Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 53

Zeng Jing said: "Okay!"

Bai Yan shook his head: "Even though Junior Brother is very sensible most of the time, but occasionally being naughty, it is really a headache..." She turned around, and after Zeng Jing couldn't see her, she smiled again. Two times: "Boys are also cute when they are naughty."

She walked a few steps forward, remembering something again, and turned to Zeng Jing and asked, "Did there be a visitor in front of the mountain gate just now? The junior sister said that she seemed to have heard something, so let me come and have a look."

Zeng Jing shook her head: "There were no guests visiting, only me and Miss Ji. I asked her to help me and practiced the imperial weapon. We two used magic weapons to attack and defend in the sky. Maybe there was a sound. ."

Bai Yan has no knowledge of world affairs, is pure and innocent, and never knows how to doubt others, so after listening to Zeng Jing's words, he didn't think deeply. He said, "It turns out that the junior is cultivating. Then I went back to the back mountain. Well, you’ve been a little slow in entering the realm lately. It’s been a long time since you broke through the earth and fire realm, and you haven’t broken the human fire realm. Compared with other methods, the fire system has a surprisingly fast progress at the beginning. The slower you get to the back, but you practiced slowly at the beginning. This is not a good sign. It's time to put more oil."

PS: Turn a page, there is a testimonial below.

Shelf testimonials

I don’t know if this is the first time I have written a testimonial

Over the years, I have written a lot of books, and I also wrote a lot of testimonials on shelves. When I feel this link, people are numb.

I have forgotten the excitement when I first put it on the shelves, now there is only a numbness of "Oh, it's on the shelves".

By the way, in this extreme state of numbness, there is only one thing that excites me!

That is……

Not much nonsense!

It will be updated tomorrow!Burst more!It's so cool to burst him!

Those readers who don't have many cat biscuits, get ready to cry.

Those readers who have a lot of cat biscuits, your biscuits won’t last long, you still have to cry.

By the way, readers who are fattening, please subscribe automatically when you raise them, so that father-in-law knows that you are raising books instead of thinking that you have abandoned father-in-law.

In short, after posting the testimonials on the shelves, according to the rules of the website, you can no longer post free chapters. Therefore, tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock will only be postponed. After the editors go to work and the shelves are opened, the father-in-law will immediately start to explode.

It is expected to be between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock.

Everyone, hide the cat cookies!It's really going to be wiped out soon.

(After saying this, my father-in-law looked at his cat biscuits. There were only more than 200. I feel that the Yali is so big, and I can't afford my book again.)

By the way, at this time, it is customary for book friends to ask the father-in-law if he wants to offer a reward.

The father-in-law still said that there is no need to offer a reward, and the father-in-law will do his best to be more aggressive.

Violence has never been a matter of bargaining with readers and friends, but a voluntary, spontaneous, father-in-law's effort to support his family.

Therefore, if you are interested in voting for the father-in-law or the blades, please vote silently. The guild will continue to update desperately and update properly. This has nothing to do with the number of rewards, monthly passes and blades.

Chapter 67

Bai Yan went back to Houshan to guard Lori again, and only Zeng Jing and Ji Menghan were left in front.

Zeng Jing patted her chest, showing a frightened look: "It's so dangerous, so dangerous, I almost let the senior sister see me buried."

Ji Menghan said in an angry manner: "What's so scary about this?"

Zeng Jing said: "Look, I'm a gentle and elegant guy, and I'm often praised by my senior sister. If suddenly one day, she finds me with a sinister smile on my face, burying the body in the medicine field, that wouldn't scare her. One Buddha was born, and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, who would have fallen in love with me, but instantly became the one who hid from me. Then I am not in a blood loss?"

Ji Menghan: "What is Yasaxi?"

"It means gentleness."

"Then you say that gentleness is dying, why do you have to change it to Yasashi."

"Simply, this is not the point, don't care." Zeng Jing said, "Forget it, let's grasp the point. Just now, the senior sister said that my progress in cultivation is very slow, and asked me to step up to break through the realm of human fire. , I need to make a good breakthrough. I can’t let the family who cares about me down."

