Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 38

He was in a madness, suddenly changed his mind and thought again: Does it matter if he is older?As long as the body is young!

Think of the female elves in Western Fiction. All of them are hundreds of years old. They are not the same as falling in love with humans. No one cares about their age. As long as the female creatures are convex and backward, they have beautiful facial features. How old is she?

Zeng Jing calmed down instantly!

Take a closer look at Ji Menghan. He is indeed a twenty-year-old facial features, a twenty-year-old figure, a graceful posture, and a sweet smile. When the imperial ruler flies, the wind blows his clothes backwards, graceful and graceful. .

After looking at it in this way, she directly forgot her actual age of fifty-five years old, and told herself very firmly: "This guy is twenty, this guy is twenty!"

Chapter 47 The Old Case Fifty Years Ago

Starting today, my father-in-law can finally codewords. After going out to play for a week this time, the saving of manuscripts is almost consumed.

Add one more for the depleted manuscript


Longmen Mountain will be here soon!

This mountain is very close to Jinguan City, with a straight-line distance of only 60 kilometers.If there is a Didi car in this world, it would take just over an hour to take a taxi. Of course, Yujian will fly faster.

After all, the Black Mountain White Water Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance is a sect that likes to do business. This kind of sect cannot escape the world too much, and it must not be behind the thirty-two hills like the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate.Therefore, the founding father of the alliance chose the first mountain in the northwest corner of the Jinguan Plain that had just entered the mountain.

This mountain is not high, only 4990 meters. There are many mortals living below 2,000 meters above sea level. There are many villages of ordinary people, as well as hunters and medicinal pickers. The Black Mountain Baishui Yellow Flower and Green Willow Alliance was built at an altitude of 4,000 meters. Meters above the snow peak.

Fang Wushang pointed to the Xuefeng in front and shouted: "Ah, it's over there, fly over there."

Zeng Jing and Ji Menghan turned and flew in the direction of Fang Wushang.

Fang Wushang shouted again: "Slow down, landing at the gate in front of the snow peak, do you see that big rock? That's the welcoming stone. Don't fly over that rock. There is a mountain guarding sword formation in the contempt. Those who please come to pass the welcome stone will be attacked by sword formations."

Zeng Jing and Ji Menghan were both here to do business, not to smash the scene, and of course they would not try to challenge the mountain guarding sword formation of others, and they landed in front of the welcome stone together.

I couldn't see it in the sky, but when I lowered it down, I found that the stone was huge, at least as high as three stories, and the stone was carved into the appearance of a cat beckoning.

A huge, three-story lucky cat.

Zeng Jing was embarrassed: "Hey, have you carved the welcoming stone at the mountain gate into a lucky cat?"

Fang Wushang smiled and said, "Businessman."

Zeng Jing: "..."

Well, businessmen are justified in doing this, they can't complain.

Zeng Jing and Ji Menghan waited outside, Fang Wushang went in and heard a word. Soon, the leader took Fang Wushang and greeted them personally from the inside, saying: "The Mountain Guardian Sword Array has identified the two as friends. , Two, please come in."

He seemed to be speaking to both of them at the same time, but in fact he turned a little more to Zeng Jing's side, and his eyes were locked on Zeng Jing when he spoke.

When Ji Menghan saw his little movement, he couldn't help but think to himself: He actually paid so much attention to this little brother, and his attention was obviously a little more on him. It was strange, my cultivation base was obviously much higher than him.Oh, I see, I am a casual cultivator, and this little brother is from the Immortal Sword Sect of Shu Mountain. Although the Sword Sect is destroyed, the skinny camel is still bigger than the horse.That's why this leader will pay more attention to him, nothing more, I don't need to care about this kind of thing.

The leader led the way. Zeng Jing and the two of them stepped in and walked past the huge lucky cat. Behind the huge sword was stuck on the ground. There are countless magic weapons hanging on the sword. It seems that this thing is the mountain guard sword formation. If there is an enemy coming, the magic weapon hanging on it will fly up to meet the enemy.

The leader said in an embarrassing manner: "The weak alliance is weak and has to use a sword formation to protect himself. Just laughed."

Zeng Jing couldn't help asking: "We are weak but can put out a strong sword formation?"

The leader whispered: "It was not ours, it was created by the founder of the ancestor, and then through the hands of each generation of the leader, it is continuously strengthened. It is not me that brags, this sword formation is now so strong that it is abnormal, Yuanshen level monk We can't break it. Without this sword formation, we would have been robbed seven or eight hundred times."

