Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 19

Bai Yan practiced the water attribute technique, water can produce wood. In theory, it is quite beneficial for refining the peach wood sword magic weapon, but in reality it is not the case.

The water attribute technique is not suitable for refining equipment. It is difficult to operate the refining cauldron. I saw the wooden sword spinning in the cauldron, becoming bigger, shrinking, and bigger again. I don’t know how long it took before it suddenly began to tremble. It is the repelling effect of the refining cauldron on the spiritual power of the water attribute, which causes the spiritual control to be unstable.

Although Bai Yan tried his best to maintain it, it had reached its limit.

While the sword body was trembling constantly, it accidentally rubbed the edge of the tripod, and with a soft sound, the tip of the sword was missing a corner.

Bai Yan saw that something was going to happen if he continued to practice, so he quickly stretched out his hand on the cauldron and slapped it hard. There was a muffled sound, the spiritual energy burst out of the cauldron, and the sword flew out of the cauldron along with the spiritual energy and fell on Bai Yan’s. Hands.

She picked it up and looked at it carefully, and sighed: "Fuck! No one wants to give it away for free, and it's still missing corners."

Zeng Jing said: "It's okay, anyway, peach trees are everywhere, just make the sword again."

Bai Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I have performed above the level just now. It won't help to come back many times. It will only get worse every time."

Zeng Jing: "..."

She put the missing peach wood sword into Zeng Jing's hand: "Wronged Junior Brother use this thing first, I will find a way to help you find a better wooden sword in the future."

At this point, she looked a little sad, thinking of the master refining master Shishu who had passed away from this school, if he were still alive, how good he would be, then at least the magic weapon of the junior apprentice would not be worse than her own.

Thinking about it this way, it affected the mood again, relying on the pure heart grass is still working, forcibly resisted not crying, but was not in the mood to talk to Zeng Jing again, waved his hand, went to the pine forest in the back mountain, closed his eyes and meditated. , Regulate the mood.

Zeng Jing saw that she had left temporarily, and did not want to bother her.

Looking down at the peach wood sword in his hand, he had finished watching "Multiple Treasure Magic Powers" last night and already knew how to identify the strength of magic weapons.

The most important magic weapon is "Aura Capacity" and "Aura Amplification". If a magic weapon can contain more Auras, its power will be greater, and the less Auras it contains, its power will be lower.As for "increase", it is better to understand, it can amplify the power of the user's aura.

Zeng Jing felt a little bit, and found that the aura content of this missing corner wooden sword was extremely poor. It could be said that it could only hold a little bit of aura. No wonder Bai Yan would be so sad.

Zeng Jing injected his few fire auras into the peach wood sword. It immediately emitted a faint red light, and the wood made fire. The fire aura can exert a stronger effect in the wood sword. However, the quality of the magic weapon is too poor, and the effect of increase is almost ineffective.

Zeng Jing slashed out with a sword, and a flash of fire flashed in the air. This flame sword was a little stronger than yesterday's flame palm. After all, it had the tiny bit of gain effect from the wooden sword, but its power was still not good. Inflow.

He thought to himself: How about I use the "multiple treasures" that I learned yesterday to try to make treasures. Maybe it's better than the senior sister's practice?

Just do it!

He learned the appearance of Bai Yan, found a piece of peach wood, cut it, and quickly cut it into the shape of a wooden sword, but his carving skills are much worse than Bai Yan, this sword is carved Very ugly, it can be said to be shameful scum, and it looks rougher than a child's toy.

Ugly is not a problem, Zeng Jing doesn't care about experimenting anyway.

He stuffed the ugly wooden sword into the cauldron for refining, and then, as Bai Yan had just done, sat cross-legged in front of the cauldron, stretched out his hands against the cauldron, and slowly poured his fire-attribute aura into the cauldron. Operate according to the method shown in "Duobao Magic Power"...

However, when the spiritual energy was injected into the tripod, there was no reaction at all!

The ugly wooden sword in the tripod was lying softly on the bottom of the tripod, and there was no movement even floating.

Zeng Jing immediately understood that her fire-attribute aura is really too weak, and it is not enough to even activate the refining cauldron, let alone refining treasures with auras, nurturing treasures with auras, and making treasures with auras.

