Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 20

Xiling Gate is located above Xuefeng, and the entire school is surrounded by a strong water attribute spirit, so most of the masters in the school practice water attribute and wood attribute techniques.

At this time, two elders were standing on the snow peak and chatting, and one elder smiled and said, "Fifth Junior Brother, your Withered Wood Art seems to have improved again. It is not far from the Primordial Spirit Stage."

Another elder smiled and said: "Yes, Brother San, I feel that it won't take long before I can break through the bottleneck and reach the soul stage."

"Once you enter the primordial spirit stage, there will be few rivals in the rivers and lakes. When the time comes, go down the mountain and go to the red dust to experience and play in the world. Isn't it happy." The third senior smiled: "Congratulations."

The fifth junior shook his head and said: "Don’t take it lightly. Although the dead wood technique is strong, it is restrained by the metal technique. I am also a little afraid of the fire attribute restraining technique. If I encounter enemies who practice gold and fire attribute exercises, I can only Walk around, when the time comes, I still hope that the third brother will help me."

Senior Brother Three smiled and said: "Haha, fellow fellow, of course I want to help you. My Xiling Feixue magical skill is about to reach the primordial spirit stage. This exercise is designed to overcome all fire-attribute exercises. The fire dare to bully you, tell me, I will come down the mountain and beat him to death with a big fist."

The fifth junior said with a smile: "Senior brother is so handsome! The fire system practice encounters senior brother, there is only one dead end."

Senior Brother San smiled and said, "Hahaha, of course."

The two of them had just said this when they suddenly saw a red light from the distant clouds, and then, the clouds "touched" and broke a huge hole, and a fire dragon flew out of the hole, where the fire dragon passed, The clouds seemed to ignite, and flames raged everywhere.

The fire dragon flared its teeth and claws in mid-air, roared ferociously, and then continued to fly forward, burning out the clouds in the sky, and finally disappearing into the distance.

The mouths of the third brother and the fifth brother were open at the same time, and they couldn't close for a while.

After a long time, the fifth brother asked sweating profusely: "Senior brother, what the hell was that just now?"

Senior Brother Three said profusely: "Yes... it's a fire attribute technique, condensed into a dragon shape, flying up into the sky, this... it should be someone practicing the fire attribute technique, facing the sky. one move."

The Fifth Junior Brother was frightened, and he weighed it up. If his Withered Wood Art meets this fire dragon player, he is afraid it will be burnt to ashes in an instant.He said pitifully, "Senior Brother, this... this guy just now, can you beat it?"

Senior brother three sweats profusely: "This... brother may need to break through two or three more realms... Oh, no, it is four or five realms... well, it may also need to break through seven or eight realms..."

The fifth brother: "..."

After a while, Junior Brother Five said in a low voice: "Going down the mountain to experience, playing the world, it seems that it should be slow, the mountain is terrible."

The third brother also said: "Yes, yeah, the mountain is terrible, let's just play on the mountain."

The dialogue between the two elders of Xiling occurred almost simultaneously among the masters of all schools of Shushan. Of course, one person did not discuss with others. This person was the owner of Wolong Village. After seeing the fire dragon, He stood by the side of Wolong Pond with his hands in his hands, his face was frozen, and after a long time, he sighed, "What a terrible sun-burning fire technique."

at the same time……

Shushan Fairy Sword Gate, Houshan.

Zeng Jing didn't expect that she would swing such a big battle with a single sword, and she was shocked.Seeing the fire dragon flying hundreds of miles in the sky, roaring and screaming, he knew it was in trouble. This Nima didn’t know how many people had to see it, especially Bai Yan and the head Lori. Seeing this dragon, I don't know how much to scare them.

You got into trouble, keep a low profile, you must keep a low profile at this time.

He hurriedly looked around, found a big tree that was easier to identify, dug a hole under the tree, and buried the Ugly Wooden Sword, so that Bai Yan and the head Lori would not wear it out after they saw it.

After he was buried, he quickly ran back to the door, and saw Bai Yan and the head Lori, who happened to run out of the door and almost collided with Zeng Jing.

Bai Yan said: "Ah, Junior Brother, did you go outside just now? Did something happen?"

The head Lori also said: "Isn't it affected?"

Zeng Jing pretended to be stunned and said: "What's the impact?"

Bai Yan said: "Fire dragon, fire dragon! Didn't you see it? Spicy is a big fire dragon. It was here just now. It flew up from our back mountain, don't say you didn't see it."

Zeng Jing pretended to be innocent: "Ah, I saw it, it's a big dragon, it's so beautiful, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong with it?"

