Ice, fire, jingo, thunder, and even the realm that leads people to death descend directly......

The realm of the gods, which had been unchanged for hundreds of years on the outside of the world, was now undergoing earth-shaking changes

The earth was no longer visible, and the lava that had been burning for hundreds of years had solidified and extinguished, or was covered in frost or turned into a dead silence

The shattered continent is suspended in mid-air, with a bottomless abyss on one side and an equally bottomless darkness and depth on the other, as if even heaven and earth have been subverted, making it impossible to distinguish which side is the sky and which side is the earth.

It was a scene that was even more powerful than when the gods fought with the gods of the earth.

And all of this is done to deal with a teenager.

Xia Zhi rarely kills anyone directly, he thinks he has always been kind to others, but he has always felt that he is a rare law-abiding citizen now.

But it's a pity...... As a human being, he generally obeys the laws of human beings.

"And the laws of mankind do not protect you. "

Xia Zhi casually cut off a limb that I didn't know if it was a tentacle or a vine, and a distorted black light flashed on the gray-blue greatsword, and the curse from the original holy sword merged into the body of this unknown unlucky god.

In an instant, the god's remaining limbs stiffened, then withered and shriveled, heading towards his final death.

And what gave it this "death" was the gray-blue greatsword called "Senioris" in Xia Zhi's hand.

The strongest Extreme Ancient Holy Sword that had been specially strengthened in the previous dungeon finally came in handy.

After all, it was originally a weapon prepared to deal with this kind of enemy with super undead nature, and if you don't use it at this time, you will feel a bit of a loss in the points you spent at the beginning, right?

Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

Being able to be regarded by him now, as a convenient tool in specific situations, the power of Senioris is naturally not to be underestimated.

It possesses the ability called "Immortal Extermination", which does not lead things to death, but directly gives them death.

In other words, even for individuals such as Star God, who do not theoretically have the concept of death, this ability will still work normally.

Curses that distort reality cannot be exempted from even conceptual death resistances unless they have a corresponding resistance to modification.

They may not be completely dead, but as long as the curse of Senioris is not removed, the death it confers will not disappear, and there is no possibility of resurrection for the beings killed by the sword.

Death when touched, death if injured, in the face of this strange and terrifying ability, it seems to have aroused the jealousy of the gods.

Xia Zhi felt a very vague consciousness, as if he was communicating, as if he was transmitting some kind of anger and a hint of fear to him.

It's no wonder, isn't it? After all, they encounter things they don't understand and can't solve.

But alas

"I don't understand human language. "

As Xia Zhi spoke, he flashed with a sword and killed a god who didn't know what to call it.

Of course, the gods tried to resist

But unfortunately, all of their resistance and attacks so far had no effect on Xia Solstice, and they couldn't even slow down the speed of his greatsword

Just as the gods have been trying to rebel against them in the face of people.

The reason why the summer solstice has dragged on until now is only because he wants to take his time.

However, the other party seems to have misunderstood something

After being almost crushed by the teenager and slaughtering more than a dozen of his compatriots, a god finally recognized the reality, or he couldn't bear the psychological pressure of the approaching death

With a commotion, several beings in Xia Zhi's perception began to turn around, accelerating away from this area as if fleeing for their lives.

Want to run?

Xia Zhi raised his eyebrows, and after thinking about it, he put Senioris away for the time being.

The commotion in the distance subsided a little, as if he had finally calmed down a little when he saw the terrible greatsword disappear.

Then they saw that the boy had taken out a ...... out of nowhere. Traffic light?

It didn't take long to wonder before some of the gods sensed something was wrong.

At the moment when the traffic light appeared, a cylindrical black "pillar of light" suddenly appeared in front of it that extended infinitely into the distance, and the "pillar of light" looked extremely black and deep, as if it had swallowed up all the light.

Some gods were caught off guard and were "illuminated" by the black "pillars of light" that suddenly appeared, and then they discovered it

They turned out to be ...... Can't move!?

Obviously, they didn't feel any extra strength, and the power in their bodies was also functioning normally, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break free from this realm

It's not a power like spiritual power or divine power, it's not a concept like power or a law, it's an unknown rule that they have never been exposed to, can't understand or resist, as if from another dimension?

