Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 59

Zeng Jing said: "Stop talking and do what I said. If I am distracted when talking to you and my luck gets messed up, the two ginseng plants will be scrapped and the suzerain will die."

These words shocked Ji Menghan, and really didn't dare to spit Zeng Jing's slot.

In a blink of an eye, the two ginseng plants reached their fourth year, and then they bloomed again.

Zeng Jing said again: "Put their flowers together and wipe them gently."

Although Ji Menghan was puzzled, he obediently did so.

It is also interesting to say that after the flower bloomed and faded, the ginseng did not change much, but this time after the "pollination" action, it is no longer just a simple flower blooming and withering. After the ginseng flower faded, it actually gave birth to A lot of ginseng seeds were removed, and these ginseng seeds fell off the plant in a blink of an eye and fell to the ground.

Ji Menghan said: "Oh, no, these are also shrouded by your metamorphosis supernatural powers, they will also grab aura, I have to get rid of them like weeds."

"Don't let them be there." Zeng Jing said: "In addition, pay attention to the support fans for the next year."

He was talking in his mouth, but his mind was not divided. First, he used one hand to output the magical powers of all things, and the other hand secretly took out another black date from his pocket. While Ji Menghan focused on the ginseng, Secretly threw the black dates in his mouth.

The power of Erzao!

Fully open!

The water aura he released just now was already terrifying, but this time, the amount of water aura released was doubled compared to the previous one, and Ji Menghan next to him was frightened. Can you increase your power output?"

I saw that the water aura rushing out of Zeng Jing’s palm was vast and vast. The two four-year-old ginseng and the seeds they gave birth were all nourished by the water aura. The two large ginseng plants grew madly and just needed. It takes only one or two minutes to complete the one-year growth cycle, but now it takes only forty to fifty seconds to complete, and a lot of seeds they gave birth just now have begun to take root and sprout, and grow into new small ginseng.

In an instant, a large piece of land was full of ginseng seedlings growing wildly.

Ji Menghan's eyes straightened: "Are you crazy and nourish so many ginseng? There are at least forty plants. No, fifty plants are growing together. Stop it. This will consume a lot of spiritual energy. I'm afraid you will even have one plant. If it hasn't been nourished for 100 years, it's already exhausted."

"Don't be afraid, look!" Zeng Jing shouted: "By the way, now the growth period is changing quickly, and the flowering period is shorter. Please cheer up and pollinate them with the fastest movements."

Within a few minutes, the first two ginseng plants had passed the cycle of several years, and the new ginseng seedlings began to bloom.

Ginseng blossoms everywhere, brilliant and beautiful.

Ji Menghan stayed for a while, then bit her lower lip, desperately helping to pollinate the ginseng, she was also an early stage golden core monk, and her technique was much faster than ordinary people. In a few seconds of her short life, she gave dozens Pollination of strains of ginseng can actually be done.

However, if we do this, the battle will be serious.

These dozens of ginseng plants bloom together, pollinate together, and plant together...

In an instant, ginseng seeds were sprinkled all over the land, and there was a large mountain slope around, all occupied by ginseng.

Ji Menghan reacted immediately and quickly weeded the surrounding hillside.

Zeng Jing secretly stuffed two black jujubes into his mouth, and the power of the four jujubes enveloped the entire hillside.

The splendid flowers bloomed and the ginseng on the hillside smiled in the wind. Ji Menghan stood in a sea of ​​ginseng flowers and directly gave up pollination, because now it is really impossible to get it.

Zeng Jing said: "Palm wind!"

Ji Menghan understood in an instant that there was no need to rub the flowers with his hands anymore. He slapped a palm on the ground directly from a distance, and shot a powerful head, passing over the sea of ​​flowers, the wind blowing and pollen all over the sky, and not Know how many flowers have received support fans.

Ji Menghan snorted: "You are crazy, how many roots of 100-year-old ginseng do you want to make at the same time?"

Zeng Jing said: "I want to eat as much as a white radish."

"You can't do it, no one in this world can do it."

Less than a quarter of an hour after saying this, Ji Menghan was brutally slapped, and saw a hundred-year-old ginseng blooming on a hillside, smiling at her.

Ji Menghan stood sluggishly in this sea of ​​flowers, and there was a sentence that MMP didn't know should be said.

Zeng Jing: "Okay, just dig out a few plants and save them to make medicine for the lord. Others will wait for them to grow here. When we turn back, we will make up a reason for the senior sister to come and dig. Miss sister, take me to find Lingzhi. "

Ji Menghan said weakly, "Your aura is still enough to make a century-old Ganoderma?"

Zeng Jing said, "Do you think I am tired?"

Ji Menghan: "Well, when I didn't say it."

