Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 8

Zeng Jing joked in the back: "Don't you make it into a mink fur collar? The senior sister is quite kind."

Bai Yan shook his head: "The word kind is too ridiculous! It's because I have embarked on the road of comprehension, I will try to kill as little as possible."

Zeng Jing said: "For the state of mind?"

Bai Yan said: "This is not true. Killing may not affect the state of mind. However, killing will accumulate'Heaven's Scourge'. Whenever you do something that violates the way of heaven, God will give you a sum ', it doesn’t usually matter, but when you need to save the thunder tribulation, the more you owe, the larger the tribulation cloud above your head, and the stronger the power of thunder tribulation. In other words, killing is harmful and not beneficial. Don’t kill. It's wonderful."

Chapter 9 What nonsense is this ugly man talking

Zeng Jing took another lesson and learned a little knowledge that he didn't know what to use.It turned out that more killings would make Thunder Tribulation stronger and difficult to overcome.

He couldn't help asking: "That wicked person can't survive the catastrophe?"

Bai Yan shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily true. The evil cultists have done a lot of bad things and accumulated a lot of'heaven's dispatches' on the long road to cultivation. Of course, they also know that their thunder catastrophe is no small thing. Therefore, they came up with it. Various evil methods have been used to help oneself overcome the catastrophe, such as a substitute, a furnace ding, a seizure...Anyway, using various methods to disrupt the heavenly way, in the end, he can successfully overcome the catastrophe and become an evil fairy."

Zeng Jing: "That's it."

At this moment, the head Lori's face suddenly became a little awkward, she pulled Bai Yan's sleeves, and whispered: "Senior Sister, I...want...want...a little explanation..."

"Hey?" Bai Yan said: "In such a place?"

The head Lori said with a bitter face: "No way, I just thought about it."

Bai Yan was speechless, and glanced back at Zeng Jing, thinking: This is troublesome. In such a dangerous place, the three of us cannot be separated. However, men and women must be separated at this time. What should I do?

When she was too embarrassed, Zeng Jing smiled at her: "It's okay, you accompany the boss, I'll be waiting here alone."

Seeing him clearly understand their appearance, Bai Yan couldn't help being surprised: Huh?This man actually saw the difficulty of Junior Sister?When did men become so careful?

Zeng Jing said, "What do you mean by that weird expression? Do you think I am a straight man?"

Bai Yan: "What is a straight man?"

Zeng Jing: "..."

With this kind of ancient girl, it is probably not clear to explain this, because the ancient men are basically male straight steel men, because the whole world is straight, women will not know that there are such creatures as warm men in the world.

Therefore, the corresponding nouns cannot be invented.

Zeng Jing smiled: "In short, I can understand the difficulties of girls very well. The head is very afraid of monsters. Let her go alone. I'm afraid it's not very good. Senior sister should go with her."

Bai Yan said: "But you are just an outside disciple, with no cultivation base. It is really dangerous to stay here alone."

Zeng Jing didn't say "I'm strong" anymore, and Bai Yan would not believe it anyway, so she had to say, "Don't worry, the hexagram is auspicious. Even if it is dangerous, there will be noble people to help."

Bai Yan was persuaded. She still believed in the Guaxiang thing, so she should quickly take the junior sister to solve it. Seeing that the junior sister was so suffocated that she turned blue.

The two women hurriedly penetrated into a side valley next to them, and walked away.

Compared with modern women, women in this era are much more reserved.Modern women can solve the problem by holding an umbrella while traveling, and they don't care about the men who are with them.

But ancient women couldn't do it. They took this matter very seriously, and it would never be possible to solve it close to the man.

For fear that the two women could not go far enough, they got into the path on the side of the valley, and then passed through a forest and around a piece of flowers and trees. Not to mention that they couldn't see Zeng Jing. They couldn't even feel Zeng Jing's breath. They stopped. .

The head Lori squatted into a long grass...

Bai Yan was guarding outside the grass. At this moment, her eyes suddenly lit up: "Ah, there is a ginseng here. You can dig it back and plant it in the medicine garden."

The head Lori's voice also sounded in the haystack: "Huh? I squatted down and saw a Poria."

"This place is great!"

"The cold in this valley is very heavy, and the aura of the water attribute is strong." Bai Yan said: "and water can produce wood, so the herbs here are also very good..."

"Pick them up and take them back. Let Junior Brother Zeng wait a little longer, it shouldn't hurt. Anyway, the hexagram is auspicious, and there are noble people who are not afraid to help."

The two girls scooped up medicine carefully.

On the other side, Zeng Jing was still there, waiting quietly.

While waiting, I was trying to feel the aura of heaven and earth.

