Comprehension Heaven Defying, Creating High-End Great Primordial! Shocked Tongtian

Chapter 205 The Calm Henry Chu, The Strongest Person I Have Ever Encountered In The World Of Grandmi

"Aren't you afraid of me?" A man in black looked at Henry Chu in shock.

Henry Chu’s calmness and calmness were beyond his expectation.

Henry Chu shook his head and said: "I don't know who sent you to kill me, but you came to the wrong place!"

The man in black looked stiff, and there was a cold murderous intent in the depths of his eyes.

"Since you are looking for death, I will help you!" The man in black shouted coldly, waved his arms, and a sharp blade appeared out of thin air, carrying a cold edge, and strangled Chu Xuan.


In an instant, sharp blades swept in from all directions, blocking all retreats around Henry Chu, as if trapping him in a cage, making it impossible for him to escape.

Henry Chu's face changed slightly, and he stamped his feet on the ground, and the majestic power poured out.

A layer of khaki air flow spread out, condensing a round shield in front of Chu Xuan to resist those sharp blades.


A series of harsh tearing sounds sounded, the round shield was mercilessly pierced, and the knives continued to strangle.

"Oops!" Chu Xuan secretly yelled that it was not good. Although he understood the secret of defense, his cultivation was weak after all, and now he was in great danger.

"call out!"

A ray of silver light 25 enlarged rapidly in his pupils. Chu Xuan's expression changed and he immediately moved out, narrowly avoiding the fatal blow.

"It's so dangerous!" Henry Chu's heart had just calmed down. At that moment, he was really almost killed instantly.

"Hmph!" The man in black smiled disdainfully and said mockingly: "How dare you be so arrogant with your little ability?"

"Humph, it hasn't started yet." Henry Chu spread his hands and said without fear.

"You." The man in black suddenly became speechless, his words stuck in his throat, and his face turned red.

Henry Chu shrugged: "Who on earth sent you to kill me?"

"This has nothing to do with you." The man in black replied coldly.

"That's it." Henry Chu nodded in understanding, and then a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Since you are so stubborn, then I will let you go to the West!"

As the words fell, wisps of flame rules emerged in the void, and brilliant light illuminated half of the sky.

The entire mountain range was bathed in a layer of flames, and the temperature suddenly rose a lot.

Feeling the hot breath coming towards his face, the expression of the man in black suddenly changed, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

They came to kill Henry Chu, and they were ordered by the sect leader. However, at this time, he felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

"This guy is really weird!" The man in black cursed in his heart, retreating violently, trying to escape from the battlefield as soon as possible, but the place was shrouded in flames, and he didn't know the direction of escape.

The corners of Henry Chu's mouth traced an evil arc, and he clasped his hands together, and the flames all over the sky gathered in his palms.

Then it turned into a long spear, the body of the spear was burning with blazing flames, exuding a fierce pressure.

"Destroy!" Henry Chu pointed his finger forward, and the spear roared out, breaking the air, and shot at the man in black with the power to destroy everything.

"So fast!" The man in black's heart suddenly trembled, and he immediately retreated back, but still took a step too slow. The spear penetrated his abdomen, and blood spurted out.

Henry Chu stepped out suddenly, pouring strong spiritual power into the spear, and the spear released more powerful flames, burning the body of the man in black crazily.

"Ah, help." The man in black screamed, his face extremely painful, as if he was undergoing endless torture, his body was gradually burned away, and finally only a skeleton remained.

Henry Chu took a deep breath, then put away his spear and looked up at the mountain peak in the center of the valley. He vaguely felt that something terrible was awakening.

I was quite shocked, what on earth is there?

"Buzz!" At this moment, an extremely terrifying wave filled the sky above the valley.

Golden runes emerged one after another, densely packed, covering the sky above the valley. The area there became a restricted area, and no one was allowed to approach.

"This is the inscription?" Chu Xuan's eyes froze for an instant, and a turmoil arose in his heart.

"Could it be the inscription formation?" Chu Xuan looked shocked. How could there be an inscription formation here?

Inscription formations are divided into two categories, one is an attack type formation, and the other is an illusion type formation.

The attack formation has powerful destructive power and can easily destroy a city.

The magic array law is even more weird and terrifying. It can create a false environment and trap the enemy in it. "It may even be possible to get lost in the environment forever."

The characteristics of these two types of formations are different, and their power is not equal, but the only thing they have in common is that they are both among the top formations!

Chu Xuan did not expect to encounter an inscription formation in this desolate land!

"Go in and take a look first!" Chu Xuan thought in his mind and stepped towards the valley.

The interior of the valley is a flat ground, with nothing but the majestic mountain peak in the middle.

"That is."

Henry Chu's eyes were wide open and he stared at the mountain in the middle. On the top of the mountain stood a stone platform.

A huge golden bead is suspended in the middle of the stone platform, and its golden luster blooms, making it dazzling.

When Chu saw the bead, his heart twitched violently, and a rich look of greed appeared on his face.

The dazzling golden beads are oval-shaped and completely transparent, as if they are made of glass and jade, and contain terrifying fluctuations of vitality.

Just by looking at it from a distance, Chu Xuan clearly sensed that the quality of this golden bead was very high, and it was definitely not comparable to the Shouchang spirit body.

The energy contained in this golden bead is very pure047.

It is several times more powerful than the Nine Dragons Marrow Cleansing Pill that Chu Xuan once swallowed. It is simply a peerless treasure!

This is the treasure that all monks dream of. Once obtained, it will be enough to allow him to advance to several realms in a short period of time.

"Haha, God helped me. I didn't expect to get a precious spirit treasure so easily!"

Henry Chu was ecstatic in his heart, "I didn't expect that I would encounter a precious spirit treasure when I came to the ruins this time. [013604325 Feilu 153043591]


Suddenly there was a dull sound in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably vast energy burst out, and a huge black shadow slowly condensed into shape. It was a giant more than three feet tall.

The giant was wearing armor, holding a halberd in his hand, and exuded a fierce aura.

With a domineering and extraordinary posture, it is obvious that Lingzhi has been born.

"Roar." The giant looked up to the sky and roared. The sound was so powerful that it shook the air and shook the surrounding fields, and the mountains and forests shook violently.

"So powerful!" Chu Xuan's expression suddenly froze.

The aura exuded by this giant was too powerful. He asked himself that if he fought against this giant alone, the outcome might not be known.

"Kill!" The giant shouted and stamped the ground with his feet.

The ground suddenly collapsed, and a thick iron rope shot out, heading straight for Zhen Xuan Sheyi.


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