Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 60

He opened his eyes and said to the three people in front of him: "Thank you for your help, the little friend and the two girls, for saving lives. I dare not say thank you lightly. In the future, my handsome Zong will do my best to repay you."

He thanked him for this and put Zeng Jing at the forefront. If Bai Yan's heart and eyes are too much, he might be able to hear something wrong, but Bai Yan doesn't know anything about the world, and he really doesn't go into the small details of this kind of speech. I thought, and quickly returned a courtesy: "Sect Master is polite. Last time you pointed us to Qingxincao and Junior Brother, we didn’t have time to say thank you. Moreover, there was a powerful Black Ice Bear Demon in the valley. If it weren't for the Sect Master to clean it up, the three of us, senior sister and brother, might have encountered catastrophe."

Sect Master was stunned. Didn't the little friend save me?Why did I become my help to you?

He turned his head and saw that Zeng Jing was winking at him, and suddenly understood, suddenly realized, and quickly said: "Cough, that bear demon, cough... Actually, I can't beat it, I also have an expert to help... ..."

Seeing the ugly face of the Sect Master flushed, Bai Yan seemed to have something unspeakable. He hurriedly changed the subject and said: "Mr. Sect Master, how come you have been injured by such a powerful cultivation base? Who hurt you?"

The Sect Master was slightly shocked when he heard this, and after a few seconds, he sighed, "People who worship the Moon Cult."

"Huh?" Bai Yan couldn't help but exclaimed, "Is it another moon worship cult?"

The suzerain nodded: "This moon worship cult has become more and more restless recently. In Jinguan City, people of the moon worship cult are often seen walking around. I don’t know what monster moths are doing. Cultivators of other factions, generally Everyone will be careful to behave and do things carefully. But the people who worship the moon cult are blind and blind."

Bai Yan didn’t know that two people who worshipped the Moon had visited the Immortal Sword Gate of Shushan not long ago and wanted to cut the grass and roots. If she knew it, she didn’t know how scared she would be. Maybe she would pull the head Lolita quickly. Those who stay far away must preserve the last "hope" of the entire village of Shushan Xianjianmen.

Zeng Jing turned her head and asked her suzerain: "Wai Yuejiao has been walking here frequently recently?"

"Yes!" Sect Master nodded and said: "There are more activities than usual."

Bai Yan asked timidly: "What are they doing?"

The suzerain thought carefully, and sighed: "Perhaps, finally planning to expand outward. Jinguan City may be their first stop. If they sit firmly in Jinguan City, they can radiate the various schools of Shushan."

Jinguan City is located in the southwest, not far from the Miao border. It is the first stop for the Miao border to visit the mountains.

If the worship of the moon really intends to win the Central Plains Huahua World, it will inevitably build the first sub-rudder into Jinguan City.

However, the people of the moon worship cult have always acted insidiously, aggressively, and frenzied. If such a gang builds a sub-rudder in Jinguan City, it will not be a good thing for all factions in Shushan.

With thoughts, all the people present frowned.

Ji Menghan bit his lower lip and said, "My family’s blood and deep hatred fell on the moon worship cult. He still has the courage to run to Jinguan City? That’s good, they really come, I will go and surround them. Divide the rudder and turn, grab a helper to force a confession today, and beat them again tomorrow..."

Sovereign can't laugh or cry: "With your cultivation base, you can clean up some low-level disciples, of course, but doing so is tantamount to stab the hornet's nest. Even if you succeed in the moment, one day you will be caught by someone, and it will be troublesome. Moreover, even if they can't catch you, they will vent their anger on other innocent people. That would be a pain to the Li people in Jinguan City."

Chapter 77

Ji Menghan also felt reasonable after listening to the suzerain.

Without a deep level of cultivation, just relying on sneak attacks and sap attacks can cause much harm to the moon worship cult?That is to overturn a few low-level disciples. It is not painful or itchy for their entire gang, at most a little annoying. At that time, send a few masters out and pretend to be low-level disciples fishing, or they can catch her. Live, and then it's your turn to die.

She frowned: "But I always have to find out who killed my family. I must take revenge."

