Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation base Chapter 367

Little Fox?

"Damn little one, are you peeking around again?" Hua Wiper jumped up, grabbed the clothes by the lake, and put it on herself. At the same time, her magic weapon Zhang Er's long spear screamed at that one. The fox flew over.

The spear pierced the eyebrows of the little fox. Huayu thought it would immediately turn into a human form, and then dodge, or use her foxfire to block her spear, but she didn't expect that the little fox's face was frightened and scared. The whole body shrank into a ball, forgot to even escape.

This action, the time-sharing is the frightened appearance of an ordinary beast being frightened by people.

"Oops, it's not Xiaoyi, it's a real fox." Huayu hurriedly closed her hand, and the spear stopped a little bit in front of the little fox's eyebrows, and the little fox was about to splash. Blood on the spot.

Hua Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Stop it, fortunately, it almost killed a little life, little fox, I was wrong."

The spear flew back to Huayu, and the little fox finally breathed a sigh of relief, squeaked twice, turned around and dived into the grass.

After being interrupted in this way, Hua Yu didn't want to get rid of Zeng Jing again. He came out of the lake and got dressed: "I went home to teach new students how to shoot marks."

Zeng Jing smiled and waved: "Okay, go, I'll rest here for a while."

Hua Yu smiled and shook his head, the imperial spear flew up, and in a blink of an eye, he returned to the martial arts field of the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate. There were many disciples who followed her to learn physical skills. When they saw her coming, they immediately saluted: " Honored Master!"

Hua Yu would have a sweet smile when facing Zeng Jingshi, but most of the time, she didn’t have many expressions on her face, and it could even be said to be fierce. After all, she was from a military family and brought the habits of training soldiers to the school. Li Lai, facing the disciples, her expression immediately changed fiercely: "Did you practice hard when I was away?"

"Of course, the disciples dare not slacken the slightest!"

"Very well, practice the moves you just practiced and show it to me again."


All of her disciples looked like female soldiers. They were all forbidden by orders. They didn’t move like a mountain without her order. Once they got her order, they invaded like fire. There were dozens of iron guns waved in the martial arts field. Qi Practicing marksmanship.

Hua Yu looked at it, and suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed: "You, you are talking about you, get out of the queue, the action just failed, and then train me a hundred times."

The disciple who was named was sweating profusely, and quickly said: "Yes!" After saying that, he ran aside and practiced the movement a hundred times.

Hua Yu pointed out again: "You, practice the action just now fifty times."


The martial arts field was in full swing, and what no one knew was that in the small lake of Houshan, Zeng Jing was still sitting in the lake and did not come out. He smiled and looked at the grass and said: "Come out, Xiaoyi."

The little fox who ran away just now jumped out from the ground, and then instantly turned into a charming little one. She shrugged and said, "Huayu is really a cheat, but you can't cheat."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Why are you voyeuristic?"

Xiaoyi laughed and said: "What does it matter if you look at the excitement? By the way, she just turned over and over again, she would have two actions like that, how can I help."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "I don't believe it, I want to try?"

Little one: "Yo? Are you okay?"

Zeng Jing said: "Sorry, it's really good."

Therefore, today's Shu Mountain is still peaceful.

Chapter 464: Zhu Youxiao Chapter

Shushan Fairy Jianmen, Houshan, Jianmen Courtyard.

Jianmen Courtyard is a dedicated courtyard built for the families of Jianmen disciples.

Because the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect is different from other cultivating sects, it does not pay attention to avoiding the world, but encourages its disciples to join the world, learn more about the sufferings of the people, and use their own strength to help others. Therefore, the people of the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect will never wield wisdom swords. Cut the world.

The family members of the disciples in the door are often taken by Zeng Jing to Shushan in a large dragon boat to stay for a few days to see how their children are learning arts.Family members will also bring news from the mountain, and Zeng Jing will also allow his disciples to go home to visit relatives frequently.

Of course, the life expectancy of a cultivator is much longer than that of ordinary people. In the long years, these family members will eventually leave one by one, so Zeng Jing also tells everyone that even if the immediate family members pass away, cousins, cousins, cousins ​​and cousins You can also walk around for a while, and take care of your nephew, niece, great-grandson or something.

