Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation base Chapter 366

However, the waiter laughed and said: "You are too worried! Master Zeng said that the Zeng family has no right to say to this, as long as the children are in free love, regardless of their origin, poor or rich, they are treated equally. Be careful, free love, It cannot be a matchmaker for parents."

When the parents heard this, they were a bit embarrassed, but they were overjoyed after the embarrassment.

The problem of identity mismatch has been solved. Then, as long as my daughter puts more effort into it, will it not work?As long as you are the in-laws of the heroes of Zeng, will you still walk sideways in Jinguan City in the future?

As a result, the eldest lady came in all day long in the cloth house, and the eldest lady left, and there were many ordinary girls who were not the eldest lady. They felt that they were good looking, somewhat beautiful, and they all ran in front of them.

Poorly, I was stunned by these women.

That evening, Zeng Jing was sitting in the backyard of the Immortal Sword Gate of Shu Mountain, watching the sunset is infinitely good, and suddenly saw her son Zeng Jing rushing in from the door, and as soon as he came in, he patted the table at his father: "I said Dad, your arrangement is too outrageous? I am a dignified cultivator who will inherit your mantle in the future and ascend to the immortal realm as a fairy, but you arranged for me to be a young master in the cloth house opened by my mother, like a kanban girl Yes, standing in the shop every day to deal with customers, and being winked by a group of unknown women, is it too much for your son to arrange this way?"

Zeng Jing laughed loudly: "What's wrong with being glared at by a woman? Your father and I still want to have such a good thing, but your mothers are so close that I can't go out."

I used to be upset: "Do you think I am you? I have a dream. I want to catch up with your cultivation base and be an immortal in the future. I should practice hard in the mountains every day, and I shouldn't waste it in the mundane world. Time, with the laity."

As soon as he finished saying this sentence, he suddenly realized that his father's expression had changed and became serious.

At this time, mother Ji Menghan also walked out of the room and looked at him with weird eyes.

Once I saw the expression on my parents, I knew it was going to be bad, and I must have said something wrong.

After a few seconds, Ji Menghan sighed: "Jing'er, you must know that what your father hates most is that the cultivator does not ask about world affairs, but only knows how to take care of himself. No matter what the flood is outside, don’t come to hinder Laozi’s cultivation. In other words, when you say it here, you are going to be beaten, do you know?"

Zeng Jing: "..."

Ji Menghan continued: "Your father is a real hero and knight. He has the skills, but he doesn't just use these skills for his own use, but uses this skills to take care of the common people all over the world. It's nothing he can see. , Wherever you can see, you will definitely help a group of people of the Li people, so that you can benefit the world. This is the path that cultivators should take after they have acquired a good ability."

I was educated in the Three Views and Righteousness since I was a child, so after listening to his mother’s words, he obediently agreed. He did not talk back because of the adolescent rebellious psychology. He just rebelled weakly and said: "I have the same. Mind, but I haven't practiced my skills well now, so I was thrown into the cloth house, what kind of young boss, how can I have time to practice my skills? How can I help the world in the future?"

Ji Menghan smiled and said, "You don’t know what your father’s ability is? It’s too simple for you to become more powerful in the future. He can give you thousands of years of cultivation in an instant. What you need to practice most is not Skills, but to walk around in the dust, roll around, live with ordinary people more, understand them, understand them, in the future, you will know who really needs help, and who are insatiable and don’t need help. Yes, what things need your help, and what things should be left to them to handle."

I once seemed to understand something: "Hey? Could it be that you are trying to save me from the tribulation? Just like the old man Fengchen?"

Ji Menghan smiled: "That's right, you are now living in the Great Tribulation. After you have passed this calamity, the problem of cultivation base can be solved at any time."

Ji Menghan finished educating the children and turned around and said, "Okay, the child is his father, you can say a few words. I am not alone in disciplining the children. If you are a father, teach him something."