What should I do?

correct!Eat chili!

When Zeng Jing came to the door of the granary, she saw a large string of dried peppers still hanging under the eaves. The string of peppers dangling when the mountain breeze blew.

Shuangqing people are really not afraid of spicy food, but they trembled when they saw a whole bunch of chili peppers.

Forget it, it's spicy and medium spicy.

He took off a bunch of peppers and stuffed them directly into his mouth.

"I wipe it, it's sour and cool!"

"I rub it, it's spicy!"


Rolling all over!

A few minutes later, Zeng Jing got up with her mouth red. The anger in her body was so heavy that her whole body seemed to be of fire attribute, and the qi that came out when she breathed seemed to be burning.He felt a little bit of his 4.6 billion years of cultivation in the Purple Mansion. It was very good. They were also very angry now.

What I want is this fire.

Zeng Jing returned to the cauldron for refining, sitting cross-legs, stretched out his palms, and leaned against the cauldron, and then sent a part of the fire attribute cultivation base to the cauldron.


Although not all of the fire-attribute auras transformed into the 4.6 billion years of cultivation have entered the cauldron, it’s not even a little bit of it. The entire refining cauldron suddenly shone with a terrible red light, this ancient refining cauldron , I don’t know how long it has not been for such a terrifying fire aura blessing.

In an instant, the function of the refining cauldron was operated to its limit.

The ugly wooden sword in the cauldron stood up, suspended in mid-air, with a gleam of red light. It began to spin crazily. The endless and vast fire-attribute aura was refining and moisturizing it. It crazily , Greedily accepting the nourishment of spiritual energy, growing up frantically.

Zeng Jing didn't think much at this time, just following the method recorded in the "Multiple Treasure Ability", running her aura, allowing them to constantly refine the Ugly Wood Sword.

However, he is not proficient in using this multi-treasure magical power, and the control of his aura is not stable. Although his cultivation is profound and his aura is vast, he cannot achieve perfection if he is unskilled, so he does not pursue perfection. , Just for fun.

I don't know how long it took, Baocheng, the refining cauldron opened by itself.

A fire-attribute aura rushed out of the cauldron, and the Ugly Wooden Sword spun out of the cauldron, and fell into Zeng Jing's hands.

Zeng Jing felt its "aura capacity" a little bit. I didn't know it, but at first it felt amazing. The aura capacity of this product was much stronger than the one that Senior Sister had just practiced.As for "Aura Amplification", I can't try it yet, but I don't know if I don't try it, it won't be bad.

He didn't know how many magic weapons this was, but it was certain that it was much better than the peach wood sword that Senior Sister had just made.

"Interesting!" Zeng Jing thought to herself: Taking advantage of the fact that I am eating hot chili peppers, I have turned my whole body into a fire attribute. Why don't you try the flame sword in a place where no one is.

He lightly left the small valley where the sword gate was, ran to the far back mountain, and made sure that Bai Yan and the head Lori were not followed, and then stopped.

Then, he slowly poured his own cultivation base into the Ugly Wooden Sword. This wooden sword's aura holding capacity was truly amazing. Zeng Jing continuously poured the fire-attribute spirit into the sword, for a full five thousand years. , I finally felt that the Taomu sword couldn't fit.

Lifting up this ugly wooden sword that has been cultivated for five thousand years, swinging it towards Tian Yijian...


A terrifying fire dragon soars into the sky. The dragon flies for nine days and burns out the sky. The sky seems to be cut in half by this sword. Even the clouds are divided into two halves and burned. The fire dragon flies forward hundreds of miles away and soars over Mount Shu. Long Yin was shocked that all the cultivators of Shushan sects raised their heads together, shivering, speechless.

Chapter 23

Today, my father-in-law wants to add more changes, but after thinking and thinking, I can’t find any reason to add more changes. What should I do?The clever father-in-law had an idea, picked up the pen, and wrote an additional word on the paper, and now he can add it with confidence.


Xiling Snow Mountain, one of the Shushan Mountains, is 5364 meters above sea level. Ordinary tourists can only climb up to more than 3,000 meters above sea level to have fun, write a poem and engrave on the stone, and then go home.

No one knows that above the snow peak at an altitude of 5,000 meters, there is a cultivating sect called Xilingmen.

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