Xia Zhi ignored the struggling gods, and waved the traffic light in his hand slightly, and the black "pillar of light" also rotated with his movements, sweeping a large area in front of him

Everything that swept in front of the red light seemed to be held in place by an invisible force, and remained relatively static with the signal light.

Another group of gods had no time to dodge, and were shrouded in the area of effect of the traffic light.

The black "pillar of light" with a radius of one meter was like a ray of despair, and everything it touched was "fixed" to it, and no matter how the gods struggled, they could not resist it in the slightest, and even gave up part of the body they touched.

Although it has a radius of only one meter, once it is touched, it will be treated as a whole and affected by the effect, and after it is judged to be a whole, it will be too late to want to divide the body or something.

Some of the gods seized the opportunity to escape while the summer solstice was focused on the other gods

However, the range of effect of the traffic light ignores distance, and the farther you run, the easier it is to be caught up by the "light pillar".

This universe is so big in total, where can they go?

So, it didn't take long for all the gods of the entire Takamagahara to be strung one after another on the area within the one-meter radius of the traffic light like a string of sugar gourds

In this way, there are many aspects.

Looking at the gods who were neatly lined up in front of them waiting to be "shot", Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

Ignoring their constant incomprehensible messages, he slowly condensed a white light in his hands.

With the gradual high condensation of divine power, the surrounding space began to gradually distort and crack, and the slightest crack touched the light, and the overflowing part of the breath was heartbreaking, making people have no doubt that once the energy in it was released, it was enough to evaporate the entire world (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

What's the name of this move?

While the gods in the distance were terrified, Xia Solstice was lost in thought.

Except for functional skills such as the Six Swords and Sealing, his moves are nothing more than simple energy gathering to produce miracles, and it doesn't seem to matter what the name is.

That being the case

Xia Zhi thought about it, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner

"Let's call this trick Sweet Love Pink Purifying Light Wave. "

Later, when I went back, I took the garden and them to show off, saying that the gods died under this powerful move.

Just when Xia Zhi was thinking about it with such interest, the "words" in his ears changed

"Why...... Are you going to be on the side of humanity if you're so powerful?"

Finally, the gods let go of their pride and delivered the language of humanity to the boy

Xia Zhi tilted his head slightly

"So you can speak human words, huh?"

The other party didn't seem to want to say anything more on this topic, and continued to ask

"Humans can't give you anything, and you don't need to ask for anything from humans with your power, they're just ants to you.

You should have been able to be above them, to dominate, to rule over everything.

Why are you in the company of those ants?"

The other party's voice was full of deep incomprehension, as if he really couldn't understand why Xia Zhi, who had such a powerful power, wanted to help those small human beings, did this pay off?

Because I'm human too? Because there are people in the human race that I value? Because even small human beings have many things that the gods in high have not had, because I have my own bottom line, and I don't allow myself to do whatever I want?

It has existed for almost the entire history of mankind, and it knows mankind very well, and countless possible answers flashed through its mind for a while

However, the answer to this question is the summer solstice

"I like it, do you care?"

As if he didn't want to talk nonsense, he released the "magical" light wave condensed to the extreme in his hand.

The bodies of the gods were completely enveloped by a brilliant light, and a torrent of pure divine (well-known) power washed over their bodies, causing them to gradually dissolve in this most familiar energy

"Ah...... What a ...... Wayward gods......"

When the body was completely swallowed by the light, the other party's last words came

"But...... You can't help their ......."

"Humanity is doomed...... This is already an established reality......"

After saying this, the other party's voice carried a trace of regret

"It's a pity...... If...... Time Elves ......"

Gradually, the voice quieted down and eventually disappeared

Xia Zhi frowned slightly.

Did it mention the words "time elves" just now?

In other words, they were actually aware of Kurumi's existence, but they didn't directly attack Shikoku as they did when they discovered their spiritual power with Mio?

He lowered his head and pondered, and it took a long time before he let out a long breath.

...... Forget it, let's settle the matter here first.

Xia Zhi shook his head and pulled his attention back.

Of course, because it was just a bombardment of pure energy, without applying the curse of Senioris, there was still a possibility that these gods could be resurrected in the future.

This required him to take one more step

After the body of the last god also melted away in the light, Xia Solstice snapped his fingers lightly

A new, flaming black barrier unfolded


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