Complete Body

Chapter 671: :replace

Yarlin's action was a lot earlier than before, which made Hudav a little surprised, but he was willing to cooperate in order to catch Emile.

After all, he is just one of the managers of the transport ship. It is not possible to capture the civilized race at will without special permission. Otherwise, there will be no civilized race willing to entrust the cargo or the transport ship with himself.

Emile did not know that Yallin ’s operation had begun. After leaving Luxi, he left the rest cabin and went to the cargo area alone.

Want to leave the transport ship now seems to be very large, if the Aya Dodos want to arrest him, they will definitely arrange many people on the exit bridge.

Even the entire transport ship will be absolutely monitored.

So in his opinion, the only way to get out is the cargo in these cargo compartments, and he will not hide in the cargo naturally, because no one can escape the scanning equipment scanning in the process of leaving the warehouse.

So he was determined to use the status of the cargo ship operator to leave the transport ship, which was also one of the previously thought plans.

In these ten years or so, he has been able to find out the information in the cargo compartment, he knows almost all the crew members, and he has a good relationship with them.

Plus Amir has the highest authority to pass, his generosity to the crew also makes these crews trust Amir very much.

Even Luoxi was not quite sure why Amir was like this, but she did n’t want to know that, after all, her current status was different.

Emile knew that his whereabouts were absolutely exposed, so he used the copper leak with the highest authority to find a way to modify the information of the crew and write his identity into it.

In this way, the crew will be replaced, and Amir will become a cargo ship operator and leave the transport ship with cargo.

Although this kind of information is not stored for a long time, it is enough for him to do many things.

When the transport ship flew tens of millions of kilometers away from the city of Filo, the shuttle machine sent by the Adal Athos slowly approached and quietly boarded the transport ship.

Headed by Captain Yallin ’s most capable assistant: Bankney, this muscular, muscular man, was born to be a cannon fodder, but he had been chasing the rebels for nearly 5,000 years. It is to let others be cannon fodder.

Hedav was naturally unable to come forward, he sent his subordinates to personally lead Bankney to Amir's living area.

"Captain Bankney, if you can catch this guy this time, you can help us to say something good to our head! Over the past ten years, he has been paying attention to Amir ’s movements. This message is all his life track hopes to you. it works!"

Hedav's men are naturally very respectful of Bankney.

"You can rest assured that as long as Amir catches, Captain Yallin will never let your chiefs suffer! This guy made us Captain Stuart accused by the Emperor in the Star City of Albena, so this time absolutely not Will let her escape. "Bankney said gruffly.

"That's good, this guy is very difficult to deal with, and the loss of our head on the transport ship is also very big, but in order to cooperate with the reward of your Ayas Aduos, this loss of head will not care!"

"I understand, we will remember your efforts!" Bankney knew that these were polite words. When they truly ruled a field of stars, any opposition would disappear. This is the rule of strength dominating the universe.

Under the guidance of ultra-intelligent navigation, the shuttle is quickly close to the area where Amir lives. These are high-end powerful and civilized ethnic residences.

But since Amir got this permission, he has not been stingy to maximize the benefits and naturally choose the most luxurious service. After all, in these years, his escape career has made his living environment extremely simple. Now that he has a chance to enjoy, it is natural to earn a good one!

Compared to other common areas, the civilized races here are extremely stable. They know that all transport ships will be arranged properly, and there is no need to worry about any small things.

So they are still quiet here.

When a large number of shuttles arrived here, they did not attract much attention. At most, they opened the search to find out which civilized race shuttle actually came here.

However, when they found out that these shuttles belonged to the Emperor Adolphe Stardom, they all chose to be silent. They knew that in the past more than 100,000 years, the Aeloid Stars have greatly increased their strength and are extremely arrogant.

There is no need to face off against the Adalos on the transport ship, and the final outcome is definitely not what you can see!

The rest cabin rented by Emile is very large, so big that it can be half the size of an earth football field.

Has all the facilities inside, it is definitely a super luxurious rest cabin.

When the Adal Adolescent opened the rest hatch, he found no trace of Amir from the inside, but the chasing facility showed that he did not leave but stayed inside.

"Are you sure this thing is useful? What about people now? Do you know where this guy is?"

Banney roared loudly.

"Yes, this is his rest cabin, but the instrument shows that he did not leave, or you should check again!" Herdav's men's face changed a lot ~ ~ He didn't think of Ai Mill actually used signal exchange and entered some wrong instructions to the recipient to keep his whereabouts in the rest cabin!

"Report to Captain Yallin. Captain Bankney replied just now that Emile was not found in the rest cabin. Judging from the situation in the cabin, I am afraid that he has already made preparations. This is a notification message!"

Was on the assault ship, Captain Yallin was waiting quietly for the result, but when the signal of Bankney appeared in front of him, and reported that the first bad had disappeared, his face was a bit ugly.

"Damn Hudav, Amir naturally knew that his whereabouts would be exposed, but he didn't expect to leave early. At present, the entire export bridge of the transport ship is closed, and we connect it with our own system to search for Amir's life code "" Captain Yallin only thought for a few seconds, and immediately instructed.

"Captain, do you want to stop the transport ship now? Once a ship leaves the transport ship, we will immediately identify and kill it! Now we have enough carrier aircraft to encircle the transport ship. Once Ke is close to Filostar, we will It may not be possible to carry out intensive siege. "Bankney asked.

"Well, let Hedav stop and broadcast a notification with the system! As long as a ship leaves at this time, we will take an attack!" Yallin replied.

When Amir received the system announcement, he froze for a moment. Unexpectedly, the Adolescent Apostles acted in advance, and did not find him in his rest cabin, so the transport ship stopped.

He immediately saw through the super interest star chart that the outside of the transport ship had been surrounded by dense carrier aircraft, which was a bit bad!

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