Arriving at Rivera Street, Bell, who was frightened along the way, carefully tugged at the corner of Xia Heng's clothes and asked in a low voice.

"It's the number of times this broken place has been rebuilt."

Without waiting for Xia Heng to answer, Bert, who was walking in front, said coldly.

"Three hundred and thirty-four, which means that this place has been destroyed three hundred and thirty-three times. As soon as it sees danger, it will run away with its tail between its tails. After this place is safe, build this street again.

After all, he took a sip on the grass beside him, as if he didn't have much affection for the naivety of the adventurers who built this street.

But as he said, although the eighteenth floor is a safe floor that does not produce monsters, all kinds of unexpected events are possible, and when an unexpected situation occurs, the adventurers will leave Livy behind. Pull the street, go back to the ground, wait until everything is safe and then come back here and rebuild the street.

Different from the guild that thought it was necessary to stick to it from the beginning and think about the need to invest money, the adventurers who eat worry, as always, played the nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and constructed this important street with cheap materials to minimize losses.

And this symbolizes the tenacious street of the adventurers who eat worry, and is also praised by others as "the most beautiful street of gangsters in the world".

Although everyone did not feel tired, it was impossible to continue to go deeper.

One is to prepare Fu Bell to throw it here, after all, it is difficult to continue to go deep into the lower layers and bring this Lv.1 oil bottle, and Xia Heng originally planned to let Bell see the world here...

The second is that although Ai's letter to Loki used sacred words to prove her identity, she was just as taciturn as she said, "I have accepted the adventurer's request and are going to the twenty-fourth floor, don't worry about me. "Such a brief message.

Although Loki speculated that she was there to investigate the reason for the surge in monsters, the area on the [*]th floor is so large that even a few people who finish the mission in Ai will not be able to find her, let alone to prevent In case you get to her.

To this end, everyone must gather information at this place where Ai ^ will definitely stop, trying to figure out her target location.

After quite casually throwing Bell to many trustworthy people, the four of them scattered directly on Rivera Street to gather information in order to find Sword Princess.

"You said Jianji, I did see it. I can't possibly read it wrong, after all, it's Jianji. At that time, it seemed to be walking with a group of sneaky guys in cloaks. They There are quite a lot of people."

In front of the Amazonian's store 3.7, Lefiya asked while taking out her wallet and looking at the goods on the stand, and the female boss replied hurriedly when she saw that the regular customers of the Loki Familia were going to buy something.

"Have you seen what the person with Jian Ji looks like?"

"Well, I didn't see it clearly. After all, there are a lot of people, and there are countless suspicious elements on the street. No one ever wanted to go to find out who they were."

"What about the papers? They should be buying something here, right?"

All of them were purchased by Jian Ji, and they used the emblem of the Loki Familiar. ".

The first thousand one hundred and thirty fourth chapters

In a short period of time, Lefiya has traveled to various shops in the entire street, asking for a lot of information by relying on the reputation of Loki's family, and using the price method taught by the Amazon sisters to succeed in this street. Amazing price cut the rune by nearly half.

The final result was that only Ai ^ and the others bought Shuxi and acted generously. I don't know who the mysterious people were and which family they belonged to. All the documents that needed the buyer's faction were presented by Ai, while other stores used Magic stones replace gold coins for transactions.

On the other hand, Bert took a different approach, thinking that since Ai was going to the twenty-fourth floor to check for the explosion of monsters, he could join Ai as long as he went to the source of the explosion. Although it was true to think so, but the adventure here The people were beyond his expectations.According to them, because there are too many monsters, no one can go to the source to find out, even Lv.3 adventurers can only flee when they see the scale of I.In addition, it is said that the guild has sent a crusade, so most of the 13 squads chose to wait on this street.

In the end, everyone who had found almost nothing met in the square. After gathering all the information, only Ai ^ and the mysterious group of mysterious people could infer that they must have gone to the twenty-fourth floor.And they just left the street a few hours ago, and now as long as they find out their destination, they will definitely be able to catch up.

"Have you been to the big man?"

In the end, Bert scratched his head irritably, looked at Lefiya and asked.

Eh? "

"That's the big guy with the blindfold who's worth it to be on the streets." After he said that, Lefiya would feel relieved and hurriedly walked away.

"Yes, Jian Ji has come to this uncle."