After several days of getting along with each other, Ji Menghan discovered that Zeng Jing was able to reforge the profound iron giant sword, and could refine hundreds of magic weapons to easily pack two gold core later stages. He knew his strength was unfathomable for a long time, and said in a very angry voice: " Don't fool people. Why are you in the realm of fire during the refining period? I think you are at least the primordial spirit boss."

Zeng Jing said, "I'm really in the Qi refining period. You see, the two men in black who worshipped the moon cult just now swept me with their divine consciousness. Didn't they also come to the conclusion that the Qi refining period is in the realm of earth and fire? Don’t believe If you do, please scan me with your spiritual knowledge and try."

"Really let me sweep?" Ji Menghan said: "If I sweep out some unknown secrets, you won't kill me, right?"

"No!" Zeng Jing smiled: "Do I look like such a vicious person?"

"That's true." Ji Menghan said: "Then I will sweep it, I really want to sweep it, let me tell you, it is very impolite to sweep people with God's knowledge, this girl has always disdained it, you told me to sweep, I It’s not because I’m not being polite and peeping into other people’s privacy.”

Zeng Jing: "That's all right, there's so much nonsense."

Seeing that he really didn’t care, Ji Menghan released his divine consciousness and scanned it carefully. The divine consciousness was like an X-ray, sweeping from the top of Zeng Jing’s head to his toes. There was no Yuanshen, and Yuanying could not be found. Jindan It doesn't exist. There is only one Purple Mansion in his body. The Purple Mansion is quite big, but it can't be swept out how many cultivation bases there are. Check his realm more carefully.

Sure enough, this guy's current cultivation is stuck at the bottleneck of the "Human Fire Realm".

There are three bottlenecks in the Qi refining period of the fire system, namely "earth fire", "human fire" and "sky fire". Since this guy is stuck in the "human fire" state, it means that he is only practicing In the early stage of qi, it did not even enter the middle stage.

Ji Menghan looked dumbfounded: "Did you use any special techniques to hide your realm?"

Zeng Jing said: "No, I really am in this state."

Ji Menghan: "..."

"But I'm about to break through to the realm of fire and humans." Zeng Jing said: "Senior sister has already spoken. If you don't break through, you won't be able to do so, otherwise the head Lori will come to complain about my slow progress in cultivation, and the senior sister will also Don’t let me learn miscellaneous studies."

Ji Menghan was speechless for a while: "I want to see how you can break through."

After she said this, she saw Zeng Jing closing her eyes, and about three seconds later, she opened: "Okay, the breakthrough is complete. Life span has increased by 7 years, tolerance to cold has increased by 10 degrees, tolerance to heat 20 degrees is mentioned."

Ji Menghan: "Give me a serious break."

Zeng Jing said: "But the breakthrough is really over."

Ji Menghan squinted his eyes: "Then I have to use my spiritual knowledge to scan again."

Zeng Jing: "You just scan."

Ji Menghan really swept away. After the sweep, Zeng Jing, who was still stuck in the human-fire realm bottleneck, had now broken through the human-fire realm and entered the middle stage of Qi refining.

"Have you made a mistake!" Ji Menghan lifted the table.

"Hey, in short, the situation is just as you can see." Zeng Jing said: "I spent a few days on fake decorations, desperately breaking through, and the day after tomorrow I will report to the senior sister that I have reached the state of human fire, and wait for the senior sister in a few days. Come to vomit why I am not in the Skyfire Realm, I will break through again."

Ji Menghan covered his face: "You are bullying people. To bully them only has the pill formation period, and the divine consciousness cannot be released."

Zeng Jing: "This is a kind deception."

"The old primordial monster can really do whatever he wants." Ji Menghan regarded Zeng Jing as the primordial stage and didn't want to talk to him anymore. He reached out his hand and took out his iron ruler from behind, and handed it to Zeng Jing pitifully: "You Look at my iron ruler. Just now when I was fighting with those two bad guys, my aura was broken up, and now it has become a piece of ordinary iron. You seem to be very good at refining tools, can you help me refining it? For the old primordial spirit, it shouldn't be troublesome."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Oh, of course it's okay. Anyway, just practice it with your hands."

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