Finally, a broadcast agreement was signed, and the toilet station obtained the exclusive broadcast rights in the Yanguo region.

After the signing of the agreement, the two sides did not have too much politeness, and the foreign negotiation team of the toilet table quickly returned to China with results.

While quickly sending reality TV shows for review; On the one hand, it directly turned on its own public opinion propaganda machine and began to create momentum from a series of social short video platforms such as bib and jitter.

It’s just that what didn’t let the toilet table think was that it might be Li Moran’s identity as a national and the other party’s reputation that has been on the domestic Internet twice.

After seeing that the toilet table introduced the cherry blossom variety show that Li Moran was participating in to China, it also instantly set off a GC in China.

After all, in this world, the Yan Country and the Sakura Country are not like Li Moran’s original location, and the two countries have a blood sea feud that a “eight three zero” life cannot solve.

Although the Yan country in this world has a short period of decline, it benefits from the strong heritage of its own country.

Sakura Country has also maintained close ties with Yan Country when facing the impact of the Western foreign world.

Even the tributary relationship between the two sides was abolished after the establishment of the modern New Yan Kingdom, and then a good cooperative and exchange relationship was established between the two countries.

Therefore, for the variety shows and film and television dramas of Yan Country or Sakura Country, the respective public opinion of the two countries has always maintained a highly acceptable state.

And this is also an important reason why the toilet table can naturally introduce variety shows from Sakura Country.

Of course, in addition to the highly accepted social factors between the state and the people, there is of course this variety show.

There is content that is extremely eye-catching, and there are also explosive points that can make people’s emotions move positively.

And Li Moran himself, that opening is extremely amazing on the first day of survival on the island.

It is to let all those who watch the show have the feeling that their three views have exploded.

And look forward to the second episode of the show as scheduled!

For the outside world at this time, because of the broadcast of the program, they have fallen into a heated discussion.

Li Moran naturally didn’t know – at this time, he was concentrating on grinding his hand, some kind of herb that Yuliang basically couldn’t recognize.

At this time, the duo, who had already landed on the island, also ushered in the second day of their survival on the island after experiencing a series of events yesterday night.

And Katayoshi Yuliang woke up the next day, and originally wanted to ask Li Moran how long she entered the island to search for customs clearance vouchers.

It was also after seeing Li Moran take in several plants, his expression was also a little confused for a while.

And the grinding action that the other party began next made the film more convenient for a while, and he couldn’t figure out what Li Moran wanted to do.

Fortunately, Li Moran did not keep letting the film be guessed.

After grinding the herbs in his hand into a pile of crushed paste, Li Moran looked at his piece Yuliang with a blank face.

After thinking for a while, he patiently explained to the other party.

“Miss Katayo, these are herbs with mosquito and insect repellent effects.”

“Due to the humid climate on the island, we may have to enter the island today to find customs clearance vouchers.”

“So it’s better to smear these things on the road, it might be better.”

“But Li Jun, we obviously weren’t harassed by mosquitoes yesterday night, right?”

“Well, because I have some mosquito repellent plants around.”

“… How long did Li Jun do these things? ”

“How long? I forgot, and I don’t remember much about what I did…”

I thought about it a little, but I really can’t remember how long I arranged the mosquito repellent plants.

And was watching Li Moran’s memories on the side, and his mind couldn’t help but emerge with the piece of Li Moran placing the plant picture.

It was a hint of tenderness that couldn’t help but flash in his eyes, and the evaluation of Li Moran in his heart also rose again.

After all, as a top actress in China, Yuryo Katayo has seen too many men……….

After doing something for himself that he didn’t even want to ask the other party to do, he asked for credit in front of himself.

And the purpose they want to achieve behind them is nothing more than wanting to show their ability in front of themselves and hope to get their favor.

In such a situation, Yoryu is also more and more resistant to others doing something for himself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even if you are always when you are in the other party and give you credit.

Always respond to the other person with their trademark smiley face and make the other person feel their gratitude.

But she still resisted such a thing in her heart.

It’s just that today, this instinctive resistance that should have been born was not born as Katagori Yuryo thought.

Li Moran did not ask for credit in front of him at all, and did not show off how difficult it was for him in front of himself.

The other party just calmly hammered a lump of medicine paste and touched it on the arteries of his limbs.

As for the piece sent by Yuliang, Li Moran only suggested that the other party could apply it, but he did not strongly persuade the other party.

This also makes the film Yuliang, for Li Moran’s behavior that does not cross the line at all.

While feeling some happy emotions in my heart, I also gave birth to a different kind of abnormality.

“Li Jun, it’s really completely different from other men…”

“It’s just… I don’t know why…”

“Why does 2.7 have a kind of 2.7 in my heart…”

“Subtle frustration?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Miss Katagyo, Miss Katagori…”

“Ah! What’s wrong Li Jun? ”

“Miss Katagyo, we may be leaving…”

“Oh! Right away Li Jun! ”

Very tactfully reminded Katagori Yuryo, and Katayori Yuryo also came back from the complicated emotions in his heart just now.

Looking at the unapplied ointment on her hand, she couldn’t help but blush when she understood what Li Moran meant.

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