Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 37

Zeng Jing walked over with a grin, and patted him gently on the shoulder: "Hey, Brother Fang."

Fang Wushang turned his head and took a look. He was taken aback. The last time he saw Zeng Jing dressed up as a "real fox", he used his forehead to pick up Venerable Dragon Fire’s Panlong wooden stick. He already knew that Zeng Jing was deeply impressed. However, he was later warned by the leader that this matter must not be told, so he dared not show it. The expression on his face was very strange. After a few seconds, he said in embarrassment, "It turns out to be the Zeng brother of Jianmen."

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "I'm here again. Last time I said I would give you a commission after completing the transaction, but I was so frightened at that time that I forgot to give it to you. I came back this time to make up the commission for you. "He took out a few silver notes and handed them to Fang Wushang.

Fang Wushang didn't dare to accept it, but he didn't dare not accept it. The thief was embarrassed, and it took a long time before he took the banknote into his arms with a trembling hand.

Zeng Jing asked: "I came here this time. There are almost no cultivators in Jinguan City. Are they all scattered? Where are the people from your league? Did they withdraw too?"

Fang Wushang nodded: "The people from the lower league have already withdrawn to Longmen Mountain. After something like that last time, where did the lower league dare to hang around outside, the leader took all the inner disciples back to Longmen Mountain that night, leaving only Outer disciples like me are still making money outside. As for the other cultivators, after a few days, they went back one after another..."

Having said this, he suddenly whispered: "On their way back for the first time, they ran into the monk who was flying into the sky. This time it was replaced by the Royal Fire Sword flying, and the long tail awn dragged five or six hundred. The meter is long and scared all the cultivators back to Jinguan City. It took more than half a month before they returned one after another."

Zeng Jing: "Their luck is really bad!"

Fang Wushang said: "Guimen is also in Shushan, haven't you been scared?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "I'm not afraid. People are dead and eggs are in the sky, and their heads have fallen out of a bowl with a big scar. What's so scary?

Fang Wushang thought to himself: You should be a master of art and bold, so you are not afraid.

Chapter 46

Zeng Jing asked, "So, there are basically no cultivators in the city?"

Fang Wushang nodded: "There are not many of them. Jinguan City is just an ordinary mundane world. Only outside disciples like me are active, or occasionally one or two cultivators passing by."

Zeng Jing said: "Oh, is there anyone else buying the magic weapon I brought?"

Fang Wushang laughed and said: "Even if there is no cultivator like Huo Shu Zhenren to buy your magic weapon, there is still our alliance, and our alliance specializes in this kind of business. You bring things and take a trip to Longmen Mountain with me. Meng will give you a good price."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Then I must be harassing your school."

When the two of them were talking about this, they suddenly felt a flower in front of them, and then, a fragrant wind swept across their faces, and a woman suddenly appeared in front of them. This woman was wearing a blue knight costume with a hand on her back. The iron ruler, with an iron chain hanging from the end of the iron ruler, was the female monk whom Zeng Jing had met on the way here.

"Huh?" Zeng Jing was stunned: "So it was you."

The female monk recognized Zeng Jing when she saw Zeng Jing and smiled, "Hello, newcomer who loves posing."

Zeng Jing: "Hey, what's the matter with this nickname?"

The female monk laughed: "It's like a literal meaning."

Zeng Jing was speechless, well, there is no way to refute this, and the nickname is correct.

Zeng Jing said, "Are you going to correct my modeling problem again?"

Female monk: "I'm not so idle. I was in a good mood just now, so I can just say a few words to you. Now I am in a normal mood."

Zeng Jing: "The mood is changeable, beware of getting into the wrong hands."

The female monk chuckled and said, "I am a personality."

She stopped talking with Zeng Jing and turned to Fang Wushang: "If I am not mistaken, you are an outer disciple of the Black Mountain Baishui Huanghualvliu Alliance, Fang Wushang, right?"

Fang Wushang was surprised: "It's here, what can the girl do?"