Perth Elder of the biggest buying station on the street replied while examining the material he had just acquired.

He wears a pirate-like blindfold on his left eye, and has a face that is more ferocious than anyone else. He is really strong, and it can be said that it perfectly fits the inherent cognition of others on adventurers, and he is also a genuine Lv.3 adventure. By.As the boss of this street, the intelligence network is undoubtedly the most extensive on the street, and Burt mentioned him because he wanted to rely on his intelligence network.

"That Yugu, did Miss Ai say anything? We want to know where she went..."

Seeing that Perth seemed to know something, Lefiya asked quickly.

"Hey, where did Jian Ji go..."

The big human man with muscles like a rock stood up, rubbed his chin with kindness, looked at a few people, and showed an appetizing smile.

"As long as I can hear the voice of the coin that I am most happy and sorry for, maybe I can think of something?"

Seeing that the other party made it clear that they would charge for intelligence, Lefiya's face couldn't help but work hard. Before they were ready to take out their wallets, Burt drew on it with a single step.

"—spit it out for me, bastard."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I said, I said it, don't slap in the face."

Seeing Bert grabbing the clothes and playing hard, Perth betrayed his muscles full of intimidation without hesitation, and immediately succumbed.

"The group of people with Jian Ji seems to have bought some flesh and blood and camouflage cloth."

"When you say flesh and blood, do you mean the one he used to attract monsters? So, the place where Miss Ai and the others went is..."

"A grain bank?"

The flesh and blood will stimulate the monster's eating, and the monster will be attracted to the place where the flesh and blood is placed; while the camouflage cloth can be selected to match the specific color of the floor, and it can be combined with the maze landscape to deceive the monster's eyes.Go to the grain depot on the entire floor—the dungeon that provides the monsters with the covering space—these items are often used to avoid fighting with a large number of monsters.

Now that you know where Ai ^ is going, there is no reason to stay here.A few people turned and left, while Perth stood up by pressing his neck and quietly ran beside Lefiya, complaining in a low voice.

"That Yugu bastard actually rode on my head. I hate the Yugu werewolf the most among your Loki Familiars. Hey, the goblin of Thousand 417, I'll give you the money, go and beat him."

"Can't do it..."

No matter how you think about it, she will only be beaten back, and Lefiya doesn't want to die young.

"By the way... are you teaming up with Banshee J?"

Perth raised his head and pointed with his chin to Phil Zang who was slowly walking away.

""Mourning Fairy" that the title of Miss Phil Zang^? "

"No, this is what we adventurers call it. That Yugu elf has another official title."

Perth shook his head, glanced at Fierway's back from a distance again, and then began to answer Lefiya's doubts.

"If I say the result directly, it's because the guys who teamed up with the Yugu elf... all died. Only the Yugu guy is left, his own family, and the other factions, all of them. None were spared.”

At this moment, Burt, who had already gone far, stopped, and Merle trembled for a while, quietly listening to Perth's narration.

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-five chapters conflict between adventurers

"...Do you know the "Nightmare on the [*]th Floor" that happened six years ago? "

Perth stood in front of his acquisition station, frowned at Lefiya and Xia Heng and said.

"Yes, I have heard... I heard that many adventurers died in the Narugu accident."

"Yes, at that time there were still a few people from the dark faction who were still lingering. They framed the team of the powerful faction on the twenty-seventh floor, and they were all killed at once."

The dark faction is the episode 81 that was destroyed by the joint efforts of various families a long time ago.Some people say that they oppose order, and some people say that they are a radical group led by the evil god who hopes for chaos1], but there is no doubt that the dark faction is an evil group that has been declared by the guild and must be eradicated, and all the family members will attack.

Among the series of evil deeds of the dark faction, the most heinous is the "Nightmare on the [*]th floor". They maliciously leaked information about suspicious diligence in the dungeon, which led to countless adventurer teams. On the twenty-seventh floor, the monsters on the entire floor, and even the floor master, led them to the gathered adventurer team. The three parties fell into a melee, and the scene seemed to reappear in the world.

Until other adventurers came, all they could see was the blood-stained desert, countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and a large number of monsters that were devouring human remains.

"Filzang^? Shallya was one of the few survivors of that incident."

Perth looked at Phil who was standing on the square from a distance, and recalled.

