Chapter [*] The Plan of Dionysus

"So what are you trying to say?"

In the courtyard, Lokifu ate his half-empty wine bottle on the table, looking suspiciously at Dionysus who was sitting across from him.

"Let's talk about it first, my children have all gone out, it's impossible to check that kind of trouble..."

"Did you go to check the underground waterway?"

"Ah, that's what happened," added Loki while feeling troubled by the other's intelligence, "Others have also gone through the formalities or preparations for the next expedition. We are so busy right now."

"What about Jian Ji? If you can invite her to go, she will surely be able to do the best of a hundred people."

Dionysus picked up the cup of tea served by the members of Loki's family and waited for Loki's answer, and at this moment, a small parchment scroll fell from the sky and hit the latter's head.

"Ai ^ carbon she... ah?"

Loki, who was suddenly attacked, looked up and saw an owl flying by, gradually flying out of the sky above the base.

"Is it a letter?"

"It seems to be oh."

Loki picked up the scroll, untied the thread tied on it, looked at the words on the paper, and finally slapped a hand on his forehead with a "crack!" Soth cast a suspicious look.

"Ai^Carbon has gone to the twenty-fourth floor..."

Loki covered his forehead weakly, and said to the sky with a voice that she couldn't do anything about.

"Cough cough one by one!"

Dionysus, who had been savoring the scent of the tea in the pot, almost spit out the tea, and was so surprised that he was choked and coughed.

"She took the adventurer's request and went to the twenty-fourth floor... This timing is too coincidental, and she told me not to worry, Ai ^ Carbon is really natural."

Loki ^ did not hesitate to doubt whether this letter was from Jian Ji's hand. The sacred text that fell at the bottom of the letter could explain everything, and it was [*]% her own handwriting.

"...what are you going to do?"

After finally subduing his cough, Dionysus raised his head and asked while covering his mouth.

"Let someone (bddh) go after her. The Momo on the twenty-fourth floor has surged, and the commission she received is probably related to this. I'm afraid it is also related to the incident on the eighteenth floor..."

Loki put down the letter, rubbed Fan Fan's frown slightly, and turned to look at the waiting family members.

"Call Bert and Lefiya back, the sooner the better. Then, go to the dwarf... Hestia's family, and call an adventurer named Xia Heng."

"Is it okay to go with three people? Although I brought it up, I think there is a dangerous smell of oxygen on the twenty-fourth floor. If the number of people is limited... Phil Zang, you are too. Go help."

Dionysus pondered for a moment, and said to his family who had followed him.

"Don't say willful words, Phil^ so many things are because I am involved with Loki out of selfishness, I can't just leave the problem to her to deal with, I have to show my sincerity. Also, I want to gain Loki's trust. Trust has to be earned by [R], you see."

To put it bluntly, Loki still doesn't fully trust Dionysus. Everyone knows this, but no one thought that this guy would say it directly.Loki could not help revealing this.

Weird expressions of what's going on with people.

"......I understand."

The noble elf girl was silent for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement with the Lord God's instructions.Then he stood up straight, looked at Loki and said.

"Goddess Loki, please allow me to travel with your kin."

"I'm very grateful for your kindness, but what... Didn't I say she can keep up?"

"Fairways is the only Lv.3 in my clan, and if he reaches the twenty-fourth floor, at least he won't get in the way."

"The only W.3 na..."

Loki narrowed his eyes slightly, and Yu Tian took a closer look at the elf girl who had never heard of the name.

"Okay, it's not bad. Anyway, there is a shortage of manpower. I have already asked someone to help. I will talk to Bert and the others."

"Thank you."

Fairways saluted slightly and expressed his gratitude.

After that, the Loki Familia's base became noisy for a while.After listening to Loki's explanation, Lefiya hurriedly packed her luggage and prepared various props that might be used, while Bert, who had already prepared, cursed loudly because her schedule was disrupted.But no matter what, in their hearts, both of them were eager to get to Ai ^'s side, worried about the safety of their companion who was working alone.

Soon after, the prepared three gathered in front of the main entrance of the base and waited for Xia Heng, who had not yet arrived, together with Loki.

"Please, please advise!"

"It's you again..."

Unlike Lefiya, who stammered and stammered her self-introduction to the old Fairway because she was cautious, Bert's face wrinkled in dissatisfaction, looking at Fairway who was silent.

"As long as you dare to pull my hind legs, I'll kick you away with one kick. It's best to get out of here before you die."

"...Stop talking nonsense, werewolf."


Although he was taciturn, it did not mean that Philway would not be provoked by Bert.And Lefiya, who was a junior to either side, looked back at the two with a mournful look, unabashedly showing that the bad relationship between the loner and the self-respecting elf made her I could not help but feel a stomachache.

Chapter [*]: The grievances of the adventurers

With such a rigid team as Chlorine, I'm afraid Euleri is one of a kind...

Standing at the door of the Loki Familia, Lefiya, who was caught in the middle, couldn't help but think that her little body trembled slightly because of the discordant atmosphere between Bert and Phil^^.

The sinister chlorine atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and I feel that if I stay for a while longer, the two will directly quarrel, or they may fight directly here. It was not until the chaotic footsteps came from a distance that the discord was briefly broken. .

"...Lord Loki, it has been brought."

A family member who seemed to have wandered around in the labyrinth for a long time before finding his destination appeared at a trot, with a tired expression of "finally done" on his face.

"Oh, hard work, let's go to rest... Then, can you tell us the reason why we waited here for a long time?"

Loki watched his family members walk through the gate, and then looked at Xia Heng who was walking slowly and the white-haired boy hiding behind him.