Zeng Jing couldn't laugh or cry, thinking: Is the founder of the school helping you or harming you? If you don't set up this sword formation, you may practice harder and try to protect yourself, but with this stuff, you will Relying on it to eat and drink and become a businessman.

Of course, people are hard to come by. Just think about it, don't say it. Don't poke at the pain point, otherwise the rabbit will bite.

The leader led the two into the hall all the way, and the host and guest sat down.

Knowing that Zeng Jing was here to sell magic weapons, he whispered to Zeng Jing: "Little friend, I will deal with the woman's affairs first, and send her away. Let's talk slowly. I also want to invite my little friend to How many days will I live here."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, “It’s not convenient to live, but I’m really not in a hurry, and it’s okay to talk about it later. You’d better trade with her first.”

The leader nodded, and then turned to Ji Menghan: "I heard that the girl came to buy an old news from fifty years ago. I don't know if I have the news you want. Let's get started. You want to know. what?"

Ji Menghan stretched his hand into his arms and found a piece of talisman paper in his bulging chest. Zeng Jing couldn’t see what talisman it was, except that it was stained with blood. She put the talisman paper on it. In front of the leader: "Fifty years ago, the cloth merchant in the south of Jinguan city, Ji Dashan, was wiped out by the cultivators, the servants of the old and young in the family were slaughtered, and the treasures were also taken away by the cultivators. , That’s who did the things that day.”

Hearing what she said, Zeng Jing made a sound in her heart, and thought to herself: Your woman's surname is Ji, and the Ji Dashan who was destroyed is also surnamed Ji. You said you were fifty-five years old, and the Ji family was destroyed fifty years ago... This... well, the princess's revenge.

Although the leader's cultivation is not deep, he is very familiar with the world. When I heard her opening remarks, I understood it and couldn't help sighing: "So, the girl was lucky to get out of it?"

Ji Menghan said: "I was five years old, and I happened to be playing by the river with my domestic servant, so I escaped a catastrophe. When I returned home, I found that my family was ruined and the servant abandoned me and fled. You know a five-year-old child. How difficult is it to live to this age without anyone taking care of it? Over the past fifty years, I have tried every means to practice assiduously. Now that my magical skills have just begun, I am almost qualified to investigate this matter. "

Both Zeng Jing and the leader were silent for several seconds. At this time, I really didn't know what to say.

After a few seconds, the leader picked up the rune paper in front of him and said, "The girl wants to use these rune papers as clues. Let me help you find your enemy?"

"Yes, I want to know what kind of talisman this is and who painted it." Ji Menghan said: "I heard that Guimeng is well informed and knows everything. Like this kind of talisman, you must recognize it?"

The leader sighed lightly: "I don't actually need to read this talisman. I also know who did the case fifty years ago. The case was not done secretly. It's just that people in the world don't know it. However, many people know who made the move."

Ji Menghan raised his brows: "Who?"

Seeing that the leader had stopped speaking, she understood, stretched out her hand to remove a small bag from her waist, poured it on the table, and poured out a pile of aura-rich stones.

Obviously, this is the reward she intends to pay.

"Twenty-five spirit stones!"

This is a fortune.

But the leader shook his head: "I won't make this money, so I advise the girl, don't report this revenge, you can't afford to provoke your opponent, don't take your own revenge."

Chapter 48

Ji Menghan's brows frowned deeply: "You are a businessman, I pay, you give information, and you shoot two staring things, what do you worry about my safety? No matter if I get revenge or not, it is dead or alive. , You just have to make money."

The leader said: "Although the Bianmeng is an alliance that focuses on doing business, it is not a profit-only alliance of villains. There are also several kinds of money that the Bianmeng does not make, one of which is money that will kill people."

Ji Menghan: "..."

The people next to Zeng Jing could feel a clear sense of pressure. This sense of pressure was diffused from Ji Menghan, and she was obviously enduring something.

"What do the intelligence dealers say that they are afraid of killing people?" Ji Menghan said: "Every piece of information you sell will cause all kinds of disputes. I don't know how many people have died because of it. Why did you get here? Want to pretend to be someone?"

The leader shook his head: "It's not the same, it's not the same. If I sell intelligence to two powerful gangs, and they compete with each other and each suffers death and injury, I feel that it has nothing to do with me, not the person I killed. But... …You…what you are doing now…speak bluntly, if I tell you the name of my enemy, you’ll be dead, it’s like I’m harming others.”

Ji Menghan was angry: "Do you look down on people?"

The leader said: "It's not a look down, but an analysis after weighing the strengths and weaknesses."

Ji Menghan "touched" the table and jumped up, and the iron ruler hung on his back also flew up suddenly, as if he was about to hit the leader.

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