"She probably escaped from the dead and managed to get back down the street... She looked like a dead person at the time. Adventurers are a life-staking business, some lost their partners, some were maimed , I've seen many adventurers, but that's the first time I've seen it."

The clothes that were smashed into strips of cloth were covered in blood as if they had just crawled out of a sea of ​​blood, and the black hair was also clumped with blood. .

No one dared to approach this guy who finally survived. He was obviously a survivor, but he seemed to be looking for the soul of his dead companion in the world.

"...And then, from that day on, it was like being cursed, or being watched by the god of death. Sooner or later, all the squads related to her will have their braids. We adventurers also know very well, people. When you want to get down, you will get down all the way, but...because it is too unlucky, so it spreads very quickly, saying that if you form a team with that Yugu elf, you will die."

According to Perth, after the incident, although Phil Zang was barely able to cheer up, there were always tragedies around him.Either the team made a mistake in judgment, or encountered an abnormal situation, or there was a dispute over the distribution of rewards... A total of four times, all the teams that were on duty with her were wiped out, and each time she was left alone to survive. .

"And then like I said just now, some people started to call her by the nickname Yugu, and some people directly called her Broom Star..."

The adventurers thought it was the spirit who had been praising the mourning sigh ever since the day of the "Nightmare on the [*]th Floor" that led to death, so they couldn't help but despise this dead girl.Even members of the same family don't know how to get along with this BI room, so they can only keep a distance from her.

Firzang, who stands out for this, is now a famous solo adventurer on the streets of Rivera.

"But she shouldn't be able to stand this herself? Well, in short, be careful."

Perth, deaf, gave advice and returned to the hut.

In fact, Perth's voice is not low. Although he has some restraints, his usual loud voice cannot be controlled for a while.I am afraid that in addition to Bert, who has a keen sense of hearing, Fairway, who is standing in the square not far away, can also hear a few words, but at this moment, the dead goblin is just standing near the railing, looking far away somewhere in the distance .

々...I don't know what the situation is like, but in a nutshell, it's your abandoned companion, and you're still alive, right?Really ugly. "

After a moment of silence, Bert swaggered towards Phil ^ looking down at the other party with a malicious look on his face and said.

"Why do you still have the face to be an adventurer? Wouldn't it be best to die at that time?"


Different from the tit-for-tat expression with Bert before, Phil Zang ^ showed a calm smile full of self-deprecation.

"One day I couldn't go to Huangquan with my companions. It's really shameful to live like this. It's as ugly as you say it is. You all heard the rumors, right? Are you going to part ways here? Maybe you will too. Killed by me."

"...Ahhhh, the fire is dead! You look like you've seen everything!"

Burt, who didn't know what he was thinking, kicked the railing fiercely, pouted and walked out of the square alone to ask for a price.

Even though the adventurers in the square were making happy noises, there was an almost frozen silence between them, until someone spoke out and broke the ice.

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-six chapters sword Ji holy Tan

"So, don't come near me, I'm full of filth... don't let me defile anyone else."

Facing the noise of the adventurers, Phil ^^ showed a fragile smile, and turned away from the words that were not related to the elves with high self-esteem.

At this time, someone had to reach out and pull her back - Lefiya understood this for a moment, and stretched out her hand to the other party without thinking, and before her, the other hand firmly grabbed Fei ^'s arm.

"Although it's a bit strange for me, but until now, no one has said that you are full of filth, right?"

Xia Heng ignored the stunned expression on the other side's face, even if the other side tried to shake his hand away, his expression remained the same.

"Let go of man!"

The pale-faced Phil Zang ^'s voice was full of anger, he threw off Xia Heng's hand and yelled loudly.

"What do you know!? How long has it been since you recognized it, what do you think you know!?"

I know a lot more than you think I know. "

417's calm words like tongue twisters broke the elf's righteousness with one blow. The marriage in the words was absolutely stunned. After being silent for a long time, the dead elf suddenly turned and walked out of the square, not knowing. thinking about something.

In the deep layer, the silver sword light swept through the air, cut off the monster's double horns like a morning sword, and cut its head, and the monster's body lost its balance and fell directly to the ground.

"Yeah~ Still as good as before?"

The well-dressed canine girl looked at Jian Ji who took the monster's life in a blink of an eye with admiration, and Yi made a strange sound.

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