Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 36

Zeng Jing: "..."

Bai Yan shook his head and said, "Junior sister, you are still growing, there is meat in the hand, so you should eat it."

"Senior Sister! You can eat it."

"No, sister! You eat."

"Sister, you eat, this is the commander's order."

"Master Founder of the Mountain has left his last life, if the head of the master makes a chaotic life, the disciple can't follow it."

"Stop!" Zeng Jing stopped between the two women who were planning to act in a miserable drama: "I said you did not make a mistake, just copy your hands, don't be so sensational, you can't bear it."

The two women turned their heads and gave him a blank look. Man, men really like cooking Hefenqin.

Zeng Jing said to Bai Yan: "Senior Sister, Baozi and Chaoshou have all eaten, and what else is there for chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, is beginning to get tight, I'm about to go to Jinguan City again."

"Huh?" Bai Yan said: "You have to work hard again to go to Jinguan City?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "No problem, no hard work. I also want to report to my senior sister. Last night I finally broke through the realm of earth and fire, and now I can fly with the sword. I have no trouble going to Jinguan City now. ."

After not knowing how long Zeng Jingka had progressed, he could finally report that he had broken through the realm of earth and fire.

Bai Yan was overjoyed and said: "I have been thinking about your cultivation progress. I guess you should almost break through the bottleneck in the past few days. I also want to help you protect the law when you break through. Who knows you secretly I have broken through, so I don’t want to watch it."

Zeng Jing thought to herself: I really dare not call people to observe my breakthrough method.

He smiled and said, "I also practiced swordsmanship while it was dark. Although I can't fly well now, I can barely fly."

Bai Yanxi said: "It's great, Junior Brother's entry really makes me admire you. At least you have a cultivation speed of 70% of the Master's Junior Sister, and you can be considered a genius of cultivation that is rare in a century."

The sister-in-chief is a genius who has never met in a thousand years, and it is Zeng Jing's turn to become a hundred years old.

He had to roll his eyes, but there was no need to protest. If he didn't have golden fingers, he would be an ordinary person. In terms of savvy and potential, he really wasn't as good as the head Lori.As a mature man, he should always introspect himself, know himself correctly and objectively, and not be blindly arrogant.

"Senior Sister, Master, I'm going to Jinguan City to buy things now. When I'm away, you must protect yourself carefully."

Bai Yan smiled and said: "You, a junior in the early stage of Qi refining, are actually worried for the two senior sisters in the period of Qi refining? Or worry about yourself!"

"Haha, that's right."

Zeng Jing took out the substandard peach wood sword made for him by Bai Yan, and pinched a sword art in his hand: "Get up!"

The wooden sword immediately hovered in the air, and Zeng Jing lightly jumped on the wooden sword and flew towards Jinguan City.

At this time, he was already able to fly with the sword, but in order to prevent Bai Yan and the head Lori from doubting, he had to deliberately let the wooden sword fly crookedly, it looked like a beginner, and he didn't dare If you drag it long, just drag a one-meter-long tail awn to be a cross.

Bai Yan couldn't help but worry: "Junior Brother, this unreliable swordsmanship, will he fall on the way?"

The head Lori also said: "I hope Bao Zi will not squash."

Bai Yan: "..."

Chapter 45

Zeng Jing flew out of the sword gate awkwardly until she flew far, so she didn't have to worry about being seen by Bai Yan and the boss, she stopped pretending, and resumed her normal flying posture. The tail of the sword no longer needs to be shortened. , Let it out a little, and drag it five or six meters long.

For Yujian, being handsome is the most important thing. First of all, you have to stand upright and your expression must be firm. You can't laugh. A smile will easily turn into a funny match, not a handsome match.

Also deliberately carry one hand behind his back, and pinch a sword art with the other hand on his chest.

It's a pity that you don't have long hair, otherwise you can let the wind lift your hair up and flow backwards, it will be more handsome.

