A few hours ago, Ai Wallenstein, who was exploring the dungeon by himself, met the "client". Although he looked suspicious, the faceless guy wrapped in a black robe did ask her to accept the commission.

Although when I asked her to accept the request, I deliberately pointed out that "the phenomenon of the surge of monsters is most likely related to the people who attacked the street of Rivera, and it may also be related to the Nayugu Orb" as a bait, but Jian Ji can only step into it willingly.

First, because she was eager to get clues about the attacker and the orb at the time, and second, she did not see any malicious intentions or bad intentions to frame her from the other party. After considering multiple factors, she decided to Take this assignment.

After that, according to the secret words explained by the client, meet with the "helper".

Until then, Ai didn't know that among the other group of adventurers hired by the client, there was a Canine girl who had been entrusted to take the orb, whom he had stopped earlier in the street of Rivera.

Its name is Lulune Louis, a member of the Hermes family.

And the helper prepared by the client is almost the entire Hermes family.

At first glance, the client seems to have a lot of energy, enough to drive a family to attend to work for him, but after Lulune explained it with a bitter face, everything suddenly became clear.

From the outside, the Hermes clan is just an ordinary neutral clan, with nothing particularly outstanding (bddh), and is one of many less outstanding clans.

But in fact, almost all the members of the Hermes clan lied about their level and the number of exploration levels in the labyrinth.

One is because the main god Hermes wants to "keep out of the limelight and remain neutral", and the second is that if you report honestly, the rank of the family will probably skyrocket, and the tax paid to the guild will be more than that. And the speed is rising rapidly.

No matter what their plans are, the current status of the Hermes family is tax evasion, and if the guild finds out, they will have to pay a large fine.

"If you don't want me to say it, then accept the commission." Lu Lune, who was so threatened, had no choice but to be forced to recruit the entire family to be involved, and it seemed that she did not have the aura of being a professional thief at all.

After the meeting, Jian Ji and the others went through full speed for several hours, and finally reached the twenty-fourth floor, which is quite close to the lower area, because the deeper the dungeon, the larger the floor area. The wide passage on the twenty-fourth floor is even enough for this sixteen-person team to take up space and move at will.

"Miss Lulune, you guys are amazing too..."

Ai ^ watched in amazement at the team members who had dealt with a wave of monsters while being alert to the surroundings.

Although the number of monsters encountered has increased significantly due to the deepening of the layers, the members of the Hermes Familiar were able to deal with them with ease.

In fact, the members of the Hermes family are all impeccable, even the supporters who are equipped with backpacks are no exception. Under the command of B1, Yafei Al Andromeda, they are quite skilled and efficient. Wave after wave of monsters.

Before reaching the twenty-fourth floor, Ai ^ had no chance of making a move at all, which was the best proof of their strength.

"Read, just call me Lulune, we are about the same age, right?"

In the squad, she was responsible for disrupting monsters and assisting her companions in combat. Lulune, who called herself a thief, came to Ai's side.

Chapter [*] The strength of the Hermes family

The Hermes Familiar team tried their best to reduce redundant work, paid attention to efficiency, and performed their respective duties, and their strength was undoubtedly comparable to, or even better than, the middle-aged excluding first-level adventurers.And what made this happen is that 81 is Ya ^ Fei, who has been commanding and seldom fighting, but has seen strong strength from a few tricks.

"Huh? Do you care about Ya^fei?"

Probably aware of Ai's gaze, Lu Lune who was beside her asked aloud.

"...Lulune, how much or how little is Miss A^fei's Lv?"

Although it's not polite to ask such a question, Ai ^ still secretly looked at Ya ^ Fei with the Zhengfu dagger in the scabbard from the corner of her eye, and quietly approached the girl who claimed to be a thief and asked -.


Compared to Ai's obedience, Lulune replied quite simply.

"Then, what about the floor where the family arrived?"

"The thirty-seventh floor, but the monster is really strong, so don't go too deep."

The number of floors recorded in the guild is only the nineteenth floor, right? Ai ^ While recalling the information I heard in the guild in the past, I was surprised by the fact that the Hermes family had actually set foot in the deep, and then felt again ^ to doubt.

