Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 9

The head Lori said: "Oh, it's not good, the younger brother is gone."

Bai Yan said: "Junior Brother must have heard the voice just now before leaving here. He is a new-entry outer disciple, who knows no effort at all. Hearing the sound of someone fighting a bear demon, he should not dare to run over to do it. Die, it's me instead, I will find a safe place to hide, and we will look for places nearby where we can hide."

To find a person to hide, of course you have to drill holes, look for bushes, look for bushes. Anyway, look for all kinds of messy places with no sky, and during the search, the two dared not shout loudly for Zeng Jing’s The name, lest it startled another mess of monsters in the valley...


Zeng Jing is watching a show!Nice play.

The ugly people in black were fighting around the bear demon.The head of the middle-aged ugly man, the fan in his hand is very powerful, it becomes bigger and smaller in a while, spinning and dancing in the air, constantly attacking the bear demon.

Although Zeng Jing hasn't learned this yet, she knows that this thing is called "Imperial Device", which is the same principle as the "Imperial Sword" of Shushan Immortal Sword Gate.It's just that different schools, or different cultivators, like to use different weapons.

Of course Zeng Jing likes Yu Jie...cough... he likes Yujian, how handsome the sword is!

In fact, among the generation who have been baptized by martial arts novels, 80% of them like swords.

However, looking at the middle-aged ugly man in front of him holding a folding fan, I feel that this thing is also very interesting. When it is spinning and dancing in mid-air, it keeps opening and closing, and when it is opened, the fan will show a bucket. A big "handsome" character.

Zeng Jing looked at the handsome character, and then at the ugly face of the middle-aged man, speechless for a while.

The men of the middle-aged ugly man are also armed with various magic weapons. Some are royal swords, some are royal sticks, and the personal magic weapon is actually a huge stone. It seems that he has nothing to do. Use it to refine magic weapons, just find a stone and use it.

These messy magic weapons all whirled and danced in the sky, smashing at the bear monster.

Zeng Jing saw that the stone magic weapon was spinning half a circle in mid-air, and while the demon bear was not paying attention, she hit the demon bear with a "touch" on the back. It looked like it was hit hard, but the demon bear He didn't seem to have been hurt, he turned his hand back and took a shot of the fleshy bear's paw on the stone magic weapon. The stone magic weapon was immediately shot upside down and embedded in the mountain wall with a bang.

The black-clothed man in Yu Shitou held the magic in his hand, beckoning, the stone magic weapon did not move, and then he waved, the stone magic weapon still did not move, he suddenly sweated profusely: "Oh, lord, my magic weapon was shot by the bear demon. After the aura is lost, it can't be used temporarily, it has to be refined before it can be used."

The middle-aged ugly man waved his hand: "Retreat!"

The demon bear roared up to the sky, a big knife flew over, and turned it towards the demon bear’s neck. The demon bear didn’t even bother to look at it. With a wave of his hand, the sharp claws slapped directly on the blade, with a loud noise. The Guitou Broadsword was cut off by the waist and flew to both sides.

The man in black with the sword snorted miserably: "Sect Master, my magic weapon is ruined."

The middle-aged ugly man waved: "You too!"

In this way, he stepped back and back again, and soon the bear demon couldn't find a few men who could fight.

The middle-aged ugly man realized in a blink of an eye that he seemed to be singled out with the bear demon.

He couldn't help but took a breath, making the global climate warmer a little bit: "This bear monster is so strong, it doesn't seem right to fight like this."

Xuanbing Bear Demon looked at the middle-aged ugly man coldly.

The middle-aged ugly man stepped back slightly...

Then, the bear demon roared and pounced at him.

The middle-aged ugly man waved his hand and the folding fan flew over. He swept the floor in front of him and opened it up. It instantly became as big as a screen, with a big "handsome" character in the middle of the fan. There was a dazzling golden light, and the golden word "handsome" was really so handsome.

It's a pity that Shuai can't eat it. With a loud "click", the demon bear broke the word "shuai", dug a big hole in the middle of the fan, passed it through, and continued to pounce on the middle-aged ugly man.

The surrounding subordinates shouted in unison: "Sect Master, be careful!"

The middle-aged ugly man yelled "Ouch", turned and ran, yelling as he ran, "I can't fight, and my magic weapon is ruined. I drove away and everyone drove away."

