“Hey, hey, tooth white~ You saw that called “Who is the strongest!” Is it a reality show? One of the contestants seems to be a little strange…”

“Ah! I can’t do it, Miko! This man is the type I like! ”

“Do you think you’re alone? Now a bunch of people like him very much~”

“This clear juvenile feeling… Woo hoo, I really want to break up with my boyfriend~~”

“I also want to break up with my boyfriend-friend…”

“… Aren’t you – male brother? ”

“A man can’t have a boyfriend?”


“I remember his name is Li Moran, right? It seems like I’ve seen it somewhere before…”

“Are you stupid! It turned out to have been reported in the media! The heroic father who saved his two daughters at the mall! ”

“Ah! Does he already have a daughter? It’s really…”

“What a pity?”

“No, it’s true… It’s even more exciting for me~”

“Sister, Hengtai!”

Over here, NTV TV is playing a role in the first issue of “Who is the strongest!” The broadcast of the station received a rating of 40%, and the entire TV station was falling into a carnival.

At this time, on the Internet, about “Who is the strongest!” The popularity of the program is like a virus, and it keeps spreading in the topics that everyone exchanges.

Countless people either have expectations for the show themselves, or they have watched this variety show by Amway under the rapid spread of topics around them.

And Li Moran’s figure jumping out of the water, and the way he had a fish stuck in a wooden spear and walked towards the beach against the beach backed by the seaside sun, I don’t know how many men and women captured the hearts of men and women in an instant.

Women are obsessed with Li Moran’s very handsome face, while men are attracted by Li Moran’s seemingly explosive muscles and the other party’s ability to survive in the wild.

Most of the people in the cherry blossom country seem to be able to find their favorite points in Li Moran.

And in such a case, accompanied by “Who is the strongest か! The first episode of the reality show was broadcast to the end.

With a camera team that had quietly come to Li Moran’s surroundings, the other party also recorded the famous scene where Li Moran threw the other party away with only one move when facing Ogawa Mingto’s first-hand attack.

The audience looked at Ogawa Mingto’s very strong body, which flew in mid-air like a willow, and then threw it heavily on the ground

For some reason, when everyone looked at Li Moran, who was standing silently in place, there was a sense of joy that justice had triumphed over evil for a while.

Originally, Sakura Country was a culture of shame that was extremely respectful of the elder and the young; However, there is a country in society where the contradictory concept of “following offenses” is extremely clear.

Under such circumstances, if Ogawa Mingdo succeeds first, then everything may be fine.

But since he chose to strike first, the final outcome is failure.

Then the public opinion he will suffer in the future will basically not escape criticism.

As for Li Moran, who fought evil.

It is natural and will get more people’s favor and support!

“What about the final data…”

“Finally, according to the statistics of the technical department, the TV rating is fixed at about 55%…”

“And the technology department predicts that this data will be in the second and third phases, which is expected to reach 60% and 70% or so…”

“… What about data on the online streaming side? ”

“… The technical department has not yet counted it, but it is expected to be only a little more…”

“According to the technical department, there are many foreign IPs who have also come to see our program…”



“Eh… It’s nothing… It’s just that my head is a little dizzy for a while…” (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

The brain was a little congested by the data given by the head of the technical department under him.

But the director of the general station still forcibly suppressed himself to calm down, hoping to show his usual steady appearance in front of his subordinates.

As for the subordinate of the other person in charge of foreign business negotiations, he was a little hesitant when he saw the appearance of the head of the station, and he was thinking about whether he should tell the head desk where he was.

The chief of the station, on the other hand, saw the hesitant emotion on his subordinate’s face.

With a wave of his big hand, he thought he could carry it, and he directly asked his subordinates to say something.

“It’s the chief of the station…”

“Some time ago, I came to negotiate with our station and wanted to introduce “Who is the strongest! 》Yanguo toilet table…”

“Where did they learn about the data of our program, so they proposed to increase the contract fee by 1.5 times on the basis that we had reached an intention to cooperate…”


“Come on! The chief of the station fainted! ”

I have to say that on the sky-high contract fee that the toilet table was willing to pay, the director of the station has reached the threshold of his ability to bear.

But what he didn’t expect was that a burst of popularity in the data of the premiere program could make the other party propose to increase the contract fee by 1.5 times again.

And the poor director finally couldn’t bear the shock he had been bringing to his soul since yesterday’s program was broadcast.

In the end, he fainted, and he could only resist when a group of subordinates resisted, and only ordered “hand over to Tanaka-kun” to be responsible.

(Tanaka-kun is the person in charge of foreign business negotiations.)

I simply lay on the hospital bed in the ambulance and temporarily left the front line of work.

On the other side, the toilet table external negotiation team was soon offered to sign the contract.

It was quickly received the good news from his side! .

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