Complete Body

Chapter 652: : Controlling the Universe System

"Complete form?" Luoxi was shocked again.

"Yes! If the cosmic wave can let you cross between the universe, then this complete form similar to the master, you can achieve control of the entire universe system, and the civilization race will no longer be the meaning you are facing. "Fair continued."

"Controlling the universe?" Luoxi was dumbfounded.

If her goal is to cross the universe and explore the origin and end of intelligent civilization, it is the ultimate goal of Luoxi or mankind, then now controlling the entire universe system and putting everything into its own control, this is probably not what Xixi can do Imagine things. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //

"Yes! Of course this form is almost impossible to reach, but you can approach it indefinitely. After all, you and the master are fundamentally different! When you start to approach this form, do n’t say any corner of the universe, even if the eye of the universe is you You can also get close, and you can witness the birth of them, and you can even reveal what kind of existence of static barriers outside the universe spores! "The content that Feier said more and more shocked Luoxi.

"But, how long do I need this?" Luoxi also stuttered a little, because the goal Mayfair gave her was too far away.

"So the time of tens of millions of years is nothing at all, maybe you will peek into the magic of the complete form. You can only get closer slowly after experiencing countless, although the master has not created time, it is undeniable that, It is indeed the only mark to measure everything in the universe! When you have experienced a complete universe from birth to destruction, you may be able to reach the basic mystery of the complete form. Or you need tens of trillions of years of insight to enter this state . This is a most unique state similar to the master. It does not belong to any civilized race, nor is it defined in a certain universe. It is the ultimate embodiment of a cosmic system! "Mayer replied.

"I understand! I am not extravagant for this form, but I will try my best to get closer!" Luoxi nodded. This is probably the biggest challenge she has experienced through the universe alone after she completed the body.

"Hmm!" Feier snorted softly. She knew what kind of shape it was. She also knew that with Xixi it was almost impossible to reach, at most it could only be approached indefinitely.

When Luoxi returned to the normal starry sky, half a year had passed. During this half year, she was thinking about Mayer's words. Of course, she was not planning how to reach the state of completeness. This is an absolute dream. She also Knowing that it cannot be reached, it can only be approached indefinitely. First launch https: // https: //

Luoxi is thinking about what kind of form the cosmic system created by the whole body is. An ordinary linear universe is so complicated. A brand new substance can change the evolutionary direction of the civilization and race. So for the entire system, What a complicated and huge existence this will be.

Luoxi knows that with her current cognition, she may not be able to understand the existence of this system. Even she ca n’t even pass through the static barrier, so she has no ability to see the world outside the static barrier.

However, no matter how Xixi will not give up any chance, she opened a door to the final mystery. As for whether she can reach the end, it depends on the ability of Xixi itself!

One year later, the Luxi River appeared in a super-large galaxy spiral galaxy 300 billion light-years away from the island of Gabron.

This super-large galaxy vortex called Cariari is five or six times larger than the island of Gabron, and has nearly 100 million galaxy clusters spanning 50 billion light years.

This very large galaxy vortex belongs to the alliance, and it is also the largest galaxy alliance encountered by Luoxi.

The distance of 50 billion light-years is almost half the range where humans can observe the universe of singular points.

The Alliance of Galaxies entered the Italian civilization 100 million years ago, and it is also the galaxy alliance where the linear universe entered the Italian civilization relatively early.

The galaxies reached by Luoxi belong to a relatively small galaxy cluster in the vortex of the Carriali galaxy. This galaxy cluster, known as Temurel, has a range of less than 100 million light-years and is in the entire Carriari Galaxy Alliance. China is a smaller galaxy cluster.

The Temurel galaxy cluster has a large amount of resources despite its small star range, especially in its star field, it produces a special kind of ore, which is the most top-grade ore material necessary for the ship's power system. Let this galaxy cluster become the most popular galaxy cluster within a billion light years.

"Fair, why are you letting me come here?" She asked, looking at the huge star city in the distance when Luoxi appeared in a normal galaxy in the Temurel cluster.

"Auliar galaxy alliance is one of the five largest galaxy alliances in this linear universe, and one of the most suitable galaxy civilizations for you to experience. And compared to other Italian-level civilizations, the Aoliar galaxy alliance is relatively belligerent, I think You can only grow in this experience. "Mayer smiled.

"But I am a pacifist!" Luoxi did not know why he suddenly said a cold joke.

"Haha! Okay! Then you will travel peacefully! Waiting for the fusion of the Suzaku to complete ~ ~ or you go directly to sleep." Mayer looked despised!

"Don't let me sleep for thousands of years? It's better to go back to the earth and spend a few years living leisurely and leave peacefully!" Luoxi laughed.

"Even if you really go back to earth, do you think it will be the same as before?" Mayer asked with a smile.

"That is naturally different. Times have changed, and my trajectory has completely changed. Although that peaceful life is what I yearn for, but there is no substitute for anything to explore the ultimate secret of humanity. I am better than any life. I am lucky to meet the body, meet you, meet you, and have the mental strength of the string! And what hundreds of millions of civilizations have accompanied me in these years. "Luoxi solemnly replied.

"That's it. Everything you have been incorporated into the blood. In fact, it's not that you are belligerent. It's a motivation that keeps you moving forward. This motivation is not given by us, it is after you have experienced so much. , Formed instinct. "Mayfair said.

"Let's go! New course, there will be new changes. Although humans are not the most perfect living body in all universes, I believe we will become the most powerful intelligent civilization."

After finishing the speech, Luoxi flew to the Star City with lightning, and Mayer looked at the back of Luxi with a smile, and said to herself: "From that moment, everything has changed. Your destiny is not just that of human beings on earth. Simple! "

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