Complete Body

Chapter 1314: : The Dugu Spirent Star

Although the Ozark Star Territory is a taboo place for civilized races, it is also an excellent place to cross the universe for civilized races who are about to enter the god-level civilization. Dark energy is unstable, and time and space curvature channels are always available. It may be opened, maybe the starry sky that arrives at the other end is the end of the universe.

   This of course depends on the understanding and control of dark energy by these civilized races, but once they are not well controlled, they are likely to enter the sub-universe, and then they may never be able to return.

   Sub-universe, a form of space between the barrier of quiet space and the universe. There is no energy or force field in this space, only pure matter can exist.

   In this universe, due to the energy field, the disappearance of the force field will cause any dynamic system to fail, the force between matter and matter also disappears, and the ship may be instantly decomposed into particle states.

   That is to say, in this universe, if the life forms want to survive, they can only live motionlessly, otherwise it is easy to make a small movement and immediately break the bones.

   Superstring is ubiquitous here, and it is also one of the foundations of the structure of the universe.

   So only civilized races who are familiar with the superstring do not worry about being mistakenly entered into the sub-universe.

   And the sub-universe is also extremely unstable. The sub-universes that may be encountered only exist for a few femtoseconds, or may exist for tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years.

The   sub-universe can also be said to be a spatial representation of the curvature channel of space-time.

  泞浠 came here because the Suzaku’s message revealed that there is a very ancient and magical civilization in this star field.

  According to the time of birth, they should have entered a god-level civilization, but in fact they are only in the top civilization form.

   Their magic is similar to the Xianli star people that Zhixi has encountered before. This civilized race can fully control the superstring and only survives in the Ozark star field.

   They are called the Sborn Stars, and they are called the Invisible Stars by other civilizations.

   This kind of invisibility refers to the living state of the Spoons. Due to the unstable structure of the star field, space-time curvature channels may appear at any time, so the planets of the Spoons will often disappear in the starry sky.

   In other words, they will appear in this starry sky today, then they may disappear tomorrow, and then appear in another star field.

   After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, they finally mastered the superstring, and because of this living condition, they did not have much resources to develop their own strength. Although the technology has reached the top level of civilization, the actual combat effectiveness is extremely weak.

   So over time, they are accustomed to living in such a star field environment, and don't have to worry about other civilizations coming to invade, because the power of the superstring allows them to actively enter the space-time curvature channel and disappear.

The Spoons lost their own star system hundreds of millions of years ago. They are also known as the loneliest civilized race. They have lost the light of the star system needed for life. The Spoons can survive only on Spoons. Now, it is definitely a miracle.

   And this miracle is created because of the existence of superstring.

Strictly speaking, the Spoons do not meet the conditions of the Earth’s defense system, but Zhixi still took a fancy to them. The most important reason is that they have mastered the superstring ability, and humans want to start large-scale expansion in the near future. Earth, it is necessary to use sufficient military strength to conquer other civilizations. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

  Combined fleets are certainly possible, but Zhixi knows that large-scale galaxy warfare is very expensive, and the alliance members of these defense systems can provide fleets for a while, but it is quite difficult in the long run.

   So it is rooted in the fundamentals, but I still need my own strength.

But hundreds of millions of ships cannot be built in a short time. Zhixi does not want to wait for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. Then building a ship similar to the Suzaku can greatly reduce the number of ships. Increase the combat capability.

   So the use of superstrings can solve such problems.

  泞浠 needs a civilized race that can master and develop superstrings, and the Spoons are currently the best choice.

   As soon as the Vermilion ship entered the Ozark star field, Zhixi could clearly perceive the extremely unstable dark energy fluctuations.

She turned on all the monitoring systems of the Suzaku to deal with the unpredictable curvature of time and space. She knew that even if the Suzaku entered the sub-space, there would be no problems, but it could not navigate the Ozark star field steadily. Unable to find the Spearman.

   Regarding the search methods provided by other civilized races in the Star City, Xi Xi basically didn't believe in it. If it was so easy to find, I am afraid that the Sborn Stars would have been swallowed by other civilized races.

The existence of the superstring allows the Suzaku to return to normal space after being entered into the space-time curvature channel. Although this process can be completed in an instant, it may be a few light-years away from the original starry sky, or hundreds of light-years away. distance.

   So you must be careful when sailing here and try not to deviate from the course.

   The entire Osson star field is dead and silent, without any stars, and without light. After hundreds of millions of years, these materials have long been transformed into particle states under the agitation of dark energy.

   This is similar to the situation before entering the barrier of silence ~ but the only difference is that there is also a civilized race here.

   Nearly ten thousand light-years away, there is only one civilized race to survive, and there is only one planet. This is definitely one of the most miraculous civilized races that Zhixi has encountered.

   By virtue of this, it is enough to make Zhixi look patiently.

  Although the Vermilion has been sailing very carefully, it still gets stuck in the channel of curvature from time to time. This route looks very ugly on the Hyperinterest chart.

   At this time, Zhi Xi missed Fei'er again. If she was there, it would be very easy to deal with these. I don't know when and under what conditions she will end her dormancy.

"Sister, how can we find each other by searching like this? Even if we can sail normally, the Spoon star will often disappear. In this ten thousand light-year star field, searching for a planet is too difficult. Come!" After months of sailing, Heina looked a little impatient.

   "Don't worry, be patient, if you are so easy to find, can you still get us?" Zhixi smiled.

   "Then we always have to find a suitable method, otherwise it will be really wasted!" Heina said.

   "Well, Spoons are good at controlling superstrings, so Suzaku can sense the existence of superstrings within a certain range. We continue to jump into the curvature channel at the moment, which is to increase the search probability." Zhixi replied.


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