He was flying extremely violently. Suddenly, a green glow flew by. It turned out to be a young female monk who practiced water-attribute exercises and came up from behind. The magic weapon she used to fly was actually an iron ruler. There was a hole in the tail, and there was an iron chain hanging on it. It looked about twenty or so years old, about the same age as Zeng Jing, but the ghost knew exactly what age it was.

When she flew to Zeng Jing's side, she suddenly laughed: "Brother, what kind of look are you posing?"

Zeng Jing said: "Flying with the sword, standard posture, handsome, right?"

The female monk smiled and said, "That's the posture of eight hundred years ago, it's already out of date."

Zeng Jing: "Nani?"

The female monk smiled and said: "Relax, our generation does not pay such attention to the sense of ritual. Just stand on the magic weapon when flying. You can sit or lie down. Otherwise, it will let you People feel that you are so staid and boring. Look, I can still dance on magic weapons."

Zeng Jing: "..."

After speaking, the female disciple revolved on the iron ruler, dancing gracefully, and then she suddenly began to accelerate, and the chain hanging behind the iron ruler dragged back together with the green exhaust gas, dragging it for tens of meters. The laughter like a string of silver bells followed her to the distance.

After seeing her flying far away, Zeng Jing was still dancing on the hammer, her posture was very graceful, although she didn't smell anything in her nose, she seemed to smell a scent.

"Oh, it turns out that this is the way of life of young fashionistas in the cultivation world." Zeng Jing khan: "Nima, I was fooled by games and animation."

He was too lazy to pose any more, so he simply sat down on the upper side of the flying sword, with his feet hanging down on the side of the flying sword, so that the flying sword seemed to be good, and he felt that even the pace of life has slowed down a lot...

The point is, this is also very handsome!

Not long after, Jinguancheng arrived.

Once again came to this bustling and lively huge city, Zeng Jing did not walk here this time, but flew directly to the gate of the city with Yujian, jumped off the flying sword, and the flying sword spun around handsomely and flew to it automatically. Hang it on his back.

This action was done in front of a large number of people at the gate of the city, and there was no avoidance at all, because Zeng Jing was here to be handsome!

As the old saying goes, riches and nobles do not return to their hometowns, like a night walk in Jinyi.

What does this sentence mean?In other words, if you don't go back to your hometown to pretend to be coerced after you have money, it's like walking in the night in nice clothes, which is meaningless.Therefore, don't be low-key. If you have money, you must pretend to be forced. Don't let your own money down.

Sure enough, Zeng Jing was so handsome, the ordinary people immediately screamed, several people lowered their heads and said to the family nearby: "Look, another cultivator's sword is flying over."

"Cultivators are really handsome."

"The flying sword is really amazing, I want to learn."

"Can I go to apprentice now?"

"Don't talk about sand sculptures, do you think anyone will be accepted as a disciple? It's impossible for someone like you."

Ordinary people talked a lot, and Zeng Jing wanted this result, very good!

However, he immediately saw that there was a cultivator standing in the city gate, looking at him with a weird expression. Zeng Jing could guess without using his mind. That person must be thinking: You are a cultivator in the early stage of Qi refining. Isn't it handsome who is shit here?This level can only fool ordinary people, and in the eyes of other cultivators, you will be embarrassed when you take it out.

Zeng Jing didn't care, stuck out his tongue at the man, ignoring him.

He stepped into Jinguan City, and the guards at the gate just saw his sword flying there, where they dared to collect his entrance tax, and they put him in without even interrogating him.

However, this time I entered the city, and it felt very different from the last time. I can no longer see a few cultivators on the street, I can only see many ordinary people living ordinary lives, which are the same as the last time they came here. The feeling of Cheng Emei is completely different, and the whole city seems to have become more vibrant.

He walked all the way to the center of the city, and in a familiar old place, Fang Wushang, an outer disciple of the Black Mountain White Water Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance, was standing there, yelling: "It's selling leather, all kinds of beautiful leather, fox Skin, rabbit skin, wolf skin, bear skin...we have everything you want..."

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