The tornado was shattered, and the huge body of the 'pig' that penetrated it continued to collapse, like sand slowly dissipating in the wind.

In an instant, the world seemed to have returned to peace. Of course, it is obviously impossible. The wailing humans echoing in the streets, the scarred streets, and the huge traces left behind all tell the horror of this disaster.

"——return!"Li Hao made a casual move, and the holy spear that penetrated the 'pig' and shot into the sky appeared directly on him, ignoring the distance of space and time. At the same time, he did not cover up the aura of the God-killer on his body at all. Released without hesitation.

Is this the power of the king?

Erica and Liliana stared in shock as Li Hao killed the divine beast"Pig" with one shot, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly. The divine beast was killed with just one shot. It was simply unbelievable! It was indeed able to rival the gods, far better than all the magicians in the world. This made people dare not think of fighting against it, and they had no choice but to surrender. He is the supreme king.

Speaking of which, Erica doesn't like to rely on the power of the God Killer to solve problems, but her uncle, the paladin with the highest knight title, is the commander-in-chief of the"Red Copper Black Cross" magic association.

·Brantree, told her clearly that the gods and Godslayers who hold power are not at the same level as others, and the gap cannot be made up in an area without the Godslayer's protection.

When the God of Disobedience is disobedient, he does not even have basic protection and coping methods, and can only be abused by the God of Disobedience to ravage the city and destroy the country.

Suddenly, Erica's eyes changed when she looked at Li Hao. extremely firm

"This, this, this......"Kusanagi Godou was stunned and turned to stone on the spot. In front of him, such an unbelievable thing happened, completely shattering his world view for more than ten years. What they call magicians, kings, and witches......, could it be true?!


In the cloudless sky, a thunder suddenly sounded. Immediately afterwards, layers of dark clouds quickly gathered, and soon the thick dark clouds completely enveloped the island of Sardinia.

In an instant, accompanied by constant There was flashing and roaring thunder, and heavy rain fell.

Erica and Liliana looked at each other, and their bodies suddenly tensed up, protecting Li Hao, and they looked around at such an unusual scene with great vigilance. Thinking of the God of Disobedience, only the gods who control the power can change the celestial phenomena arbitrarily according to their will. Perhaps some powerful magicians can do this, but it cannot be so easy and fast. , and such a large scale.

In other words, it may be that the God of Disobedience who was killed by Li Hao finally couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to show up to fight with the king.

It seemed that the God of Disobedience was getting closer. General. Like thunder, it kept flashing with frightening light and roared crazily. At the same time, the rain fell harder and the wind blew stronger, almost to the point of blowing people away. Evolving into a tornado.

Kusanagi Godou, who had never seen such a scene before, felt that he was not an ordinary person and could participate in it. For the sake of his own life, he ran away without hesitation.

As a result, there was only one person left in the field. Li Hao, as well as Erica and Liliana, who perform their knightly duties very well and protect him.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar that was louder than thunder resounded throughout the island of Sardinia, as if it was about to overthrow the world. The strong vibration made everyone's eardrums shake continuously, and they could not calm down for a long time..

At the same time, the sky seemed to be responding to the anger of the gods, and the layers of dark clouds seemed to be stirred into whirlpools, showing a creepy and terrifying phenomenon, and the thunder that penetrated from the sky crashed down hard. It shattered quite a few buildings, causing ruins to form on the ground. The fire was burning the ground.

Moreover, the rain was so heavy that it could obscure people's sight. The surrounding storm was also strengthening, blowing everything with its roar.. Especially, in the rough sea, there are terrifying waves that can easily overturn the ship and make people feel frightened.

Everything illustrates the terror of the gods and makes people feel unbearable despair. fear

"Why are you shouting so loudly? I can hear you even if you are softer!"With a fearless face, Li Hao casually put the holy spear on his shoulder, took out his ears, and complained with great dissatisfaction.

Li Hao knew about the disobedient god who caused the celestial phenomena. At this time, in Sa There are two pillars of gods on Din Island, the God of War Veleslana and the King of Gods Mekar.

Of course, the display of such momentum and the power to trigger the celestial phenomena all point to the God King Mekar. The ordinary god of disobedience is the highest level of the god of disobedience. Similar to him, the only two god-kings in the Indo-European language family, Zeus and Odin, are probably the only ones who can surpass him. Compared with Mekar's earth-shattering roar, the supreme god-level spirit in mythology

, Li Hao's words were obviously too small, like a mosquito buzzing. However, even so, every word fell on Mekar's ears. in the ear

"God Killer, do you want to join me in the battle with the God of War?"

The great figure of God King Mekar was not visible, but his deafening voice echoed throughout the island and spread far outside the island.

Because Mekar was chopped into pieces by the war god Veleslana. He was injured by the golden sword of the Godhead and could not recover. Therefore, he took the time to heal his wounds and did not show up.

With such an enemy staring at him, the two pillar gods could not calm down and continue fighting.

In the battlefield, it is impossible for them to leave some strength behind and fully unleash their hands and feet to fight. After all, no one wants to be taken advantage of by the God Killer and buy one, get one free.

Suddenly, Mekar caused a celestial phenomenon, showing the momentum and power of the God King, and issued questions and warnings to the enemy..........................New book is on the shelves. Please add it to your favorites. Please subscribe. Please send it automatically............................._Please download the novel without underlining

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