Bai Yan’s thoughts are different. Although the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate was also destroyed by the moon worship cult, the old moon worship demon has been beaten into stars in the sky. Now that the old moon worshipping demon has been punishable, the hatred in her heart has faded. The main consideration is the survival of the sword gate. She whispered: "If the moon worshipping cult really builds a rudder in Jinguan City, it must be returned. If you want to find trouble with our swordsman, you will want to cut the grass and wipe out the roots. With our current strength, we can't stop the moon worship cult. What can we do? Do we want to take the master sister and leave here quickly?"

When she said this, she looked at Zeng Jing and said "we". It was obvious that she couldn't make up her mind and wanted Zeng Jing to help her decide.

After all, she is not very familiar with the world, and gentle and kind people are often indecisive at the same time. In this case, she really doesn’t know what to do. For things like women, when they encounter major decisions, they will inevitably want to rely on the men around them. Although Zeng Jing's entry level was behind her, her abilities were not weak, and Bai Yan consciously threw the decision right on him.

It's about like in a rural family, the older sisters usually do helper demons, and they look like thieves can do it. But once something big happens in the family, a bunch of older sisters will turn into a pot of porridge, and they will all be blind. In the end they dare to make a decision. It is the younger brother who has been surrounded by his sister, like a trash.

Bai Yan stared at Zeng Jing. Zeng Jing said, "Leave? Of course not. This is Jianmen’s foundation. Although most of it has been destroyed, it has recovered a lot under our constant cleaning and reconstruction. It looks like the old days. If you leave now, how long do you plan to hide outside? Hide for a year or two? Hide for two hundred years? Or, hide for thousands of years? Then we come back again, do you still see the current sword gate?"

Bai Yan thought about it carefully. This is the case. People in the cultivation world have a long life span, and the various sects have lived for a long time. If the last few people in Jianmen hide out, they won't want to come back in a short time. When the time comes, hiding for hundreds of thousands of years, and then coming back, I am afraid that everything will decay and turn into cultural relics, it is equivalent to the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate is really finished.

She bit her lower lip and said, "Junior Brother, what do you say?"

Zeng Jing wanted to say: Beat them.

But if you say this, let alone Bai Yan can’t believe it, even Ji Menghan and Shuai Zi Sect Masters don’t even dare to believe it, because according to the information obtained so far, the moon worship cult is extremely powerful and has been cultivated for more than two thousand years. Only the fifth place in the teaching, there are four old monsters on the top, the number of monsters below is nothing but a lot of monsters, but it is certain that there are many monsters in the Primordial Spirit.

In the eyes of these friends who knew that he was "very strong," Zeng Jing was branded as a "primordial spirit old monster". If the opponent's spirits joined forces to attack, in their opinion, Zeng Jing It must be missed.

I want them to believe that the only way is to go directly to the door of worshipping the moon, but this is a bit different from Zeng Jingping’s personal style. He doesn’t like to choose things, especially because he is strong. Open the door of others to bully others, even if they are bad guys.

For example, in the original world, if you live next door to an arrogant villain, gangster, bastard garbage scum, but you can’t copy a knife into his house and drag his whole family out to beat him up. Even his younger brothers, sisters, wives and children were hammered together, and then his whole family was driven out of your community.

In doing so, it really violates the three views and common sense of modern people.

With the modern three-view approach, it should be that the other party really did bad things in front of him, and then went to see the righteous and bravely beat him up, and also paid attention to "doing no harm to his wife and children". Just beating the principal offender, whoever did it Hit someone if something bad happens, don't touch other people's wives and children.

Zeng Jing had no choice but to say: "Let's stay steady and just grow wretched."

"The Sword Gate is here, everyone in the world knows, and those who worship the Moon Church also know, how do we grow up?" Bai Yan sighed: "They must hit the door to cut the grass and remove the roots. Of course, I am not afraid. I should have On the day that the old moon worshipping demon struck, I co-existed and died with the Sword Sect. However, Junior Sister could not die. She was the hope of our Sword Sect's revival. Also, Junior Sister, you should not die. Your cultivation speed is only a little slower than that of Junior Sister. You also have a promising future. You may also become a hero of Shujian, if you haven't practiced magical powers, you will die in the hands of the moon worship cult. It would be a pity."