The female monk said: "I heard that Guimeng not only resells all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures, spiritual weapons and magical instruments, but also sells all kinds of information, anecdotes, and unknown things..."

Fang Wushang smiled awkwardly: "The girl said and laughed. We are serious businessmen and we are not intelligence dealers."

The female monk hummed: "Come here, I didn't find out that this matter can find you? Don't worry, I have more money, I just want to know an old thing fifty years ago."

"Uh...this way..." Fang Wushang glanced at Zeng Jing next to him.

Zeng Jing said sensibly and honestly: "It's okay. If you have a big business, you can talk first. I can avoid it."

How can Fang Wushang dare to offend him, and hurriedly said: "No, no, you are also a big business in the league."

He glanced at Zeng Jing to the left and the female monk on the right, and said, "Just so, let me go to Longmen Mountain with me, and talk to the leader of the two businesses together, how about?"

The female monk nodded and said, "I'm fine!"

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Of course I am fine."

As a result, it became a threesome.

Zeng Jing can fly, and so can female monks, but Fang Wushang has not built the foundation, and has no knowledge of imperial weapons. He looked embarrassed and said: "Two, who can pick up someone when the sword is flying?"

Zeng Jing thought in her heart: letting my sisters pick me up is not so good, so I can only let Fang Wushang take my flying sword.But the two men's swords are double gray, are they a bit gay in gay?

He was thinking about the ones that were not there, and suddenly saw the iron ruler behind the female monk flew up and flung it gently in mid-air. The iron chain entangled behind the iron ruler rattled and entangled Fang Wushang. On the waist, then, she jumped on the iron ruler and flew into the air.

Fang Wushang was dragged up in the air and hung behind her...

Zeng Jingle said: "Will this be too violent?"

The female monk laughed and said, "No, this is just right."

Fang Wushang screamed: "Hey, don't shake me, I'm dizzy."

The female monk laughed and seemed to be in a good mood again. Zeng Jing also hurriedly followed Yujian to fly, and the two flew towards Longmen Mountain together, while Fang Wushang was dragged behind by a long iron chain for seven or eight meters. It flutters behind like the tail of a kite.

Zeng Jing couldn't help saying, "I said, Miss Sister, you just pull him up like this and leave, and all his leather stalls are confiscated."

The female monk smiled and said: "That's only a few dollars? Compared with the intelligence cost I want to give them, it doesn't matter what the loss is."

Zeng Jing: "You are so carefree. I saw you dancing on the iron ruler before. I thought you were a gentle fairy with long sleeves and good dancing."

The female monk laughed: "I am the long-sleeved good dancer, and I am also me. I have many kinds, why not?"

Zeng Jing gave her a thumbs up: "I admire your attitude as a human being. My name is Zeng Jing, a disciple of the Shushan Fairy Sword Sect, how about you?"

The female monk said: "Ji Menghan, no school or school."

It turned out to be a casual cultivator. Zeng Jing thought to herself: I heard that the cultivation of casual cultivator is very difficult, but this young lady feels not weak. Seeing that the trail behind her magic weapon is tens of meters long, it seems that she is also a talented cultivator. Wizards.

Of course, he was looking at Ji Menghan, and Ji Menghan was also looking at him. He saw that his magic weapon was a poorly inferior mahogany sword. The tail of the sword was not long when it flew, just like when I saw him earlier. This is indeed a newcomer to cultivation, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, how old are you this year? It hasn't been long since cultivation."

Zeng Jing said: "Eighteen years old, how about you?"

Ji Menghan said: "Fifty-five."

Zeng Jing: "Wow, is there anything wrong? I thought you were only twenty years old."

Ji Menghan smiled and said, "Even though I am 55 years old, my physical condition is indeed 20 years old. You are not mistaken, aren't all cultivators like this? Isn't it the same for the seniors in your door? ?"

This sentence frightened Zeng Jing and thought: That's true. I haven't asked how old Sister Bai is. Thinking about it this way, Sister Bai is definitely not young. Wow, maybe it's four or five. Ten years old, oh my god, oh my god, I don't believe in women's age anymore.

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