Comprehension Heaven Defying, Creating High-End Great Primordial! Shocked Tongtian

Chapter 206 The Sky Giant Appears And Fights With All His Strength!

The surface of the iron rope is covered with complex and obscure patterns, full of unpredictable majestic power.

Seeing the iron rope flying towards him, Chu Xuan punched out his right fist fiercely, and surging vitality surged out.

It turned into a terrifying fist mark and hit the iron rope.

"Bang!" The fist seal and the iron rope collided hard, and the iron rope broke inch by inch, turning into countless debris and dissipating between the sky and the earth.

"Huh?" The giant frowned, obviously not expecting that the iron rope was broken by Henry Chu's punch.

There was a look of doubt on his face. Henry Chu's strength was not much stronger than he expected.

"This giant is so powerful, it seems I have to be more careful."

Henry Chu's face was serious. From the giant, he vaguely sensed a hint of danger. It was a strong sense of threat, as if the giant was very troublesome.

"Bang." Then the giant stepped forward and walked towards Henry Chu step by step. Every time he took a step, the ground would shake violently.

"Boom!" The space around the giant's body suddenly became distorted.

Henry Chu moved his steps and retreated quickly. He knew that if he continued to stay where he was, he would be consumed alive.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Henry Chu's body kept jumping, like a ghost, leaving afterimages in the jungle, constantly widening the distance.

"Humph, you can't escape!"

The giant sneered, and his huge body suddenly took a step forward.

Suddenly, a dark wind blew between the sky and the earth. The dark wind was mixed with wisps of thunderous light, as if wrapped in the power of destroying everything.

"Break it for me." Chu Xuan shouted angrily, and a terrifying sword intent rose into the sky.

The extremely sharp sword intent was raging around him, and his clothes were dancing.

There was a resolute look on his handsome face, as if he had the aura of a king who would give up on anyone else.

"Whoa!" A dazzling light flashed past.

A ferocious scar appeared on the giant's chest, and the skin cracked open, and bright red blood oozed out, dyeing his clothes red, which was shocking.

"Such a powerful sword intent."! "The giant's pupils shrank sharply. Although it did not penetrate the defense, the sharp sword intent still caused considerable damage to him.

"Roar!" The giant was furious, and its huge body suddenly rose hundreds of meters.

It was like an ancient demon god had descended, with a terrifying aura flowing around his body, making people feel a sense of surrender.

"This guy's strength far exceeds that of the mythical Golden Immortal." Chu Xuan couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face, and he was secretly surprised in his heart.

The creatures in this Grandmist world are all frighteningly powerful, and cannot be compared to the natives of the Great Primordial World.


The giant looked up to the sky and roared, and then kicked his legs hard, soaring into the air, waving his huge fist and slamming towards Henry Chu.

"Rumble!" The void trembled crazily, as if it couldn't bear the pressure.

Henry Chu's figure was also shaken back a few steps, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the giant with a slightly wary look.

Although this giant looks clumsy, his fighting style is very agile and his attack speed is extremely fast.

And the moves are very simple, and he doesn't know any martial arts at all, and he relies purely on powerful brute force.

Chu Xuan's mind moved, and he saw that his body also expanded rapidly. In an instant, his body was much higher, standing at the same height as the giant.

"Boom." Chu Xuan punched out, and the space was stagnant. The terrifying force roared out and collided with the giant's fist.

The roar suddenly resounded, and Henry Chu felt an unparalleled power coming.

A heartbreaking pain came from his arm, causing his body to shake violently, as if he had suffered an extremely violent impact.

"Pfft." Henry Chu's throat squirmed, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. His face was as pale as paper, and he looked at the giant with a deep fear in his eyes.

"Roar." The giant roared again, and his huge fist fell again, as fast as thunder.

A sharp light flashed in Henry Chu's eyes, and a monstrous fighting spirit was suddenly released from his body.

A layer of silver brilliance filled his body, like an extremely sharp spear, piercing through the sky and the earth.

"Clang, clang, clang." The two figures were intertwined. The giant was very fast, and Henry Chu was not slow either. The two of them were dodging while engaging in a fierce fight.

Chu Xuan practices swordsmanship, and his body skills are naturally not bad. He can be regarded as top-level body and martial arts, so even when facing this puppet, he still occupies a dominant position.

However, after all, Chu Xuan is not here in person, and there is a huge difference in cultivation, making it difficult to gain an advantage.

Therefore, the battle was stalemate for a long time with no result. Instead, the battle became more and more courageous.

"Roar!" The giant looked up to the sky and roared, an angry flame flashed in his eyes.

His body suddenly jumped forward, and he punched Chu's head with both fists, one from the left and one from the right [as if he wanted to blow Chu's head to pieces.

However, at this moment, Henry Chu did not choose to retreat, and an indifferent smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He tapped the void with his finger, and the space suddenly fluctuated violently, and a spear condensed into form.

A bright purple-gold light enveloped the area, and a majestic and heavy aura swept out.

"……"call out. "Chu Xuan stabbed his finger forward, the spear penetrated the void, and the space was torn apart wherever it went, moving forward inexorably.

"Tsk." There was a soft sound [The minister's left arm was pierced with ten bloody holes by the spear. 【013604325 Feilu 153053151】

The giant's expression instantly became ferocious, and he punched out again.

"Boom!" Chu Xuan's figure was elegant and flickering, constantly dodging the giant's attacks.

At the same time, endless purple-gold brilliance bloomed from his body, and a terrifying aura filled the air from him, as if to destroy the world.

"Boom!" The giant's fist hit the purple-gold light curtain, and the purple-gold light curtain trembled crazily.

However, no matter how hard the giant bombarded it, it could not move even a little bit.

"Ah!" The giant's eyes were extremely cold, staring at Henry Chu. (Hello King Nuo) The giant clenched his fists tightly, and the bones all over his body made a crisp sound.

A violent momentum burst out from his body, his knees bent, and his body slowly levitated.

Finally, he stood in the void, like a giant pillar holding up the sky, towering and unshakable.


The giant's body suddenly trembled, and he raised his fists in front of his body, and then a huge gray ball of light appeared in his palms.

Then he pushed forward suddenly, and the gray light suddenly shot out and flew towards Henry Chu.

That gray light group contained extremely terrifying power. Along the way, countless fine cracks appeared in the space, as if it was being torn apart.

"Buzz." Henry Chu raised his palm, and a long sword appeared in the void.

Exuding a terrifying edge, he closed his hands and moved his fingers continuously.

Streams of dazzling sword light shot out and turned into a sword net, heading toward the gray light group. .

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