The two dug out a few hundred-year-old ginseng at random, and wrapped them in their clothes like ordinary white radishes, and then the sword flew up and went looking for Lingzhi.

The Shu mountain region is also very suitable for the growth of Ganoderma lucidum. If you look carefully on the top of the mountain, you can easily find a few strains. However, the age is not enough and the problem is not big. Zeng Jing brewed it in the same way, and soon there was a basket of Ganoderma lucidum.

Ji Menghan felt a little dizzy: "You Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, selling these ganoderma and ginseng in the future will be enough to make a fortune."

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "That's not necessarily the case. The market is just a little bit big. If you invest a lot of this kind of things, their prices will collapse and fall very fast. If we really sell in large quantities, it won't be long before they will The price is the same as that of white radish. And because the price is cut too fast, no one dares to buy it, and they have to wait until the price drops to the end before making a deal."

Ji Menghan thought about it carefully, as if it was really the case.

Zeng Jing said: "Okay, don't talk about these nonsense, let's go and help the Sect Master refine Wulingsan."

Ji Menghan quickly put away his cranky thinking, and said: "Yes, you are right, let's go back quickly."

Chapter 76: Frequent Moon Worship Cult Activities

This is the tenth update today, there will be more


Next is the time for alchemy. However, alchemy is a very simple matter. It is different from the refiner. The refiner mainly depends on the level of the refiner.But alchemy mainly relies on materials. As long as the materials are in place and put them into the pill furnace according to the corresponding ratio, it is not too difficult to make elixir.

Zeng Jing didn’t like this kind of thing with little technical content, so he didn’t practice the alchemy method. Ji Menghan simply went to Houshan to find Bai Yan, showed her his clear water and flying frost formula, and then took the century-old ginseng. And Bainian Ganoderma lucidum was placed in front of Bai Yan.

Bai Yan knew that the Sect Master of Shuai Zong had been injured. He was shocked: "Ah, Sect Master Shuai has helped us. He was injured. Of course, we should treat him. I will help him. Alchemy."

Although she was very slow in her cultivation, she was unexpectedly good at miscellaneous learning. She knew the alchemy chapter of Bishui Feishhuang Jue at a glance.

"Miss Ji, where did you find the Centennial Ginseng and Centennial Ganoderma lucidum? These are very difficult to get good treasures." Bai Yan said: "It is said that Centennial Ginseng is only easy to find near Changbai Mountain. As for Centennial Ganoderma, It’s easy to find near Tianshan Mountains. I didn’t expect you to pick such good things in Shu Mountain. It takes a lot of effort for us to find such good things in Shu Mountain."

Ji Menghan was told by Zeng Jing not to reveal his strength, so he had to hide the truth and changed his name to: "Zeng Jing found these. He was lucky. On the dark side of the hillside, he found a large piece of century-old ginseng. Go back. Dig back."

"Huh? A large piece of century-old ginseng?" Bai Yan said, "Coax me."

Ji Menghan didn’t blame her for not believing herself, because she didn’t even dare to believe what she saw just now, so she couldn’t help laughing or crying: “Zeng Jing’s luck is so good, such a large piece of 100-year-old ginseng, nobody found it before. I was the first to find out, so lucky."

Zeng Jing quickly said: "It's not the time to talk about this, let's quickly refine the alchemy for the lord."

It is important to save people. Bai Yan was led to a crooked rhythm, and he hurried to the alchemy furnace, threw seven materials into the alchemy furnace, and then used the alchemy technique in the Bishui Feishhuang Art to easily develop Wulingsan. .

She is delicate, gentle and kind, very suitable for the work of alchemy, every minute of the material is used carefully, not bad, in this respect, it makes Zeng Jing and Ji Menghan feel inferior.

He took the refined Wulingsan and came to Zeng Jing’s room, and saw the Sect Master sitting on the bed, cross-legged to adjust his breath, but his face was already very ugly, he was originally ugly, and he was a weak white card. The face, sitting there, exudes an aura that can scare all women away.

Ji Menghan and Bai Yan felt that Yali Mountain was big, so they had to pass the pills to Zeng Jing.

Zeng Jing personally fed the Sect Master to take the medicine. The medicine was really symptomatic. Within a moment, the Sovereign’s Purple Mansion was smoothed out. The opponent injected the Earth Element Spiritual Energy into his body, and was finally overwhelmed by the effect of Wuling Powder, and then transported it by himself. The skill straightened out the meridians, returned the scattered spiritual energy to the Purple Mansion, and his complexion slowly recovered blood energy.After all, Centennial Ginseng and Centennial Ganoderma are both great tonic, nourishing qi and nourishing vitality, and the effect is first-rate.

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