Cultivation is nothing more than cultivation. Don't cultivate yourself into a stone that doesn't recognize the six relatives and breaks the seven emotions and six desires. That is not called cultivation, but stone repair.

Therefore, the scale of Jianmen Courtyard is quite large. There are quite a few relatives and friends who live here. Of course, relatives and friends also have their own lives. Most people regard this as a tourist attraction and they will leave after visiting. However, there are also people who have lived here for a long time, such as...Zhu Youxiao and her mother.

There is a courtyard dedicated to the two of them in the other yard. This is because they not only have a lot of furniture, but also brought a lot of officials and women. You must have a whole yard to install it. Anyway, this other yard was built by them with money, everyone. There is nothing to complain about.

At noon that day, when Zeng Jing walked into the yard happily, he saw that the yard was piled up with all kinds of wood scraps and scraps of wood scraped out by a plane. He couldn't help sweating profusely. , Opened his throat and shouted into the depths of the yard: "Hey, what are you doing today?"

Zhu Youxiao’s voice sounded from the depths of the yard: “I’m making a movable clothes rack. As long as you shake the machine, the clothes rack will rise, but when you shake it, it will come down again. A clothes rail is needed."

Zeng Jing: "Wow, what a genius, you started thinking about smart clothes hangers so early."

"Smart clothes rack?" Zhu You laughed curiously: "I need my hand to move up and down, where is it smart?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "I don't know where those things that claim to be smart are smart. Anyway, people just claim to be smart, and the industrial and commercial departments don't take care of them."

When Zhu Youxiao heard it, he knew that this guy was pulling away again. At this time, he had to ignore him decisively.

Zeng Jing suddenly reached her ear and whispered: "Actually, I want a smart bed."

"Huh?" Zhu Youxiao immediately heard something wrong: "What the hell?"

Zeng Jing said: "It is a bed that can be raised and lowered, and has a vibration function, which is convenient for posing in various positions."

Zhu Youxiao: "You smelly rascal, what are you thinking about again?"

Zeng Jing said with a smile: "Who used to put a pillow under the buttocks last night to raise it a little bit? Wouldn't it be convenient if the bed was raised by itself?"

Zhu Youxiaoqiao's face is slightly red, okay, the pillow underneath her butt is herself, not only that, she also dislikes kneeling pain in the back O position, now think about it carefully, if the bed can be deformed, twisted into various heights From a perspective, don’t many actions have to become more convenient?

She punched Zeng Jing in the chest and said, "Think of something obscure, I don't bother to do it for you."

While talking, thinking in my heart, how can this thing be realized?Use wooden gears?The bed board should be like a mahjong mat, made of small pieces of wood so that it can be flexibly deformed. By the way, beef tendon should be used to maintain their elasticity and ductility...

She was thinking about it in a daze. Suddenly, several golden lights flew from the horizon. Then, a big golden barrel with a large group of eunuchs fell in front of everyone.

It was Fat Paper and the thirty-two father-in-law.

Zhu Youxiao couldn't help being surprised: "Huh? Cousin, what are you doing in Shushan?"

The big golden barrel was the former Prince Ding, now the emperor, he did not open his face mask, so no one could see his expression, but he heard his depressed voice coming from the face mask: "Cousin , I have a problem, I want to ask my brother-in-law for help."

Zeng Jing looked up next to him: "What's the matter?"

Fat Paper sighed: "It's the Westerners who have eaten all day long and have nothing to do. They send boats from the sea continuously. Today they will run off a few of them. Tomorrow he will come again. I am a cute country. I'm not afraid of them, but I bother them with these flies. I don't know how to start the war with them. I can only ask you to do it. Just like the demon cultivator country was forced to stop, you can force them to cease the war. "

When Zeng Jing heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy: "I don't have the slightest use of fart when I shoot. Those Western warships belong to several small countries. They are not under the control at all. I have to stop one by one. ."

Fat paper said: "What should I do?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "Teach you a word: Master barbarians' skills to control barbarians. You ban the seas, build ships, send them to sea to beat them, rob them, and travel thousands of miles to their home countries to make trouble. For the annoying Flies, join if you can't fight."

Fat paper: "Wow, is this not so good?"

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