"Is it me?" Zeng Jing tilted her head, smiled, and said to her precious son: "Father only teaches you one thing, that is, we must put those ladies who wink at you, all Called to eat."


Ji Menghan: "You are eating shit! Why are you teaching children?"

Once: "Mom, don't hit Dad with things, I won't do this kind of thing."

Today, the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate is still in harmony.

Chapter 463: Flower Rain

Can't add any more, because it's almost over

In order not to ask everyone, let me tell you in advance that a new book will be opened on December 1st.


Shushan Fairy Sword Gate, Back Mountain, Small Forest.

It was summer and the weather was hot, even on the Shu Mountain, which is several kilometers above sea level, it was too hot.

Hua Yu was waving Zhang Er's iron spear in the grove, demonstrating a set of marksmanship to Zeng Jing.

Sweat ran down the sides of her face, making her temples stick to her ears, making her look unique.

Zeng Jing couldn't help but look a little bit dumb, and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Hua, you are so pretty."

Hua Yu bit her lower lip: "Hey, what are you saying? They have been married for several months, and you still say these things like what a little lover would say in a relationship."

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "Who said that if you become a pro, you can't say this? I just want to say that Junior Sister Hua is so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful, I will say it here ten thousand times."

Hua Yu was too embarrassed, her personality made her embarrassed to accept such a bombardment of sweet words, a pretty face instantly turned red.

Zeng Jing whispered: "Look, there is no one near here, so it's better to be here...hehehe..."

Hua Yu said in an unpleasant manner: "No! Practice your marksmanship. Have you learned the movements I taught you just now?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Of course it will, you can see clearly."

He took the iron gun from Huayu's hand, and danced a few spears. It was the same as the Huajia marksmanship demonstrated by Huayu just now, with no difference.

Seeing that he learned so fast, Hua Yu couldn't help but sigh: "You guy... really a genius."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Okay, after teaching marksmanship, should we do business?"

Hua Yu said with no anger: "Marksmanship is the right thing. Now that you have finished your business, you are planning to do something wrong."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Giving birth is a matter of human relations, so why is it a partial matter?"

Hua Yu: "..."

Well, there is no reason to talk to the stinky rascal Zeng Jing, Hua Yu had to say weakly: "If you want to go back to the house, what if you are seen here?"

Zeng Jing said: "My spiritual consciousness is very strong. If anyone is near here, I can know in advance, don't worry."

Hua Yu thought about it carefully, it seemed to be the truth.

Women, in order to please the beloved man, in this respect, there will always be compromises.

Hua Yu looked at the left and right, there was a small circle surrounded by a few lush trees in front, and she was about to pull Zeng Jing to drill there. Zeng Jing suddenly backhanded it and buckled it. Her wrist dragged her to below the small waterfall next to her.

The small waterfall poured down from a height of more than ten meters, and a small lake was formed under the waterfall. The lake was crystal clear, and people liked it at first sight. Zeng Jing laughed and said: "It's so hot, you sweat , Let’s go to the lake hahaha.”

"In the lake?" Huayu sweated profusely: "The view in the lake is too wide, don't let it go."

"I said no one will watch it."


Huayu's resistance was ineffective, and with a splash of water, she was dragged into the small lake by Zeng Jing.

Although she refused at the beginning, once she fell into the cold lake water and washed away the summer heat, she immediately felt happy, and she couldn't help holding Zeng Jing's neck with her hands. They were in the lake. After tossing, the lake water, which had been disturbed by the waterfall, became more radiant.

Don't know how long they have been tossing, the two finally took a break from the rain and sat in the shallow water by the small lake to rest.

Women are always tired afterwards, even Huayu is no exception. She leaned her head on Zeng Jing’s chest, quietly looking at the sky, the white clouds, the forest, the squirrel in the tree. Jumping between the shoots, a little fox poked his head out in the grass in the distance, looking towards this side...

The world is so beautiful!

Wait, what's wrong?

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