Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 89

The general sect recruits new disciples, just send a few sects, but the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect is now in decline. If you want to recruit disciples, it’s not possible to recruit disciples without highlighting your skills. You must send someone with a deep level of cultivation. , And the "deepest cultivation base" in Jianmen is now the head Lori.

The head of Jin Danqi personally went to Hong Chen to recruit disciples, which was much easier than Zeng Jing, a "new beginner disciple".

Bai Yan said, "Never mind! Then I'll follow along."

Zeng Jingle is now, and the two girls want to act with themselves. Of course, they are very welcome: "Then the three of us will go out to play together, and the house will be watched by Miss Ji for help."

After consultation, the first collective action of all members of the Shushan Fairy Sword Gate has finally begun.

The three swords flew up!

It stands to reason that in this situation, the headmaster flew in front, and the disciples with low status followed behind and deliberately fell behind. However, as soon as the three of them flew up, the headmaster Lolita fell behind Bai Yan. Yan deliberately went behind Zeng Jing again and became let Zeng Jing take the lead.

It turned out that Bai Yan and the head Lori have never left the mountain gate since they became sensible. They had a black eye on the outside world and knew nothing. Therefore, the two consciously regarded Zeng Jing as the backbone. It is clear that Zeng Jing is the junior, but the two women looked at him modestly: "Junior, is there any precautions for our first time out of the mountain? If there is any shameful behavior, you have to remind us."

Zeng Jing remembered a famous old joke: I am going to eat KFC tomorrow. I was nervous the first time I went. Are there any precautions?How to eat so as not to be ashamed?

"Haha, forget it, just follow me."

He flew in front, and two women followed. People who didn't know saw this scene and thought that Zeng Jing was the master.

The three of them flew for a long time, passing over several famous mountains and rivers. After passing Qingcheng and Wolong Village, the ground below began to become a plain.

It turned out that he had already left the Shushan Mountains and entered the Jinguan Plain.

Bai Yan looked forward from a distance, and said, "That huge city over there should be Jinguan City."

Zeng Jing nodded: "Yes, that's Jinguan City, but... I guess you don't want to go in either."

The two girls have one head: "Since the moon worship cult is already entrenched here, we definitely won't go in."

"Then turn directly to the north."

Chapter 116

The three of them circled the Jinguan City for a half circle, arrived at the north of the city, and planned to fly north.

Bai Yan couldn't help asking: "Junior Brother, we have never been to Deyang. Will we find the wrong place if we fly northward?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Don't worry, we can't go wrong if we fly along the road."

He pointed to a winding loess avenue on the ground, and smiled: "This thing is called an official road. It is a big road built by the government. Generally speaking, as long as you walk along this thing, you can definitely find the next city. Since Deyang It is a relatively important city in the north of Jinguan City. If we fly along this official road, we will definitely find Deyang."

"Junior Brother is really smart." Bai Yan said: "I don't understand things like this."

The head Lori also nodded: "Junior Brother is so amazing, I know so much about Hong Chen."

Zeng Jingle said: "Well, this is nothing! Most people know it."

The three of them flew along the official road for a while, and sure enough, a city appeared not far ahead, which was much smaller than Jinguan City, but it was still densely populated, and it was a good place.

The head Lori let out her sense of consciousness, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, this is Deyang. There is a horizontal plaque hanging on the city gate with the word Deyang written. We have found the right place."

Bai Yan said: "Junior Brother is really amazing!"

The head Lori said: "Yes, yes, the junior is also very good at cooking, and he knows everything in the outside world."

Bai Yan said: "There are some skills in the red dust, we should also learn with a humility, like this kind of trick to find a city, if we weren't taught by the junior, we might have to fly to some strange place."

Zeng Jing was embarrassed by the two women who didn't know how to blow, "Oh, it's common sense to find the city along the road. Everyone in the world understands it. Don't talk about it."

The two women stopped their commercial flattery, and Bai Yan said: "Deyang is coming, let's descend first. Master said to me before, don't fly over mortal heads, it will shock the world."

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "This is not absolute. When your master said this to you, Jianmen was not the way it is now. According to me, we are here to recruit disciples this time, so we should be a little bit arrogant. , Go directly to the sky over the city with the sword, and fly around at a super low altitude, so maybe people who admire us will join in."

Bai Yan said: "So that's the case, then do as the younger brother said."

The head Lori also asked humbly: "The three of us, all of us drag the sword light out, and then fly around the city?"

"Yeah!" Zeng Jing nodded and said: "To make a look of immortals coming to the mortal world, shock people's hearts, that handsome swordsmanship will make ordinary people, such as me, want to learn at first sight. So there will be ordinary people who want to worship us as teachers, and then we will select disciples with good character and aptitude from among them, and earn them from the school."

"That's it!"

Bai Yan and the head Lori have gained a bit of new knowledge. The head Lori said: "Then the three of us drag the tail out of the sword, the longer the better, mine is green, senior sister is cyan, you It's red. We drag out the three-color glow, and there will definitely be ordinary people who want to learn."

The three of them were discussing here, and suddenly they saw a figure flying in the sky on the side. The man was too far away and couldn't see his appearance. Only a huge golden abacus was stepped on under his feet, and a piece was dragged behind the abacus. The short golden tail light swept the ground and flew over Deyang, spinning in circles over the city, and there was also a burst of arrogant laughter.

The small merchants and hawkers in many streets in the city raised their heads, raised their middle fingers to the neurosis in the sky, and cursed: "Here again! Don't pretend to force you to die? After learning a little fairy technique, start to pretend to be forced. Your virtue."

The man laughed, not caring about the people's complaints at all, and continued his pretending to fly, spin, and fly, the golden abacus drew a golden circle over Deyang.

Zeng Jing: "..."

Bai Yan: "..."

Head Lori: "..."

The three of them froze for several seconds, before the head Lori said, "Could that person also come to recruit disciples? Why are the people in the city not waiting to see him."

Zeng Jing wiped his sweat: "This is embarrassing! My thoughts were correct, but when I encountered this kind of teasing, I interrupted the front, and the people may now regard the practitioners as stupid. , We will fly another circle, it will only be counterproductive."

Head Lori sweats profusely: "What should I do?"

Zeng Jing: "I don't know what to do, anyway, first ask what is funny."

The three of them flew forward, and Zeng Jing shouted from a distance: "Friends of Taoism..."

When he shouted, the person turned around and saw Zeng Jing and his party. Both of them took a picture and they knew each other.

The man shouted, "Ah, it's Brother Zeng."

Zeng Jing was also shocked: "Fang is supreme, brother Fang."

It turned out that this funny comparison is actually the outer disciple who sells animal skins from the Black Mountain White Water Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance.

Zeng Jing pointed to the golden abacus at his feet and said, "Brother Fang, congratulations on building a foundation and flying."

Fang Wushang laughed and said, "Hey, that was... Just 20 days ago, I finally succeeded in building a foundation and entered the early stage of the Qi refining period, becoming a glorious inner disciple. The leader also gave me an abacus. Hahaha, we are supreme, and now we are finally ahead."

The three of Zeng Jing didn't know what to say.

Fang Wushang smiled and said: "After I can fly, of course I just came out to pretend to be forced! So I recently came to Deyang for two laps every day when I was free."

Zeng Jing covered her face: "Nima!"

The head Lori also sweated: "Have you made a mistake? Such a spoof?"

Fang Wushang said triumphantly: "How can this be called a spoof? This is a way of expressing yourself. You haven't seen the vendors who usually set up stalls with me in the market, now they see me in the sky. When flying, the expression on the face is wonderful."

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