The surrounding subordinates sweated profusely: "Sovereign, it is said that this trip will turn the tide of bad luck, can there be noble people to help?"

The middle-aged ugly man said: "Maybe my hand shook when I was doing the fortune-telling. I made a mistake."

Men: "..."

This is very embarrassing for him, and a large group of subordinates are ready to go away.

The bear demon was chasing very tightly behind the back. The middle-aged ugly man did not dare to stop for a while. He ran fast. He ran past a flower tree and turned a rock. Suddenly, he found a young man standing behind the rock. Man, this young man is of course Zeng Jing.

He was watching the play wonderfully. How could he know that the bear demon instantly beat the group of people in black like birds and beasts, and forced them out. The middle-aged ugly man happened to run by his side.

Chapter 11 I am eighteen years old, don't call me old

I got up this morning and bumped into something beside the bed, which fell to the floor with a click.I looked down and saw that it was broken. It was because my glasses broke. Moreover, the cracks on the lenses actually formed a "plus" character.

This is God’s will, I had to add one more


The middle-aged ugly man was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect someone to be behind the stone, but now he didn't care about such trivial matters. He continued to run forward, passing by Zeng Jing in an instant, and ran away. He also chased him, passing by Zeng Jing with a whirr.

However, at the moment it passed Zeng Jing, Zeng Jing suddenly reached out and grabbed it, firmly grasping the bear demon's hind legs.

This Xuanbing bear demon is not a waiting beast. It can chase the middle-aged ugly man who has been cultivated for more than two hundred years and run away in embarrassment. The cultivation base can be described as unfathomable. When it runs wildly, ordinary monks reach out and grab it like this. , I'm afraid it will be dragged to fly instantly, it is impossible to catch it.

However, Zeng Jing stretched out his hand and grabbed it so easily, and then dragged it back, and the demon bear stopped in an instant, and the kinetic energy that it had brought up by its previous rush also disappeared without a trace.

Stopped in a frantic rush, the huge impact caused by the dissolution of the huge force was pulled and smashed, and the bear demon was shocked and dizzy. In a short time, it was a bit confused about the southeast and northwest, just so stiff. Living.

The middle-aged ugly man running in front immediately stopped and turned his head, with a look of surprise. The disciples of the disciples who were planning to be a bird and beast sank also stopped running, and everyone watched together.

A large group of ugly and very individual men stared at him. Zeng Jing felt that Yalishan was big: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a handsome guy?"

Ugly men: "..."

Not to mention, after staying in the Shuai Zong for a long time, they really rarely see handsome guys. After seeing the ugly and ugly men, when they see a handsome man like Zeng Jing at first glance, they think he is handsome. The earth is shaking, the sun and the moon are dull.

The middle-aged ugly man wiped the sweat from his forehead: "So handsome, at least twice as handsome as me."

Zeng Jing: "Are you only twice as handsome as you? I'm not happy at all!"

Middle-aged ugly man: "Be careful, the bear demon is awake."

It turned out that the Xuanbing Bear Demon had woken up from a brief period of dizziness while the two of them were talking. It had a low IQ, but knew that it was Zeng Jing who had caught him just now. He roared, fleshy bear. The palm of Zeng Jing's forehead was covered with a "call".

This palm is extremely terrifying. The cultivation base brought on the bear's palm is afraid that it is four to five hundred years deep, and it is impossible for ordinary monks to take it. At least, all the handsome characters including the middle-aged ugly man. We, none of them can take it.

The middle-aged ugly man was about to make a sound to make Zeng Jing flash, but saw Zeng Jing put a palm on top of his head, slapped, and firmly grasped the bear's paw. The terrifying wind on the bear's palm was also instantaneous. Disappeared without a trace.

Middle-aged ugly man: "..."

Disciples: "..."

The middle-aged ugly man sighed: "Sure enough, the handsomer the stronger, the stronger the handsomer. The handsomer than me is better than me, this law cannot escape."

Zeng Jing: "Hey, what nonsense."

The bear demon's other bear paw patted it again with a whirr.

Zeng Jing was too lazy to play with a bear anymore, the hand holding the bear paw slightly hardened, and swiped it up like a broken sack, just like the Hulk throwing Nokia, it threw the bear monster to the left on the ground. , Fell right, fell left, fell right, and then flung it casually, the bear demon slumped into a pile of mud.

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