Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 13

Chapter 15 Entering the Qi Refining Period

Zeng Jing said weakly and weakly: "The foundation has been successfully built, and I feel the Purple Mansion."

Bai Yan was overjoyed, but in order to confirm whether it was true, she still had to ask one more sentence: "Where do you feel about the Purple Mansion? How does it feel?"

Zeng Jing said: "Near the upper dantian, about an inch or so, it's like a big black hole rotating, there seems to be pavilions inside, like a place where immortals live..."

Bai Yan said with joy: "That's right, that's the Purple Mansion. Congratulations, Junior Brother, you have successfully built the foundation. Starting today, you can finally officially embark on the road of cultivation."

Zeng Jing looked up at the sky forty-five degrees, her face was full of cattle: I will build the foundation tomorrow morning, so I don’t need to eat chili!

"Junior Brother, why do you seem unhappy?"

"No, no, I'm super happy! So, can you give me the exercises now and let me learn the swordsmanship?"

Bai Yan said: "Of course you can."

Zeng Jing was overjoyed.

That night, Bai Yan changed Zeng Jing's room. The room he lived in was a brick house, but now he changed it to a small wooden house.

Without waiting for Bai Yan to explain this time, Zeng Jing had already guessed the reason, and smiled: "Wood can make a fire, so my room needs to be replaced with a cabin, right?"

Bai Yan smiled and said: "You are clever, it seems that your understanding is not too low, but it was a little confused at first."

She gave Zeng Jing a secret book, antique, with a red cover, and a large line of words: "Sunburning Fire Technique". Turning to the first page, it read: "32nd year of Xianyuan, the first master of Shushan Fairy Sword Gate , Under the scorching sun, realize this magical skill. This skill is like a scorching sun, and the practitioner is easy to be absorbed by the heart. Therefore, one must cultivate the heart first, especially not to kill more, to prevent the heart from becoming overwhelmed."

Bai Yan said: "Originally, you should be taught by the master of this school. However, everyone in this school who understands this exercise has already...I practiced the water attribute exercise, and the master of the school is Wood attribute exercises. Neither of us understand the Sun-burning Fire Jue, so we have to let you comprehend it on your own. However, if you have anything you don’t understand, you can also ask the master sister, she has a very high understanding. , The talent of Tianzong, like this kind of cheats can be read at a glance, even if she has not practiced, she should be able to help you answer various questions."

"Okay." Zeng Jing said: "I think I should be able to understand. My IQ is quite high, three percent in math, physics and chemistry."

Bai Yan said strangely: "What is mathematics, physics and chemistry?"

"'s hard to explain at the moment." Zeng Jing said, "Anyway, it's the opposite of metaphysics..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly stiffened. Damn, cultivating immortality is metaphysics, and mathematics, physics and chemistry is the enemy of metaphysics. In other words, the better the mathematics, physics and chemistry, the more difficult it is to cultivate immortality.No wonder I didn't feel aura, and I was criticized for not having enough understanding. The reason is that I stood on the opposite of metaphysics from the beginning.

Who said that you can learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you are not afraid to travel around the world?You come out, I promise not to hit you.

Bai Yan didn't understand at all, but forget it, there is no need to ask Junior Brother clearly about such trivial matters, just let him blow.It's not something that you can learn if you can learn the exercises.If he can't learn it, he naturally has to ask the head sister for help.

Bai Yan went back to his room.

Zeng Jing picked up the cheat book and read it carefully...

This book is written in official script plus traditional characters. It seems to be a bit laborious, and the words and sentences are all in classical Chinese. It seems that the brain is quite painful. Fortunately, the young people of our great dynasty are forced to learn. As long as you read carefully, slowly and carefully, you can still understand the classical Chinese.

The first few pages of the book are all about gathering and refining qi.

In other words, as long as he practiced according to this book, Zeng Jing would enter the "qi refining period".

After several days of chatting with senior sister and head Lori, he has also roughly figured out the level of cultivation in this world.Ordinary people in this world first "train their bodies". After strengthening their bodies and eliminating all diseases, they feel the spiritual energy of the world, open up the two channels of the governor and govern, and complete the foundation building.Then they practice real cultivation techniques and enter the "Qi Refining" period.

After the qi refining period is completed, it enters the pill formation period. As the name suggests, the pill formation period is a period of desperately forming a pill.