This mountain is indeed filled with strong auras, and after further experience, he also feels that the auras here are divided into two types, one is the aura from flowers, plants and trees, this aura has an obvious "wood" attribute , People feel gentle and natural.

And the other kind of aura that doesn't know what it is exuding. This kind of aura obviously carries the attribute of "water", which makes people feel cold and lonely.

"It turns out that spiritual energy is divided into five elements?" Zeng Jing learned a little knowledge about what eggs are used for. By the way, what are the five elements of cultivation in my body?He felt it with his heart, no!His cultivation base was sent by the God of Transcendence, and had nothing to do with any kind of spiritual energy in this world, so he had no attributes.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a cursing sound not far away: "Come out, beast!"

After finishing speaking, there was a "boom". It seemed that someone had patted the mountain wall with a strong palm. A dull sound came out from the mountain wall, and the palm force penetrated into the mountain, making a big piece of the mountain wall. With a rumbling sound, I don't know how many rocks were shot out of place.

Zeng Jing said "Hey". Although he lacks understanding of the world of cultivation, he can't help but sigh secretly: This person has such a deep palm power. Of course, this person just shot the rumbling sound of the mountain wall, but didn't take the whole mountain. Shooting the fly, which means that he is still far away from "moving the mountains and overwhelming the sea", and it is still very early.

After the applause, there was a roar not far away: "Oh!"

It seemed that it was the sound of some monster beast roaring, and then the weapon burst into the air, applause, and the roar of the evil bear rang continuously.

"Huh?" Zeng Jing thought curiously: Did the nobleman fight the monster beast?Just so, go and see the excitement.

He walked in the direction where the sound came from, walked through a forest, turned a mountain valley, and his eyes suddenly opened up. In this valley, there is a small lake. On the lakeside mountain wall, there is a cave. At this moment, in front of the cave. , There is a large group of people besieging a snow-white polar bear.

Of course, only Zeng Jing in this world would call this thing a polar bear. In the eyes of cultivators, the name of this white bear is called Xuanbing Bear Demon. It is a kind of monster beast. It has a cold nature and exudes. The rich aura of water attributes can make a large area of ​​the environment around it be affected by it and become chilly. At the same time, because water can grow wood, it can promote the growth of plants in a large area around it.

Zeng Jing only glanced twice, and saw Xuanbing bear demon leaping forward, and with a touch, he knocked an ugly middle-aged man in his 40s and flew out with a fan in his hand. A large group of people in black beside him exclaimed. Said: "Sovereign!"

The ugly middle-aged man flew back several tens of meters, whirled in mid-air, and stood firmly on the ground. He seemed to be fine, but his expression looked very uncomfortable, and he cried out strangely: " Damn! This Xuanbing Demon Bear is stronger than I thought. It must be because its fur is very beautiful. It is a handsome bear, and handsome guys are always strong. For example, in my handsome character school, the most handsome It’s me, and I’m also the strongest in the handsome sect. The stronger the more handsome, the more handsome the stronger.”

Zeng Jing thought: What nonsense is this ugly man talking about?

Chapter 10 Maybe My Hand Shaking Miscalculated

The two heads, Lori and Bai Yan, were happily digging herbs on the outskirts of the valley. Suddenly, they heard the sound of the distant cliff "touching". It seemed that someone slapped the mountain wall and shook the valley. Unknown people feel violent, and then they hear the roar of monsters...

The roar of the monster beast sounded fierce, like the cry of a bear. The head Lori was startled: "Oh, is it a bear monster?" She shook her hand and almost dropped a plant of Poria he was holding. .

Bai Yan frowned, "It seems that someone has been fighting with the monster bear. I don't know what level of monster bear is, so powerful. The person who patted the cliff just now is very deep, but the monster bear is not afraid of him at all. , The tit-for-tat roar, it sounds full of anger."

The head Lori was a little panicked, and said: "What should I do? Senior sister, shall we go there?"

Bai Yan said: "Listening to the palm strength, the opponent's cultivation base is much deeper than ours. It must be the'noble person' shown in the hexagram. We should take advantage of the'noble person' to fight the monster beast as soon as possible to find the pure heart grass we need. In this way, we can respond to what is shown in the hexagram. If we ran around and blended indiscriminately, we might drag the'noble man' back, it would not be beautiful."

The head Lori quickly responded: "It makes sense and reason. We don’t need to see monsters, monsters are so, although I’m not afraid at all, it’s the right thing to find herbs. We should Do business first, don't just watch the fun."

Bai Yan said: "Let's find Junior Brother first, and then stay away from the place where the bear demon and the'nobleman' are fighting, and find Qingxincao as soon as possible. Don't mix and fight, it will be fine."

The two women cautiously held a few spirit grasses and approached the place where Zeng Jing stood just now. However, when they arrived, they realized that Zeng Jing was no longer here.

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