"Haven't you been discovered by other adventurers when you entered such a deep floor?"

From the point of view of combat, the fourteen adventurers of Hermes are undoubtedly quite familiar with each other. It is almost impossible for so many people to explore the labyrinth if they are not discovered.And the people who are discovered by the Hermes family are near the deep layer, then their hidden level will be directly exposed.

"Our room 81 is the famous all-rounder, right?" Lulune showed a proud look, "She has a very powerful magic item that can be invisible to anyone.

"Enough talking, Lulune."

The cold voice was like a sharp blade, and the voice of the talisman girl was cut off. The woman with blue hair cast an icy gaze at the other party from behind her eyes, warning her to say a few words in front of outsiders.

"Really... Jian Ji, I want to ask your frank opinion, what do you think about this commission?"

Seeing that the other party covered her mouth, Ya ^ Fei sighed, raised her glasses slightly, walked to Ai ^'s side and asked.

"......What's the meaning?"

"About the attack on the street of Rivera, I have already heard Lulune say it. The mysterious person who is obsessed with the Yugu Orb made a request... Do you think this bad work is not? Is it dangerous too?"

"...Well, it's possible."

Ai ^ paused, nodded and answered.

"This is really getting into trouble..."

Ya ^ Fei endured a sigh and shook her head.

And Lulune, who was listening on the side, probably also felt that her face was dull, and she didn't speak anymore, and A^Fei didn't blame her anymore, but concentrated on dealing with the monsters and accidents that might appear next, tense Gather together to complete your duties as a squad room.

After passing through the hole at the bottom of the tree in the middle of the eighteenth floor, you enter the tree labyrinth area from the nineteenth floor to the twenty-fourth floor.Bark walls and ceilings

On the ground, everything seems to be made of trees, and the glowing moss is everywhere, emitting blue light as a light source.

Adventurers who come here can find many wonderful plants and sometimes even see courtyard-like beauty.But more important than these, there are more strange monsters than the previous floors. On the twenty-fourth floor, it is necessary to form a team of adventurers with the highest level of Lv.2 ability to ensure safety.

?? A request for flowers...

"Ah! That Yugu seems to be a white leaf, Ya^Fei, should we go pick some and then leave?"

"Forget it, you will only be surrounded by monsters when you go there. Don't think about anything else before solving the commission."

"Now the white leaves are out of stock in all prop stores, I'm sure I can buy them at a good price... It's a pity."

Seeing the big white tree whose birthday was born in the cave in the distance, Lu Lune immediately reacted, but after being reprimanded a few times, her raised tail could only wag a few times reluctantly.

One of the features of the Big Tree Labyrinth area is that adventurers are often commissioned to gather valuable materials here.Studies have shown that many of the mushrooms here can be eaten, and even have the effects of restoring li power and detoxifying, and are valued by jie masters who can prepare jie medicine.Even moss, which is a light source, can be sold for a good price when brought to the ground.

Along the way, everyone has missed a lot of material, and even there are precious props that even Ya Fei can't help but feel the inner diligence, but in order to avoid danger, she still forced everyone to continue along the predetermined route.After all, it has long been common knowledge among adventurers that there are powerful monsters guarding the vicinity of valuable gathering items.

"Everyone stop!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Ya Fei suddenly raised her hand and ordered everyone to stop. At the same time, everyone in the team also felt the dangerous fluorine lurking in the front passage.

In the cross-shaped intersection in front of the crowd, the luminous moss buried for some reason has weakened the brightness, and they can only see what is working in the shadows in the dark, and the adventurers quickly realized what it was, and could not help but take two steps back. superior.

Chapter [*] The daily life of adventurers

In the darkness in front of everyone, there are countless shadows working stupidly. After realizing what those shadows are, almost everyone can't help but take two steps back and take a breath of cool chlorine.It was a large group of ugly monsters that filled the wide passage. The number was so numerous that it made the scalp tingle, as if the characters were coming out of the nest.

Compared to Lulune who exclaimed in a low voice, Ai ^ and A ^ Fei who were walking in front couldn't help frowning, and carefully observed the gathered monsters.

