Complete Body

Chapter 672: : Interest code replacement program

Bankney ’s dumplings are obviously very effective. The transport ship has not yet arrived in the city of Filo, and it has arrived at the scheduled star area earlier than the original time. of.

Banney used this trick to first trap Amir in a transport ship, and then conduct a large-scale search to find Amir.

"This new captain seems to be more difficult to deal with than Stuart, Amir. Where are you now?" The signal from Luoxi to Amir asked.

"I'm safe now, you don't have to worry, let them search slowly, you can pay attention to safety yourself, I guess they must ask you, after all, we were a combination of the last European competition." Knowing that the current situation is not good, but he still smiled at Luoxi.

"I'm fine! But it's unclear if this transport ship has been docked here all the time if you can't be found?" Luoxi asked.

"No! Generally, there is a fixed time for docking, and this star area is not a normal docking area. Once a ship enters into an accident, this will be a big trouble! So it should not stay for too long. Yes, let ’s say that the Ayatollians are unconventional operations. If they are appealed by the civilized race in the transport ship, the consequences will be very serious. "Amir is still familiar with the situation!

"Understood, then be careful!" Luoxi closed the signal connection.

"Now Amir will definitely not be able to get out. It seems that the Adolescent Adolescent has great determination. I don't know how this guy can escape from birth!" Luoxi laughed.

"He has a lot of ways. Now in the cargo area, he originally wanted to replace his identity and control the cargo ship to leave. However, the situation is a bit unexpected. But he certainly has other ways. Besides, the transport ship is so huge, and it takes a long time to search. With Amir's current ability, it is easy to hide himself in a corner. The Aya Dodos want to search with their own detection equipment, I am afraid it is difficult! "Mayor replied.

"Let's take a look at it if it's difficult! But this time it should be the last escape!" Luoxi said.

At the same time, a large number of Aya Dodos entered the transport ship and carried out a search operation on the entire ship on the grounds of checking the safety of the cargo.

Regardless of the entire volume of more than one billion cubic kilometers of transport ships, it was not that the thousands of Aya Dodos could be searched in a short time. Although they locked in Emile ’s whereabouts, unexpected conditions appeared again.

According to the signal source provided by Hudav, the appearance coordinates of Emile are constantly changing. If the last second appears at point A, the next second may alarm at point B, and the distance between the two points may be five. 600 kilometers.

Although there is a transmission device on the transport ship, at this time, Hadaf naturally monitored each one, and it is impossible to let Emile appear in sight.

Then, the signal source similar to Emile, from the appearance of one, to the simultaneous appearance of two, three, or even five or six.

This kind of deceptive signal source is analyzed, and every one is true, but when the Adalos arrived, they were found to be replaced by the crew signals.

After a few days passed, the Aya Dodos collapsed, and their actions had seriously interfered with the normal activities of the transport ship. Many civilized races with relatively large strengths expressed dissatisfaction with the management of the transport ship.

Faced with this situation, Bankney unexpectedly did not expect that Amir was already preparing to leave the transport ship in this decade.

Used to his escape career, how did he not know that he had been tracked on the transport ship, and after the end of the European competition, he also had a great reputation among the passengers in the transport ship.

Although this deceptive code replacement program can only be maintained for more than ten minutes, it is enough for Emile to confuse each other's eyes!

He is now hiding alone in the cargo ship, nobody can find him!

Even the rug-like search of Aya Dodos will take a few months, but this is definitely not allowed by the civilized race on the transport ship.

"Captain Yallin, this guy actually used the interest code replacement program to confuse his whereabouts with the crew. Now we can only look for each signal. What should I do?" Erlin complained.

"Is it impossible to track the coupon code replacement program?" Yallin asked.

"This kind of real-time program, which is started automatically in the program, does not need a signal source to start! So it cannot be tracked. This guy seems to have done enough to get him in, but we can now trap him in it, but we cannot know the specific cabin, It is not realistic to want a comprehensive search. Also, this star field is not the dock of the transport ship. Hedav has already told me that it is best to find a way to solve it, otherwise it will be appealed. This transport ship may be It will be suspended! "Bankney said ~ ~ If the method of siege does not work, he can only be allowed to appear on his own initiative. From now until the transport ship is docked, it is impossible to leave! Hedaf was informed that due to the breakage of the main bridge of the transport ship, it was temporarily closed, allowing him to activate two auxiliary bridges. At the same time, all cargo ships are emptied out of the Star City safe area, and the remaining passengers are transported using the transfer ships in the transport ship. Doesn't he like to stay in the transport ship? Then let him stay well, as long as the transport ship is emptied, we have time to search. "Yarlin said.

"Is this appropriate? Star City has regulations that can not be connected to the ship outside the safe area. In the event of something, we will take full responsibility!" Bankney heard Yarlin's arrangement, a little worried!

"We are responsible for the entire journey, and back up all the passengers' life codes for this time. If there is a request to resolve it at the first time, we are not afraid of making enemies, but unnecessary grudges also need to be eliminated!" Yallin said.

With the launch of the transport ship again, the huge body slowly sailed towards the city of Filo!

Although Hedav continued to apologize for the problems of the transport ship in the system broadcast, there are still many civilized races who have raised objections, and they are not incomprehensible for the pursuit of the rebels.

But it is definitely inappropriate to affect the itinerary of the transport ship. There are so many rebels in the galaxy civilization. You cannot stop the entire transport ship because of a rebel. This cost is absolutely unwilling for other civilizations to bear!

Therefore, when the transport ship docked on the edge of the safe area was about to start the connection, it was opposed by many civilizations. They needed the transport ship to enter the safe area specified by Star City for the connection.

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