The head Lori gave him an angry look: "You fool, such a terrible fire dragon, flying up from the back mountain of our sword gate, it means that there was a terrible monk practicing in the back mountain just now. Look at the fire dragon. The power of this man is several times more powerful than the old demon worshiping the moon. If he wants to be disadvantageous to our Shushan Immortal Sword Gate, we will be all over, and there is no power to resist. Such a dangerous thing has happened, do you still think it looks good?"

Zeng Jing: "For no reason, why come to our disadvantage?"

Bai Yan sighed: "There is no need to explain the reason for this kind of thing, just like people sometimes trample an ant to death by accident. In fact, they don't want to be disadvantageous to the ant, but they accidentally step on it."

Zeng Jing said: "Oh! Destroying you, what to do with you!"

"Yes, you know this truth too." Bai Yan said, "Don't talk about it, it's very dangerous now. The mysterious monk doesn't know if he has gone. If we stay in the sword gate, we may be killed inadvertently. Now, go find a place to hide, until we confirm that the mysterious monk has left, we can't come back."

Zeng Jing: "..."

This is very embarrassing. I swung a sword indiscriminately, causing Bai Yan and the head Lori to leave home to avoid the limelight. This is too cheating. It seems that I should do less of this kind of thing in the future, lest I really accidentally" I’m sorry to have destroyed so much.

Zeng Jing said: "Okay, okay, let's take shelter for the time being. It's better to use this opportunity. Let's go hunting in the mountains far away and get some prey. I'll go back and bring down the mountain to sell money."

"Never mind!" Bai Yan said: "This is better than hiding in a small cave and doing nothing."

The three of them flew towards a forest in the distance, leaving Jianmen for a while, and avoided their own limelight.

Chapter 24

The three imperial swords flew away from the sword gate, and they found a valley that was inaccessible to them. While avoiding the limelight, they were ready to hunt some casually to subsidize the family.

In the original world, even in the depths of the Shu Mountain, there are often people homes or tourist attractions, wires are pulled everywhere, and all kinds of animals are reduced.

But this world is different. The ecological environment here is excellent. There are large virgin forests deep in the Shu Mountain. No one is here at all. It is impossible to have telephone poles, and there will be no base stations.Everywhere birds call insects, it is simply an animal paradise.

"Ah, rabbit! Rabbit!" This is the first time the headmaster Lori came out to hunt, feeling very strange. When she saw the rabbit, she immediately set up her flying sword and planned to chop the rabbit over.

Bai Yan, who was beside him, had sharp eyes and quick hands, and grabbed Lori's arm, "Junior Sister, you must not hunt."

"Ah? Why?" The head Lori just asked two words, and suddenly woke up: "Ah, God!"

"Yes, Tianqi must be guarded." Bai Yan said: "You may be promoted to the Dao in the future, and you will inevitably face the thunder tribulation. If you do more killings, the thunder tribulation will become very difficult. This kind of thing is still Leave it to Senior Sister, I can't reach the realm that will attract Thunder Tribulation anyway."

(PS: Regarding the relationship between Tianqian and Lei Jie, I have talked about it in Chapter 8 of this book. Friends who have forgotten can read it back.)

Bai Yan set up his flying sword and turned and flew towards the rabbit. Wherever the poor rabbit had escaped the cultivator's flying sword, he was cut off instantly.

Bai Yan walked over, picked up the rabbit that had been cut in two, and handed it to Zeng Jing, "Can you sell money like this?"

Zeng Jing couldn't laugh or cry: "We eat the rabbit meat by ourselves. The only thing we can sell is rabbit skin, but if you turn this sword, the rabbit is broken into two pieces, and this rabbit skin can't be sold."

Bai Yan: "Huh?"

Zeng Jing spread her hands: "Forget it, let me do it."

Bai Yan shook his head: "You don't want to kill evil, so as not to accumulate heavenly dispatches, let me come, the big deal, I will be careful not to damage the fur."

Seeing her carefully defending the way of rising to immortality, Zeng Jing was quite sighed that this woman is really a rare good senior sister. If she is like this, her husband can't ask for anything.

It's no wonder that nowadays, sister heroines are not popular in Japanese comics, and sister heroines are beginning to be popular. The gentle and considerate sister is better than the wayward and violent sister by many times.

Bai Yan changed the operation method. When she stared at the next rabbit, the flying sword did not directly cut over, but flew to the top of the rabbit's head, and then patted it down with the sword, just pat on the rabbit's forehead. The rabbit fell to the ground and died without hurting its fur.

It was made in the same way, and several rabbits were hunted, and a fox was also hunted.

Zeng Jing started to peel off the rabbit and fox skins, wash the blood stains, and hung them on the treetops to dry them. In this way, he obtained several raw hides.

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