They have never seen so many monsters gathered in a certain area, forming a general appearance as if they were walking.But just after observing for a moment, some monsters noticed them, and they switched to the direction of "Four Twenty" and squeezed over, and other monsters were also affected by this and began to find their figures.

"Ya Fei, what should I do?"

"Anyway, sooner or later, it will be expelled, so let's solve it here."

Faced with an indiscernible number of monsters, Lulune bit her head and asked A^Fei, and unexpectedly got an answer that she was ready to fight.The moment they got the answer, the adventurers who acted as forwards held up their shields and walked to the front to prepare for the formation of a defensive line.

"The guard begins to chant, minimizing one by one before the enemy approaches"

"Please wait."

Ai ^ interrupted Ya ^ Fei's order, and before the other party cast a suspicious gaze, the figure disappeared in place, leaving only the sound of the rapier being unsheathed and the short answer left in place.

"Let me go."

"Wait, wait!"

Almost at the same time as Lulune screamed in surprise, Ai ^'s blade was already in contact with the monster group, and the next scene almost made everyone open their mouths in surprise.

Even the second-level adventurers couldn't see Jian Ji's attack like a hurricane. The silver blade brought blood flowers one after another, and the monsters who were killed by one blow didn't even scream. Opportunity.

Like a sword-blade storm, with her cautious steps, the surrounding monsters lost their vitality and were cut into pieces of meat that could not be cured.

"...Just let her solve it all by herself, okay?"

"...Should we go back?"

"It can't be like that..."

The adventurers who were stunned couldn't help being surprised by this scene, and Lulune, who was thinking of Ai's safety just now and wanted to recruit her back, couldn't help but praised "I feel like we can go back and wait for the news." The voice, and upholding the restraint of being Huang Chen, Ya ^ Fei suppressed her nod of worry, and half-hesitantly rejected the proposal of the canine girl.

Everyone just stared blankly at Jian Ji bringing blood flowers one after another in the group of monsters. Even if the monsters used natural weapons and used skills that can add abnormal attributes regardless of the enemy or me, it was useless until all the monsters fell to the ground. At that time, Ai ^'s unscathed figure appeared in front of everyone again, and the love sword was already in its sheath.

"Is this the sword girl..."

Looking around at the corpse of the monster that looked like a mountain of blood and a sea of ​​blood, Ya ^ Fei looked at Ai who was standing in the middle of the passage with a calm expression.

"...The first-level adventurer is really amazing! It's no wonder that the other guys were scared to be able to defeat so many monsters by themselves! Ah, do you need to restore the spirit of Lili?

I have reserves in my bag! "

"No, I'm fine...thank you."

Although the adventurers were a little timid about the girl's strength, they welcomed her return with a smile.A strong and reliable helper is the best for them, because the fear brought by the bloody scene was almost instantly wiped away by the sense of honor, and they couldn't help but praise the strength of Jian Ji...

"Then, she has dealt with all the monsters. A^Fei, what should we do next?"

No matter what, you can't leave so many monster corpses alone. Lulune took the lead to take out the magic stone from the corpse.

"If you believe what the Yigu client said, there should be something in the grain depot. There are three grain depots on the twenty-fourth floor...the southwest, southeast, and north, which area should we go around from? "

"Go where there are monsters."

While everyone was silently waiting for Huang Chen's instructions, Ya ^ Fei made a choice without hesitation.

"As long as we go in the direction where the monsters are coming, we should be able to find the reason. Since the grain depot is the reason for the explosion of monsters, then we just need to be careful in the direction the monsters told us."

"... North?"

3.7 Lulune looked up at the intersection ahead. Although the corpses of the monsters were piled up in a mess, she could still see the direction the monsters were coming from.

When all the materials and magic stones were encapsulated by Saijin, the group changed direction and headed towards the grain depot in the north.

"But then again, the grain depot... I think there should be a lot of monsters born there, what do you think?"

"I don't know...but..."

Eh? "

"I think...it might not be that simple."

Ai ^ and Lu Lune walked forward while talking, and sometimes there were several howls of monsters in the distance of the passage.

Chapter [*] Super extreme good boy

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