starry sky.

   It is shown from the Transcendent Star Chart that this is a masterless star field, the Ozark star field, also known as: the secret door field!

According to the information displayed on the Suzaku, the Ozark star field was born during the two billion years after the eruption of the universe. At the beginning of its birth, it was filled with various materials and energy rays. Later, in the constant mutual gravitational activity, it will maintain the stability of the starry sky. The dark energy is shattered.

   As a result, the situation here has become very bad. Through the gravity detector, it can be seen that the energy yarn like a net stretches within the range of 10,000 light years.

   These energy loopholes are like unsteady secret doors, which are the curvature channels of space-time called by Complete Body.

   Unknown planets, ships, or even the entire star system will appear inexplicably here anytime and anywhere.

   Then after these objects appeared, they would be swallowed up and disappeared by these secret doors inexplicably, and no one knew where they would be teleported to.

   Therefore, the Ozark star field has also become a taboo place for many civilized races. Very few ships will pass here because they don't know when the secret door will open and be swallowed.

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