Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 52

If these magic weapons are rubbish magic weapons, the horns may still be able to carry them. However, in this large pile of magic weapons, there are several powerful magic weapons carefully refined by Zeng Jing, such as No.088, No.188 and other auspicious weapons. The magic weapon of numbers was refined by Zeng Jing a little bit more seriously.

Under the chaos, the scimitar and the horn were smashed to pieces at the same time. The two magic weapons could not be hung in the air. In a blink of an eye, they were beaten so that they lost their spirit and fell from the air.

The two men in black were frightened to death and shouted: "No, this mountain guard sword formation is a bit evil, run away."

The two took out two spare magic weapons at the same time. They wanted to slip away. However, the two of them were too big and walked into the mountain gate too deep. Now they want to escape the attack range of the mountain guard sword formation. A burst of intensive "bumping bumps" sounded continuously, and the feeling of hundreds of magic weapons hitting people in turn, don't be too sour.

The two men in black were able to protect their vitals with the protective qi at first, but after a few seconds, the two men’s protective corpses were smashed to pieces, and after a few seconds, the two began Screaming: "Heroes, spare your life."

Zeng Jing said, "Ah, the voice is so low that I can't hear it."

"Heroes, spare my life, we are wrong, and we never dare to provoke the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate again."

Zeng Jing said, "I heard you clearly this time, but I don't believe you. Once you worship the moon cult, you will soon be struggling with more powerful people to attack. When I am stupid, I don't understand such a simple truth?"

Two men in black: "..."

In a blink of an eye, the two of them had been smashed on the ground, and those magic weapons had not planned to stop, whirling in mid-air, hitting them hard, then spinning and flying, going around in mid-air, and then flying over again. Smash it...

Ji Menghan couldn’t help but look dumbfounded. She was like the two men in black, thinking that these magic weapons were useless rubbish, and if there were too many ants, they wouldn’t be able to bite the elephants, but she didn’t expect that these magic weapons were actually mixed in between. Some powerful guys easily beat the two Jindan-level middle and late cultivators to the ground.

"Hey?" She remembered something suddenly, and yelled anxiously: "Stop your hands, don't kill me, I will ask them about my family."

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "This is the mountain guard sword formation, not my control. How can I say stop and stop." Although he was talking nonsense, he squeezed a decision in his hand and thought. , The mountain guarding sword formation stopped moving, and the hundreds of magic weapons no longer flew randomly. Instead, they hovered over the two men in black, making a look that could be smashed down at any time.

Ji Menghan dashed in and picked up a man in black from the ground, only to see that the man in black had been smashed to the head by the magic weapon, blood was flowing from the top of his head, and his face was flowing, but fortunately he was still panting. Not dead yet, it seems that Zeng Jing left a little hand at the beginning, and didn't hit them to death.

Ji Menghan cast a beautiful glance at Zeng Jing: "You said fiercely, but you still show mercy to the bad guys and show mercy to the bad guys?"

Zeng Jing spread his hands: "I must remind myself to be merciful anytime and anywhere, so as not to accidentally smash the planet. So no matter what I confront, I have to keep my hands. Besides, I don't like killing people. I am not very angry. Under circumstances, I generally don’t deal with death."

Ji Menghan wondered: "What is the planet?"

Zeng Jing said: "It's this thing that we stepped on, a huge ball."

Ji Menghan said indifferently: "Bullshit, the earth is obviously square, why did it become a ball? Have you never heard of the sky round place? Besides, even if it is round, you have no ability to break it. My master said Heaven and earth have existed for 4.6 billion years. In other words, the power of heaven and earth is equivalent to 4.6 billion years of cultivation. Who can beat it?"

Zeng Jing: "..."

Forget it, don't care like you, Zeng Jing remained silent.

PS: Because it will be on the shelves tomorrow, we must post a testimonial today.If the testimonials were posted at 8pm, it would be too late.So the update at 8 o'clock tonight is ahead of schedule. You can click the next page to see it.

Chapter 66

This is an update at 8pm, and it will be released in advance


Ji Menghan grabbed the black armor and shook it vigorously. A few seconds later, the black-clothed person woke up, opened his eyes, his mouth was bleeding, and he looked at the person holding him in front of him with a wry smile: "What a great Shushan Immortal Sword. The big formation... so many messy magic weapons... how did they make it within a few months after the door was destroyed? This...impossible..."

When Ji Menghan saw these messy magic weapons being refined, she felt a bit weird, so she couldn't answer this question at all. She slapped the man in black and said, "Don't talk nonsense, grandma aunt will ask you a question now. If you can’t answer, I’ll chop you up. If you answer, there may be a chance to let you go.”

The black man said: "You ask..."

