Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 12

Bai Yan said: "There are so many things to pay attention to, but unfortunately... the five-element spirit instruments in this door are all destroyed, and you can only use ordinary stones to place them next to the pill furnace. The effect is greatly discounted. If there are those top five element spirit tools, we can provide a large amount of earth attribute spirit energy to the pill furnace, adjust its state to the best, and give you the best medicine effect."

Zeng Jing whispered: It doesn't matter if you don't have those things, just fool around. I have already built the foundation.

Bai Yan: "Huh? What are you whispering?"

Zeng Jing said: "Nothing!"

Bai Yan put the three main medicines of Xiong Yaodan, Chuanbei, and Loquat into the pill furnace, and put in a bunch of auxiliary materials, suddenly thinking about something, and tilted his head to look at Zeng Jing: "Right, We have to figure out in advance, which system of exercises you will practice after you build the foundation."

Zeng Jing was curious: "What's the emphasis on the exercises?"

Bai Yan said: "The exercises are also divided into five major systems, such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Some small schools have only one exercise method for disciples to choose, so you don’t have to pay attention to it, but this school is also considered a famous one with a long history. Complete, so every disciple can freely choose the five elements that suits him."

Zeng Jing said strangely: "Didn't the old demon worshiping the moon burn down the Jingge?"

Bai Yan whispered: "The fool would put all the secret books in the Jingge, which is a place for miscellaneous books. The real secret books of this door are all hidden in the well where you first saw me."

Zeng Jing: "..."

Well, that's the case. It seems that although the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate is destroyed, the secrets of the exercises have to be preserved.

Bai Yan said: "Junior brother, don't be in a daze, first think about what exercises you want to practice."

"I choose fire!" Zeng Jing asked for fire without even thinking.

There is nothing to say about it, a male husband, he will have his sex like a raging fire, blazing, illuminating all the people and things around him.

Bai Yan smiled and said, "I guess you have to choose fire."

Zeng Jing: "Can you guess this too?"

Bai Yan: "There are four Japanese characters in your name, and the five elements are too hot."

Zeng Jing thought carefully, hey, really, it seems that some things can really be explained by metaphysics. When his father named himself Zeng Jing, he probably didn’t notice that there are four "days" in his name. ", but I didn't expect that this name would faintly like "fire" when he grew up.

"Since you chose fire, this medicine can't be refined like this." Bai Yan said: "Xuanbing Bear Demon's gall and five elements are biased towards water, carrying a strong icy cold energy, and water can overcome fire. Use it. The base building medicine that you cultivate will hinder your future fire system practice. We must adjust its water attributes."

Zeng Jing: "Hey, is it so troublesome? Just practice."

Bai Yan said: "Climbing the avenue of immortality, every step must be like walking on thin ice, how can it be casual? I am afraid that a small step will not be done well, which will affect your fairy fate."

She had a serious expression when she said this, and her pure facial features were beautiful with this serious expression.

Seeing that she was thinking about herself so much, Zeng Jing had to compromise: "Well, then I will ask Senior Sister."

Bai Yan frowned and said: "To weaken the water attribute, of course, you can only use a lot of fire attribute medicinal materials to hedge, but the door has been destroyed and the fire attribute medicinal materials are gone. What can I do?"

She thought, and she thought to the right. Suddenly she saw a house in the distance that had not been burnt down. It was a granary. The old demon of Baiyue had no interest in the granary and was too lazy to burn it, so the food stored in it was still intact. .Under the eaves of the granary, a bunch of dried red peppers hung.

Bai Yan's eyes lit up: "Ah! Yes! Use this."

Zeng Jing: "!!!"

Bai Yan grabbed a handful of red peppers and threw them into the pill furnace: "The five elements of the peppers are too hot. I can add some to the medicine to counteract the water properties of the bear demon gall."

Zeng Jing: "Well, I am from Shuangqing, so I am afraid of spicy food? Don't think that a few chili peppers can scare me."

Bai Yan frowned: "Oops, the water attribute of the bear demon gall is so strong, this pepper is not enough, let's have another one."

Zeng Jing: "What's wrong with adding another hand? Do you think I will be afraid? There are more red peppers in my Shuangqing hot pot than this."

Bai Yan: "Oh, I still can't hold it down, let's have another one."

Zeng Jing: "Hey! Be reasonable."

Bai Yan: "Not enough, but one more."

Zeng Jing feels that Yalishan is big: "You stop doing it now, we can still be good friends."

Bai Yan threw a full ten bunches of dried chilies into the stove: "This seems to be barely enough."

Zeng Jing threw to the ground with a "puff": "Mom, help!"

After a long time, Bai Yan took out a medicine from the pill furnace. The whole body of the medicine was red, bright red, red pepper, red like fire!

She handed the pills to Zeng Jing: "Come on, Junior Brother, after eating this bear gall chuanbei pepper loquat pill, you can build a foundation."

Zeng Jing wiped the sweat on her forehead: "I personally think that it is fine if I don't eat this. Or, let's build the foundation in a softer way?"

Bai Yan said: "Don't push and block, you don't even dare to eat a chili, is it a man?"

Zeng Jing: "This... are you a chili? This is the concentrated essence of ten bunches of chili."

Bai Yan squinted.

Well, the most unbearable thing for a man is the look in the eyes of a woman like "you man is so weak."My uncle will show it to you now.

Zeng Jing took the fiery red pill and threw it into his mouth.


Countless red peppers exploded in the mouth, this feeling is like...first love!

A ghost is like a first love, like a hundred bombs in your mouth.

Zeng Jing fell to the ground with a "puff", grabbed her throat, and rolled all over the floor.

Bai Yan shouted next to him: "Junior Brother, hold back! If you want to go to the immortal way, how can you do without suffering? You will be a master if you suffer from hardship."

Zeng Jing said with difficulty: "It's not hardship...obviously spicy...water, I want to drink water..."

Bai Yan: "You can't drink water. It's because you have to suppress the water properties, so you eat so many peppers. At this time, drinking water will fall short. You must hold back."

Zeng Jing: "Awsl!"

As an authentic Shuangqing person, I was defeated by Chili, shame.

He lay motionless on the ground and looked faceless.

After a long time, Bai Yan asked cautiously: "Junior Brother, are you still alive? How is it? Do you feel that the foundation has been successfully built? Do you feel that there is a purple mansion in your body? Can you feel and absorb the aura?"

PS: There is no change at noon today, because...because...because the father-in-law has a few days to take his daughter to see the sea.Everyone knows that children only have the opportunity to go out during summer vacation. If you don't take her to play this month, she will start school again in a blink of an eye.

PS: This is another whole week, and the father-in-law needs a large amount of papers to cope with that week's travel.Therefore, the father-in-law dare not add too many changes for the time being, and I hope the book friends understand.

PS: The update at 8pm is still there.

PS: Although the declaration of no change was issued, the father-in-law still wanted to ask for the counting of votes and make a list. There is no way. The new book period is also during the summer vacation. The father-in-law really has no choice. If you can help, you can help. Can't help or dare to force.

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