Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 90

Zeng Jing said: "I have seen how wonderful it is just now. They spray you together."

Fang Wushang laughed: "They are jealous, naked jealousy."

"Mom mentally retarded, you are having fun, but our Jianmen recruiting new disciples' performance is afraid that it will be smashed." Zeng Jing said unhappily: "You fly a few laps every day. The common people regard cultivators as clowns."

Fang Wushang: "Huh? Are you here to recruit new disciples?"

Zeng Jing said: "Forget it!"

Fang Wushang said: "Then don't worry, don't let them spray me as a lunatic. If they are given a chance to become immortals, they will be crazy. Come, come, you come and fly with me, we fly to ten After the circle, descend down to recruit disciples, so you can make sure you move one legion."

Zeng Jing: "You shit! The ghost is going to sell stupid with you."

PS: This is the 19th update today. There is one more update at 8 pm, and there are 20 updates in total!

PS: Holy Monday, crazy plus, everyone is happy to watch, just give a few tickets easily, August is almost over, the monthly pass will be out of date and invalid if you don't vote.

Chapter 117: Can I?

If there are few cultivating schools in this world, it will be easier to recruit disciples. You can recruit countless people by just shouting in the city, but in fact, there are many cultivating schools in this world, and there are many people in this world. It is also equivalent to a huge cultivation school.

Therefore, recruiting disciples is really not something that you can recruit if you want.

Those young people with aptitude, potential, and character will either be snatched by the celebrities, or they will devote themselves to the government of Dameng.Those who are nearly qualified can also be mixed into the scum sects such as the Shuai Zizong and the Black Mountain White Water Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance.

And those bad guys, gangsters, scumbags, who have character problems, are often snatched by evil gangs like the Moon Worship Cult and the Golden Bamboo Gang.

Zeng Jing went to purchase daily supplies, while the heads of Lori and Bai Yan set up a small stall and hung a poster next to "Shushan Fairy Sword Gate Recruiting New Disciples". After a while, the applicants came. A group, however, are all those with bad aptitude, so bad that it is difficult to even build a foundation.

After the head Lori swept their aptitudes with her spiritual sense, she told them honestly: "Your aptitude is not good, it is difficult to build a foundation, and I am afraid that you will be an outside disciple for a lifetime."

As a result, these people immediately dispersed as soon as they heard it.

Everyone knows that the outer disciple is a handyman. Instead of going to a school for free, it is better to find some work in the city and be a happy ordinary person.

In the evening, Zeng Jing purchased several packages of things, and returned to the small stall of the two of them. He looked up and saw that there were still only two of them at the stall. Zeng Jing knew that they had not hired anyone at all, and shook her head: "None of you recruited?"

"Yeah!" The head Lori sighed: "It seems that those with a little bit of qualifications don't look down on our Shushan Immortal Sword Gate. I would rather go to the government or some other school."

Zeng Jing said: "There is no way. After all, the sword gate has been destroyed once. This incident has spread. Those who are interested in apprenticeship, art and cultivating will definitely pay attention to the news of various sects, and they will naturally know ours. That’s the case."

This principle is very simple. Just like when future students want to enter a university, don’t they have to find out about the faculty of that university through various channels?

Maybe, now in the red dust, all those who are determined to embark on the path of immortality have already regarded the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate as the No. 1 sect who "does not want to go to apprentice".

The heads of Lori and Bai Yan are a little depressed, feeling that the revitalization of Jianmen is far away.

Zeng Jing had no choice but to comfort him: "Don't be sad, maybe it's just bad luck today. Let's stay in a small hotel in the city for one night, get up early tomorrow morning and continue recruiting disciples, maybe we will be able to recruit."

"Yeah!" The two sisters nodded.

At this moment, a young woman suddenly appeared in the alley next to her. She looked like she was about sixteen or seventeen. She was one or two years younger than Zeng Jing. She was wearing a set that ordinary people often wear. The kind of coarse linen, thrown into the crowd will definitely not be found.