"I was dealing with emotional problems just now, and then I asked your children to go to the maze to find my junior, and it's been delayed until now. It's not too late anyway, right?"

"This kid is only Lv.1? Right..."

"Huh? Do you guys know where you're going, don't bring me a fuel bottle on the road!

Before Loki could finish speaking, Bert, who was displeased by being in a team with Phil ^^, shouted loudly, his eyes full of resentment.

"This kind of weak and dying kid, just go home and wash and sleep. Loki, bringing these two guys will only hold you back, just let them go home and pull them down. This is not an outing but also a delay. A family with a child and a child, you bastard."

"Bert said so, what do you want to say?"

Loki raised his hands helplessly, looked at Xia Heng in surrender and asked.

"I have my own plans, and this guy doesn't need your protection. Although it's not very clear, this time I'm going to the twenty-fourth floor, right?"

Xia Heng shook his head and said softly.

"It's almost as good as throwing him when passing the eighteenth floor. If he dies on the way, even if he doesn't transport fluorine well."

"Then I have no objection, although I don't know what you want to do. Bert, he said so, let him take it."

"...As long as that guy dares to drag his legs, I'll kick him away with one kick, and get out of here before he burps."

Burt was silent for a moment, then glared at Bell, who flinched.

"Okay, then this is the perfect solution. I'll ask you to go to the twenty-fourth floor to find Ai ^ Carbon, I will wait for good news at home~"

The hippie and smiling Loki strode back to the family base, struttingly waving at the five people who were about to leave.

...isn't this chlorine atmosphere even worse! ?Why can Loki still look at him with a smile, what is he doing with the thumbs up? !

Lefiya followed behind the team, looking at the three people surrounded by the icy Fluorine Breath in front of her, and at Loki who was giving him a thumbs up, she couldn't help beckoning her hand to her stomach, feeling a faint stomach pain.

Today, today's Tianfu is really good--"

Where did the ghost Tianfu come from on the eighteenth floor? "

"Yes, yes, hahaha..."

Regarding the topic that Lefiya forced Yan Oxiao to find out, Bert seemed to be bored and ignored her, and Phil ^^ also kept a distance from everyone, and seemed not ready to speak on it.

??A request for flowers.....

At this time, everyone had come to the eighteenth floor of the underground labyrinth, and they were greeted by the warm rays of light falling from the top of their heads and the entrance to the dense forest full of trees.

Unlike other floors full of monsters, the eighteenth floor is full of light and fresh air that doesn't match the dungeon. People who come here for the first time will inevitably have the illusion that they are on the ground.

Above, through the barrier of staggered branches, you can see that a large crystal of the sky is living at the top of the floor.

The large 81 white crystal block in the center and the surrounding mild blue crystals form the beautiful sky, and its brightness will change with time, which is a major feature of this safe floor.

Not far away, you can smell the cool grass fragrance, and the sound of the stream is also heard. The blue crystal born on the ground exudes a faint light. Everything reminds Lefiya of the hometown of elves. She could feel the comfort of her soul here, but at this time, this scene similar to her hometown could not soothe her soul.

From the time of departure to the present, the team has been shrouded in a fluorine atmosphere that makes her restless.

Burt hasn't shown any kindness so far, he just kept on rushing, and when he saw a monster, he was the first to draw it and be dropped, followed by Phil Zang, who was always silent, to solve the missed monster. I have no intention of communicating with the rest of the people.

The rest of the three were following behind, uneasy, one by one, wrong. The only people who were uneasy were Bell, who was forcibly dragged here, and Lefiya, who was worried about the team's atmosphere.

Xia Heng is happy to watch the two go to the street to deal with monsters, and even prepares to let Bell take some snacks from his bag from time to time to pass the time.

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-three chapters of the Loki family's family affairs

The eighteenth floor is the first safe floor that adventurers encounter in the dungeon that does not produce monsters, and this floor also has a beautiful scenery called "labyrinth paradise" by the adventurers.

The entrance is located at the southern end of the floor. The first scene you see when you step out is a prairie scattered with blue crystal clusters. The faint scent of grass and trees is oncoming, dispelling the exhaustion in the maze.

Standing on the prairie, you can see the huge tree in the center, and the cave of its roots leads directly to the nineteenth floor.

In the north, you can see the vast leaky ground; from the south to the east, there are countless lush trees, forming a majestic "four-one-seven" forest; in the west, there is a huge navy blue lake with huge islands floating on it. .

In this huge island that is enough to hold half of Euler, the beautiful crystals that are born everywhere add a touch of fantasy to this. It is rumored that there is even a rich man who paid huge sums of money to see this beautiful scenery. The adventurer is entrusted to come here as an escort.

Among the fantastical floors, the most talked about is the street named Rivera on the huge island to the west.

On the highest point of the island, an arch of wood and flags was erected, on which the words "Street of the Rivera" were written in rough characters 11.

This is a street in a dungeon run only by high-level adventurers who can reach the middle level.

In the past, the guild planned to set up a large-scale relay station in the dungeon in order to plan to allow adventurers to develop the labyrinth more efficiently. This is the prototype of Rivera Street.

However, due to the frequent occurrence of monsters from other levels, the hiring of senior adventurers to defend here, and various maintenance costs, the plan was eventually stranded.After that, adventurers spontaneously inherited this plan and built this street.

For the newcomers, what they most care about is not the lively scene, but the line of numbers slanted in the upper left corner of the "Riviera Street" on the arched door.

"Then the painting, what does the Yugu number mean?"

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