The ripples of the flames continued to expand, and at the end of the line of sight, the brilliant sparks rose into the sky, turning into an unusually large barrier.

As we all know, the so-called "horizon" is defined as "the interface of time and space where events can be observed". By extension of this definition, horizons are inherently capable of separating cause and effect.

Therefore, it is not only black holes that can create the event horizon, as long as the internal and external causes and effects can be completely isolated, the same horizon can be created by other methods.

Speaking of which, it is natural to think of a seal with a similar ability to isolate cause and effect.

Of course, ordinary closure will definitely not reach the level of vision in the true sense.

Although it is nominally called a "causally independent space", in reality it is very simple for beings with certain powers to enter and exit freely.

However, it is different if it is specially improved by Hughby

The dark realm that deliberately strengthens the blocking ability, like a true horizon, completely isolates the internal and external cause and effect, and its name

The pitch-black realm of "Sealing the Black Domain" 917 sealed the world, and under the control of the summer solstice, it deliberately avoided the shikoku enchantment that shone in the distance, and from the outside, it looked as if an irregular super-large strange black hole appeared out of thin air.

I don't care about the effort, it doesn't matter how difficult it is, on the basis of retaining the original function of the seal, it was specially designed by Huby for the requirements of the summer solstice, and it is basically limited to the limited skills that he can use alone...... After all, only he and Hughby would be able to do it now.

And all this is just the preparatory work of a small trick

After confirming that the advanced version of the seal had been fully formed, Xia Zhi manipulated the spirit power converted from magic in his body, and created a slightly pulsing red fireball above his palm.

Then, as was the familiar step, the fireball gradually turned to a cool tone, eventually breaking through a certain tipping point, igniting a fusion flame into a slowly spinning blazing white orb in his hand.

However, the summer solstice still does not stop.

With the infusion of elven power, the incandescent sphere began to tremble unsteadily, but it was forcibly maintained by an invisible force

Finally, at the moment of breaking through a certain boundary, the ball of light suddenly collapsed, turning into a deep void that seemed to swallow up all the light.

And then, the summer solstice is very simple.

If the gods exist on the basis of concepts, or rules, can they continue to exist when those rules no longer exist?

Summer Solstice decided to do such an experiment.

It is also well known that the singularity of a black hole is a very magical existence for the universe.

There, the density of matter and the curvature of space-time will reach infinity.

As mentioned earlier, infinity is a bug in the universe, and the universe cannot handle infinity, so that in that infinite realm, all the rules and laws based on the existing universe will be subverted and invalidated.

Therefore, just as with quark color lotus, in order to deal with the collapse of rules caused by such infinity, the appearance of each singularity will have a corresponding horizon to cover it up, isolate it from the cause and effect of the outside world, and block all its properties to prevent it from causing subversive damage to the rules of the universe, which is the cornerstone theory of modern black hole research called the cosmic monitoring hypothesis.

So, what happens when this layer of "protection" is revoked?

Quite simply, the disappearance of the event horizon will cause the singularity inside the black hole to be completely exposed to the real world, losing the protection of the event horizon to isolate cause and effect, and the naked singularity's ability to destroy the laws of physics will be fully revealed, and all known laws will collapse in an instant in front of it, and the rules of the entire universe will be rewritten.

Of course, Xia Zhi didn't plan to put the entire universe into it for the sake of just a few gods, so he created a new horizon in advance, enveloping the surrounding world with the nascent black hole in his hand.

With the formation of the seal, cause and effect are completely closed, and no matter what he does inside, it will not affect the outside world.

So, the question is, can the gods who claim to be immortal in concepts still guarantee their existence in the face of infinite singularities that subvert all existing concepts and rules?

The summer solstice is very curious.

So he's going to give it a try. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In fact, even if this method could not completely eliminate them, it would be enough to fulfill his "promise" before the war and end their existence in this world.

Due to the inverted nature of space-time inside a black hole, all things that fall into it can only slide unidirectionally towards the singularity along the spatial axis that is transformed into a time axis, and can never escape

This is one of the principles that cannot be escaped after falling into a black hole, because things are not resisting movement in space, but defying time itself.

Summer Solstice doesn't know if the gods in their heyday can resist this kind of decline, but now that they are only a mass of concepts, they probably can't do it, right?

So, even if they survive the broken rules, it's a forever prison for them, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself and snapped his fingers lightly

The next moment, accompanied by the revocation of the black hole horizon

Everything within the blockade, including the rules themselves, was distorted and collapsed

The world is all nothing......


I don't know how long it took, the black domain that blocked the world continued to shrink, and finally turned into another pitch-black ball, floating slightly in Xia Zhi's hand.

The original seal replaced the revoked horizon and became its new horizon, re-enveloping and covering the naked singularity within.

It can be recycled and reused after a single use, which can be regarded as practicing the concept of green and low-entropy environmental protection, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, threw this black hole into his personal universe casually, and looked at the towering divine tree that emitted a soft light behind him,

"Well, it's time to go back. "

Garden, they should be in a hurry, right?

He thought to himself


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