Hearing what she said, Zeng Jing had to wink at the handsome character next to her.

The suzerain lived more than two hundred years old, with a well-rounded human affection, and he understood it from Zeng Jing's wink. He quickly said: "Miss Bai, I think that wretched development is still feasible. If the moon worship cult really wants to come to Jinguan City to build a sub-rudder, I don’t know how many troubles I have to face, and there may not be enough time to deal with Jianmen. If they do come, my handsome Zong will definitely help."

Ji Menghan said: "I am also willing to coexist and die with Jianmen!"

Bai Yan was immediately moved: "Two, you guys... How can my swordsman, He De, get the two of you to help each other like this."

Sect Master and Ji Menghan thought in their hearts: Of course it was because of Zeng Jing.

Everyone was talking about this, Ji Menghan and the suzerain both frowned at the same time: "Someone is coming!"

Before the words were over, someone opened the door and walked in, and it was the owner of Wolong.

He was a little embarrassed and said: "I don't want to scare you, just to avoid the moon worship cult demon who may be hidden in the dark, so I deliberately used the technique of Wolong Qianyuan to hide my breath and sneak in."

After explaining clearly with the fastest speed, the owner of Wolong Village put on an awe-inspiring look and said: "What you said just now, I just heard it outside the door, the master nephew of Jianmen, don’t worry. The Immortal Sword Gate of Shushan has always been like brothers and sisters. I came here this time just to talk about it. The moon worship cult has been about to move recently. It is obviously planning to enter the Central Plains. I can’t just sit idly by and ignore them. If I dare to invade Jianmen, Wolongzhuang will do my best to stand in front of me, in order to repay the life-saving grace of the previous generation of Jianmen Master."

Chapter 78

Bai Yan squinted, she really didn't dare to believe this Wolong Village owner, even if she didn't understand the world, she still remembered the experience in Wolong Village last time.

I believe you a ghost, you bad old man is very bad!

However, the owner of Wolong doesn't care whether Bai Yan believes it or not. Anyway, his play is about to be finished.

He said to Zeng Jing: "My nephew, I think so. Our two factions are jointly named after Shushan Immortal Jianmen and Wolongzhuang. Well, yes, of course, we must also add Shuai Zong. Get up and send out invitations to the various factions in Shushan. Please sit down and discuss together how to deal with the issue of the moon worship cult. As long as we all speak together, the moon worship cult may not dare to act as arrogantly as before."

Bai Yan was a little bit suspicious: "This... does this really work? I always feel that... the people of all major sects seem to have their own way."

The owner of Wolong said: "Senior Nephew Bai, you are right. Many sects take care of the floods outside. Don’t hinder Laozi from cultivating immortals. Generally speaking, they won’t join hands, but this time the situation is different. The people of the Moon Cult have been active in Jinguan City frequently recently, and people of all major sects have felt threatened. If they are doing their own things now, it is inevitable that there will be a second Shushan Fairy Sword Gate...cough...sorry, offended."

Bai Yan said: "It's okay, Shishu is right."

The owner of Wolong said: "In short, this time it should be feasible for everyone to join forces to fight against the moon worship cult. I now plan to visit the various sects in turn. I am here to say something specifically to the master nephews of Jianmen. Please rest assured."

Zeng Jing understands that, please don't worry, it is all nonsense, this is to say to herself and solicit her own opinions.Obviously, the owner of Wolong knows that Zeng Jing is powerful, so he has the courage to stand up against the moon worship cult. If Zeng Jing says that this can be done, he will do it, but if Zeng Jing opposes it, it will definitely happen soon. Said: "This matter will be discussed later."

Of course, Zeng Jing has to cooperate with the acting, pretending to be authentic: "It is so good, but the uncle is thoughtful, please trouble him to contact the various factions, we are the only one in Jianmen."

This is considered as agreed, which means: you can do it, I will provide armed support, and I am too lazy to handle chores.

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