Then form the golden core, and enter the golden core period.

After the Golden Elixir period is completed, efforts will be made to nurture the Yuan Ying and enter the Yuan Ying period.

After the Yuan Ying period is Dacheng, it enters the Yuan Shen period, and finally becomes the earth fairy.

Generally speaking, earth immortals have been in this world for a long time, and they will soon be broken into the void and go to the real immortal world.

Of course, these latter realms are still too far away. For Zeng Jing now, the most important thing is to pass the Qi refining period smoothly.

To refining qi, you must play with Reiki.

Zeng Jing felt that there was a full 4.6 billion years of cultivation in her body, that is, a 4.6 billion years of energy. This aura can only be described in two words: terrible.However, these auras have no attributes!When he was traversing, he still didn’t understand the five elements, and the god of traversing deliberately refused to give him the opportunity to choose. He directly gave him 4.6 billion years of non-attribute aura, which could not correspond to the fire-attributed exercises at all.

This is very cheating for him!

Forget it, don't care about it, try playing with fire.

Zeng Jing sat cross-legged on the wooden bed and felt the spiritual energy contained in the world as written in the book.

Among the mountains of Shu, the vegetation is prosperous, and the strongest aura is the wood attribute.But Zeng Jing couldn't absorb them, he could only absorb fire attributes.Fortunately, the cabin where he lives now has roofs, walls, floors, beds, tables...all the furniture is made of wood.

Wood can make fire. In this small wooden house, even if there is only a little fire attribute aura, it will become vigorous because of "wood making fire". Zeng Jing easily absorbed a little ignition attribute aura and incorporated it into her purple In the house.

Yesterday, his 4.6 billion years of cultivation base would be very disgusting to drive away other auras, disdain to suck, but today is different, Zifu no longer rejects these fire auras, but stores them carefully. .

Zeng Jing guessed right away that it was the bear gall Chuanbei pepper loquat pill that helped him to make his foundation lean towards the fire attribute. He is very angry now, and the 4.6 billion years of no attribute cultivation base followed. His physical state has changed, and he has become full of fire aura, of course, he will not reject the aura of fire attribute.

Even if only a little bit of Ding Er's ignition attribute aura is in his body, he has officially entered the "qi refining period", and Zeng Jing is now a true cultivator.

According to the exercise law, he moved the tiny bit of fire aura out of the purple mansion and moved it to the palm of his hand. With a little effort, he pushed it to the palm of his hand. When he saw that the palm became bright red, he gently waved forward. A palm: "Boom!"

There was a fire in the air, and the hot palm rushed forward, as if to ignite the air.

"Fire Palm, it's done!" Zeng Jing was overjoyed.

Of course, the power of this palm of fire is really a bit low, because the fire aura contained in his body is only a little bit. This palm of fire can be used to light branches and leaves. It's still too early to use it to hurt people. It's pretty good.

There is only one way to increase power, and that is to meditate, practice, and practice crazy.

Zeng Jing sat cross-legged on the wooden bed and tried desperately to practice.

Come, all the auras of heaven and earth, fire, fire, fire, fire, all into my purple house!

PS: Please count the votes!The father-in-law needs to rush to the monthly ticket list, the recommended list, the blade list, the click list, the favorite list, and the spit list.

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The book has only been uploaded for 5 days. In fact, there are not many words, and the father-in-law received many tips and blades.

I know that this is not because of how good this book is, because it is only 20,000 to 30,000 words, and many of my friends have not even started to read it yet and are still getting fat.

In the fattening stage, everyone gave me so many rewards, not for the face of the book, but for the face of the father-in-law.

This is the trust that everyone has in the father-in-law. Everyone trusts the father-in-law to write a good book. Everyone also trusts the father-in-law to update it a lot. It won't make everyone grumble. That's why they give him such great support.

Father-in-law thank you very much, very grateful.

First of all, thank all the friends who voted for the referendum blade, thank you very much!Since there are two blades in a group, there are as many as thousands, which is really impossible to count, so father-in-law can only thank you in a unified manner. Thank you very much for your support. Those familiar names are all in the eyes of father-in-law.

In addition, thanks: double messenger Rita rewarded 100588 to become the first cute host in this book

Fat Wei who is losing weight rewards 20000

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