Ji Menghan said: "Fifty years ago, on the outskirts of Jinguan City, there was a cloth merchant named Ji who was killed by the whole family, and even the soul was sucked away by the Soul Talisman. Did you do it?"

The man in black laughed and said, "Since there is a soul-sucking charm, of course it is us...our handwriting..."

Ji Menghan said angrily: "Why?"

The black man said: "God... God knows why... Fifty years ago, the ghost remembers... It's about what the cloth merchant's family has... the treasures of heaven and earth... refuse to dedicate to the teaching... …It’s not my hands anyway, I don’t know..."

Ji Menghan: "..."

Zeng Jing shook his head next to him: "The Moon Worship Cult is a very big sect. It helps a lot of people. It seems that it is not something you can ask about 50 years ago by just grabbing a person."

Ji Menghan is a sensible person. After thinking about it carefully, he nodded: "Yes, it seems to be the case."

"These two people..."

Zeng Jing was hesitating how to deal with it. Suddenly, he saw Ji Menghan wave the iron ruler and "touch" on the top of the two of them. After two consecutive blows, the two men in black were killed immediately.

Zeng Jing: "Well, I'm thinking that the mother or the sofa should be decisive now. Which kind of operation is more in line with the main theme of the new era? You can help me decide. That's good, this end is very suitable for them."

Ji Menghan didn’t understand what the mother was, the sofa was decisive, and the main theme of the new era, but he could hear what Zeng Jing said. He said solemnly: “This kind of thing that does evil and wants to kill at every turn will only Hurt good people."

Zeng Jing nodded: "I agree with this, but the corpse looks so disgusting, you have to hurry up and throw it away."

"Throw it?" Ji Menghan said: "You are too wasteful, right? These are the bodies of two Golden Core cultivators!"

"What's wrong?" Zeng Jing Daqi: "What other use is there for this corpse?"

Ji Menghan said: "The golden core monk, the purple mansion in his body has shrunk and turned into a golden core, and all the spiritual energy is stored in the golden core. Even if he dies, the spiritual energy will not escape immediately. It will be sealed in Jindan for a period of time."

Zeng Jing said: "Wow, don't you want to suck aura from the corpse? It's disgusting, don't do that."

Ji Menghan said: "I'm not so perverted. No decent person can do such a disgusting thing. However, this corpse has a certain purpose, that is-Feitian."

Zeng Jing: "???"

Ji Menghan said: "Buying them in farmland or medicine field, the spiritual energy in their golden core will gradually overflow, so that the soil in the entire field will become'spiritual soil', which is for crops. And medicinal herbs are of great help. It may even turn them into spirit grasses and eventually grow into treasures of heaven and earth. For example, the spirit wood branches placed in your spirit gathering formation may be buried in one piece. Grow out of the monk’s land."

Zeng Jing: "Fak, is this okay?"

As soon as he finished talking about it, he remembered that, by the way, nature has the law of conservation of matter.When cultivating their own techniques, monks draw spiritual energy from the nature of heaven and earth. When they die, they will naturally return the spiritual energy they have absorbed to nature. Only the energy between heaven and earth can be conserved.

This can be regarded as a way for cultivators to feed back to nature.

Well, respect nature.

Not wanting to touch the dead, Zeng Jing commanded the magic weapon made from two drying racks to fly over, hook up the corpses of the two men in black, and flew to the medicine field behind the sword gate.

After months of taking care of this medicinal field, Bai Yan has planted a lot of herbs in it, such as Qingxincao, ginseng, Fuling, Angelica... There are a lot of messy herbs, many of which can’t be called. By name, Zeng Jing dug a deep hole in the myrrh in the middle of the medicine field, threw the body into it, and buried it.

Seeing that the last handful of soil was just about to be buried, there happened to be a slender figure walking over in the back mountain. It was Bai Yan. She cried from a distance, "Junior Brother, what are you doing in the medicine field?"

Zeng Jing quickly clapped her hands: "Huh? What didn't I do."

Bai Yan said: "Suspicious!"

She looked at the ground in front of Zeng Jing. There were obvious traces of excavated soil there. She couldn't help asking: "What are you buried in the medicine field?"

Zeng Jing blew his whistle and said, "Well...cough cough...I just didn't want to squat in the hut. I wanted to squat in a place that is more open, more comfortable, and able to absorb the strong aura, so I came to the medicinal field, dug a hole, pulled it in, and buried it."

Bai Yan sweats profusely: "Such an obscure thing, don't talk it out loudly."

She was still suspecting that there was something weird buried there, and she still wanted to dig it out, but now she didn’t want to, and walked away a few steps disgustedly, saying, “Don’t dry it like this in the future. It’s good, but it can’t be put into the field until it’s fermented. Putting the fresh manure directly into the field like this is not good. It will damage the roots of the herb. When I go far away, dig it out."

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