After the death of the War God Veleslana, a powerful force poured into Li Hao's body, flowing surgingly through all parts of the body. It was the victory prize from defeating the War God and belonged to the power of Veleslana.

In an instant, Li Hao was a little obsessed with the pleasure of increasing strength. After all, every time you kill a god and usurp its power, you can greatly increase your own strength. Almost all of the God-killer's power is obtained through killing gods. By the way, just like Marquis Vauban, one of the Godslayers, just to enjoy fighting and increase his strength, he constantly seeks out or summons disobedient gods to hunt and usurp their power.

Li Hao slowly squinted his eyes, his consciousness sinking deeper into his body, and soon he saw an ancient stone plate engraved with different patterns. At the same time, a large amount of information about the stone plate was engraved in his memory without reservation, allowing Li Hao to suddenly understand the usurped power of Veleslana and all the information about the power.

The power usurped from Veleslana belongs to his ten incarnations of 'The Persian Warl'. The ten incarnations are 'Strong Wind'’、‘juvenile’、‘white horse’、‘male sheep’、‘Phoenix’、‘bull’、‘camel’、‘goat’、‘pig’、‘Warrior', each incarnation has a different nature of power.

Although there are ten incarnations, strictly speaking, they are one power. However, if used properly, they can be used as ten powers. But there is a drawback. While the ability is powerful, the activation conditions are also strictly limited. For example, an avatar that has been used once cannot be used again within a day.

However, at this time, there were three patterns on the stone plate, which were dim compared to the other seven patterns, as if they had lost their spirituality. Those three patterns are 'Phoenix'’、‘white horse’、‘Ram'.

Li Hao knew that the Veleslana he defeated now was not the one who was in a state of complete victory. His power was destroyed by God King Mekar, and not all of the separated incarnations were recovered. 'Phoenix' at this time’、‘white horse’、‘Ram', apparently still in other parts of Sardinia.

However, relying on the vague connections revealed within his body, Li Hao could easily find them.

"King, congratulations on the success of killing the gods!"Erica and Liliana came over. One of them, with a bright smile, offered his heartfelt blessings to Li Hao without hesitation.

He solved the hidden danger of the God of Disobedience like a time bomb and restored the area. He lived a peaceful life in the past. This is why others still fear the demon kings such as the God Killer, especially after receiving the power of the War God Veleslana, Li Hao's strength has been further enhanced. King, your strength is enhanced. This is what you want to see as a knight.

"It's not over yet."Li Hao curled his lips and said involuntarily

"——What?! Is there still a god of disobedience? Liliana was startled, her body suddenly tensed, and she said with wide eyes. It is extremely rare for gods to break away from myths and become disobedient. Two of them appeared in a row today, as if they had hit a big lottery ticket. Nowadays, there seems to be a god of disobedience when expressing meaning in Wang's words

"no! It's the God of War Veleslana who still has several incarnations that haven't been recovered yet, so they have to be recovered."Li Hao turned his head and looked at Erica, and said with instructions:"Erica, go prepare a car!"

"Um! Erica nodded and said:"Just in time, my direct subordinate Arianna has also arrived on the island. I asked her to pick us up!""......................

In the suburbs, a red car was driving at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Moreover, the road is constantly turning, with vehicles rushing back and forth, drifting at a level worthy of Akina Yamamoto, and almost entering the river several times, and even driving in the opposite direction.

It has to be said that the driver is definitely a road killer, a super dangerous person, and his driver's license should be revoked. In particular, it puts the people in the car in dire straits, which makes them feel extremely tormented.

"Ai......, Erica. Your subordinates' driving skills are not average? special?" He glanced at the cute girl about 160 centimeters tall who was dressed as a maid in the driver's seat. Li Hao couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, suppressing the nausea in his stomach, and complained to Erica sitting on the left.

If you don't have extraordinary power to ensure that the car is destroyed and no one is killed, who would want to make a car like this? Life is not guaranteed, and you are in danger every minute, and it seems that you will lose your life in the next second.

".......hehe. Erica smiled awkwardly. Ariana had no talent in swordsmanship or magic, so she could only take care of her daily life. But what people didn’t expect was that she had such a terrifying driving talent.

"——coming!"Just when Erica was about to say something, Li Hao said suddenly.

At this moment, a surging divine power emerged. Immediately afterwards, there was no impurity on his body, full of divine brilliance, as dazzling as the sun.' The white horse passed by the car with agile steps. The heat radiated from the white horse's body could still be felt even though it was far away.

‘'The White Horse', one of the ten incarnations of Veleshrana's power

"parking!"Li Hao gave the order.

"clear!"Just like that, Ariana braked suddenly. The car almost flew out.

——So dangerous! Li Hao, Erica and Liliana got out of the car with lingering fears and expressions on their faces as if they were surviving the disaster.

"Can't run away!"Looking at the shrinking back of the 'White Horse', Li Hao quickly chased after him.

Without the support of Veleslana, the 'White Horse' was nothing more than a powerful mythical beast. Li Hao quickly captured it , but the 'White Horse' carrying the flames of the sun still caused him a lot of trouble.

After taking down the 'White Horse', the 'Phoenix' and the 'Running Sheep' could not run away, and they would not be recovered for a long time. Suddenly, it was possible to declare that the usurpation of Veleslana's power was finally complete.........................New book is on the shelves. Please add it to your favorites. Please subscribe. Please send it automatically.............................

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