However, her looks are very good-looking, and her temperament is not at all like ordinary people. The whole person has a temperament of "read a book" and "received a good education", but she feels different from that of ladies. She carried an aura, the aura of reluctance.

This kind of aura distinguished her from ordinary ladies and gave her a very strange feeling.

She walked quickly to the head of Lori, and whispered: "Do you think I am suitable for cultivating immortals?"

"Huh?" The head Lori was stunned, and swept the consciousness on her body in a reflexive manner. After a few seconds, the head Lori said with joy: "Aye, you are a suitable person for cultivation. The roots are very good, and the potential and understanding are both at the middle or upper level. It is a good seed for cultivation."

The woman didn't seem to be surprised by this answer, and whispered: "Then you are willing to accept me?"

The head Lori said: "Of course you can!"

As soon as she said this, Bai Yan leaned into her ear and whispered: "Sister-in-chief, this person is weird. He doesn't look like an ordinary woman. It can be seen from my temperament. I'm worried that this person has problems with his origins, maybe his character is also problematic."

The head Lori said in a low voice: "However, the character can't be swept out by God's consciousness, I can't detect it. And I can't find out even if I ask, I can only understand it through slow contact."

Bai Yan said: "I'm afraid that after understanding, she will find that she has a problem..."

The head Lolita said: "When we find that there is a problem, we can go out of the school. Do we still have the calmness of slowly selecting disciples?"

Bai Yan: "..."

This is true. Now it is not the time when the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect picks the disciples, but the time when the disciples choose Sword Sect.

The two women talked in a low voice there, but Zeng Jing was secretly looking at the woman who came to apply. She saw that the woman looked nervous, and her eyes were constantly scanning the crowd left and right, seeming to be wary of something.This kind of obvious hiding is really super suspicious.

But Bai Yan and the head Lori are too silly and sweet. The two have no experience in the world, and lack the ability to interact with people. They can only see that this woman has a problem, but they can’t see that this woman’s problem is. The kind that is imminent.

Zeng Jing smiled and said to the woman: "What is your name? Where do you come from?"

The woman whispered: "Ah, my surname is Hua, my name is Huayu... from Shuangqing City!"

"Huh? Shuangqing?" Zeng Jingqi said: "Does this world also have Shuangqing?"

Hua Yu showed a bewildered look at Zeng Jing: "You don't even know about Shuangqing City? It's 800 miles southeast of Jinguan City, and it's the second largest city in southwest China."

Zeng Jing said: "I have been in the mountains for years and months, and I don't quite understand the outside world."

Hua Yu screamed, no longer entangled with this, and at the same time, her eyes began to watch the surrounding crowd vigilantly again, as if she was afraid that someone would jump out of the crowd to disadvantage her.

Zeng Jing knew in her heart, this woman must be hiding from someone, do you want to wear this?

He was hesitating, when he heard the boss Lori next to him say generously: "Well, then we will accept you as a disciple."

Hua Yu was overjoyed: "Much...Thank you!"

"Getting started is the outer disciple." The head Lolita said: "Then, you will carry the big bag of things that Junior Brother Zeng carried. From now on cleaning the floor, cooking rice, fetching water...all the chores. It's all your responsibility. You have to be mentally prepared. We won't let you work less just because you are a female disciple."

PS: 20 more ends!

PS: Recommend a novel "Women's Lady Who Breaks the World", this is a new work of a mysterious gangster, the quality should be good.

The brief introduction is as follows: I traveled to this world and brought my own golden finger. It should have been a double happiness... But why!

Why does the system need women's clothing to activate??Missing me a dignified seven-foot man...

"Om! The system is activated."

"Current server: collapse three."

"Landing ID: Thanos (The Tyrant)"

Otto, brighten up the blood bar!!!

Chapter 118 I'm Not Taking Advantage

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