Comprehensive comic: Traveling through the Godslayer, Awakening through the Realm Gate

Comprehensive comic: Traveling through the Godslayer, Awakening through the Realm Gate


211 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Lan traveled to the world of God Killers, obtained the mysterious golden arm, and awakened the world-traveling gate that can travel to other worlds.

In order to become stronger and stand in the world, in order to explore the secret of the Gol


Chu Lan traveled to the world of God Killers, obtained the mysterious golden arm, and awakened the world-traveling gate that can travel to other worlds.

In order to become stronger and stand in the world, in order to explore the secret of the Golden Hand, and in order to one day embrace the goddess Athena on the left and the goddess Pandora on the right, reach the pinnacle of life.

Chu Lan traveled through different worlds and met different girls.

Thus, his road to becoming a god began!

And finally lived a good life, working as a secretary when I had something to do, and when I had nothing to do…

Butterfly Kanae: Huh? Do you want your sister to come too? And Kanroji Miuri?

Erica Browntree: King, from now on, I will be your personal knight and secretary.

Tendo Kisara: If you help me kill the Tendo family, I will be yours from now on.

Esdeath: Come and fight. If you beat me, I’ll let you control me!

Fulilian: Are you… finally back?


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