Complete Body

Chapter 653: : Adal Aduos

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Chapter 653: Apollos

Albena Star City, like its name, is a star city full of beautiful melodies.

This is also the first Star City encountered by Luoxi with a range of nearly 100 million kilometers. It does not feel its magnificence when viewed from the starry sky, but it feels magnificent and magnificent when Luoxi approaches.

Moreover, the layout and planning of this star city are also perfect. From the perspective of the shape and size of the connected civilized race space city, it is obviously a unified design.

The entire Star City almost maintains the most perfect appearance no matter from which direction it is viewed, and the silver star route formed by the ships in space adds an incomparable sense of elegance to the Star City.

There are more than two hundred thousand kinds of civilizations inhabited here, so the flow of ships to and from is huge. Since the establishment of the Star City for millions of years, this state has hardly stopped.

In order to prevent others from discovering, Luoxi dived directly into a trading ship. Now that she has a life code, she does not need to worry about being suspected!

Soon the trade ship flew to the Star City and directly docked at the outer port of the Star Harbor. The Luoxi mixed with other civilization races going to the Star City left the trade ship.

Since all life codes in high-level civilizations are common, only the permissions are different from each other, so the highest permissions of Natural Creek cannot be used here.

But the basic authority is enough to meet the daily schedule of Luoxi!

Luoxi drove the shuttle in the Star City directly to the busiest area.

At this time, in the deep space of hundreds of billions of kilometers, dozens of attack ships are pursuing a shuttle. Although these attack ships are not large, only two or three kilometers in size, their speed is very fast.

The shuttle that was being pursued had a length of nearly a kilometer. It may be that the shuttle's propulsion system has been hit, and it has lost the ability to jump by five levels of curvature.

"Lord Emil, please leave as soon as possible in the escape capsule, and the star city of Albena will soon arrive. As long as you enter the star city, it will be safe!"

On this shuttle, dozens of Betty Bastars in the cockpit were really nervously controlling the shuttle, avoiding the attack ship's pursuit.

Obviously, the equipment on the shuttle has been seriously interfered, and the power system has been damaged. From the super interest star map that has sounded the alarm, the flight status of their shuttle is very bad!

"I can't leave you alone. You can't leave either of you, Joa! You can leave the Lundier galaxy, how can you give up easily, as long as you enter this star city, these guys can't find us!" The man called Emil commander said aloud.

The Betty Ba star belongs to the Campona galaxy group in the Temurel galaxy cluster, and they dominate the Lundier galaxy alliance.

The appearance of the Betty Baxing is 60% similar to that of the earth, except that their heads are diamond-shaped, and their rough skin is not as smooth as the earth.

The most important thing is that they have a pair of protruding bones on their chests, which are also known as protruding stars by other civilizations.

Their civilization has also entered the ranks of god-level civilization, but it is amazing that no matter from the dress or social ideology, they still retain the state of advanced civilization, but the technology is very developed, in the rich resources of the ancient star Around the department, a strong economic and trade circle has been established.

"Lord Emil, our commander-in-chief has been arrested. If you still fall into their hands, then the entire Lundil Galaxy Alliance will be in the pocket of Garry Commander." One standing beside Emile Said a slender commander.

"But you ..." Emile looked dilemmaly as he watched the chasing warships getting closer and closer on the star chart.

"We will have a way to escape, you will be too late if you don't leave, they will definitely destroy us outside the safe range of Star City," said the commander.

At this time, on the attacking ship behind, the commanders of the chasing fleet of Ahmadus, staring at the shuttle a few hundred thousand kilometers away from the window, said nothing.

They knew that the task of chasing and chasing this time was very important. Only with the permission of the Lundier Galaxy Alliance carried by Amir could they succeed in gaining dominance.

Headed by is one of the most powerful commanders of the Ayadis empire. Captain Stuart, one of the two terrifying commanders of the Ayaduos empire chasing the fleet. For the rebels of the Ayaduos empire, Captain Stuya is their most terrible nightmare. .

The Adal Adolfos are fierce and fierce. They established the Apollo Athos alone two million years ago, sweeping nearly half of the Campona galaxy with a powerful fleet.

The star of Aya Ados is very tall, with an average height of more than two meters, a sturdy body, a strange appearance, and an extremely soft body. If it is not with legs and arms, the whole body is no different from a snake.

They have double rows of eyes, which are distributed trapezoidally on their faces. The upper and lower rows of eyes have completely different functions. The upper row can see objects in the normal world, and the lower row is like infrared detection instruments on the earth, but they The eye receives low-frequency light ~ ~ and this low-frequency light is low-frequency light particles projected on the living body and reflected by the low-frequency vibration ripples. Such low-frequency light particles are difficult to be absorbed and can be easily distinguished from normal light sources.

Due to the vitality of life, such low-frequency vibration ripples are everywhere.

It is precisely because of this inherently terrible function that the Adal Atos conquered one after another low-level civilization planets and established a powerful Adal Ados empire.

Although a civilized race referred this matter to the Temurel galaxy cluster for civil arbitration, these behaviors were regarded as due to the ship ’s size within the established defense number of the galaxy cluster. Fight for normal galaxies. (, Domain name (please remember _ 三 "Captain Stuart, we will arrive at Anbey Na Xingcheng's security zone is on the verge, shall we continue to pursue or evacuate? "The commander next to Captain Stuart asked carefully.

"Keep on chasing and calculating the distance. I do n’t want him to escape. It ’s getting closer and closer to the time when the esteemed Garry Emperor unifies the entire Faltina. If the unification plan is delayed because of his escape, I ca n’t afford this. Guilt! "Captain Stuart replied coldly. 33 Novel Mobile: https: /m.33xs/

"However, the rules of the galaxy stipulate that fierce battles must not be violated in the safe area of ​​the Star City, otherwise it will cause very serious consequences." The commander is well aware of the principle of his fleet captain.

"If we didn't enter, and the other party was destroyed in the safe area, it seems that it is no longer within the scope of it?" Captain Stuart apparently has made a decision to intercept the shuttle.

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