"Hey, Qinglong-kun, what do you mean by this?"

  "Yes, Qinglong, do you really want to enter the world of adults?"

  Shiyu-senpai actually started to attack with Ying Lili, and Qinglong only noticed at this time that what he handed over was not a plan, but a bunch of numbers.



  Or ZH and the like.


  Obviously, this isn't something that's forbidden.

  "Not this."

  Qinglong hurriedly grabbed the note back, and then found in the pocket of the other trousers a piece of paper with only three words [planning book] written on it after being crumpled up.

  This is a formal plan.

  But nothing seems to be written.


  It really makes me want to hit the wall.

  At this time, Qinglong also remembered that the setting of An Yilun of the original book was a rash person who created a club on a whim but didn't think about anything.

  It's just that the planning book has not been written yet, that is to say, it has not been able to show something that people can trust, but it has brought together the strongest original artist, popular light novelist and quite cute passer-by heroine here. Qinglong actually admired himself a bit.

  If so, then write a plan directly on the spot.

  Qinglong remembered that he had seen it twice in the past, so he still remembered the format.


  "By the way, Qinglong-kun is really a boy." Sister Shiyu took over the topic, "I thought you were only interested in the second dimension."

  "Do you have any dissatisfaction with the second dimension?" However, it was Yingli Li who responded to the senior sister, "Besides, Qinglong was probably just stuffed with this kind of thing from a friend, not his feeling. interest."

  Yingli Li defended Qinglong.

  But with such a detailed number, it is almost impossible for Qinglong to clear his innocence.

  And we were not discussing the proposal just now, I always thought their focus was strange.

  Can you turn your attention back to that?

  "Why can Sawamura-san be so sure that this was just stuffed by someone else and not what Kiyotaka-kun wanted?" Sister Shiyu raised her hands.

  "It's impossible." Ying Li Li made a criticism, "Right, Qinglong, you say it, you have no interest in this kind of thing that is Juru, right!"

  "Oh huh—" Senior Sister made a cute voice, "Could it be that Sawamura-san has already identified what these things are?"

  "Xiazhiqiu, don't talk nonsense." Ying Lili said, "You are the one, you know at a glance that these are Juru's things."


  By the way, you've all seen it.

  Qinglong opened his eyes.

  "That—" Kato-san was troubled by such a scene.

  "It's like this." Kiyotaka would set up a game-making club while Yingri and senpai were fighting, and told the other party about the feelings of the heroine who had fallen in love with Kato at first sight.

  Please ask the other party to join the club, not to do anything strange, just hope she can assist in completing the game.

  "Let me come?" Kato-san glanced at Eri Riri and senpai who were arguing.

  Instinct told her that it was very dangerous after joining.

  "I'm so sorry." Kato Megumi wisely chose to avoid it.

  "It's just that Kato-san really wants to give up." Kiyotaka said, "You know Kato-san has always been ordinary, I don't know if you want to attract the attention of others, but in a high school, everything is interesting. If you haven't passed it, don't you think you've wasted your youth in vain? Then when you get older, when you encounter difficulties, you may regret it constantly."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  This is the trick.

  "It's really too much to say, An Yi-san." Kato-san deliberately made an angry expression for a second.

  Although the aggressive method is very explicit, it seems to be somewhat effective.

  "It's just that I don't know much about two-dimensional things and games--" She seemed a little hesitant.

  Part of the explanation has been persuaded.

  In response to this situation, what Ichinose had done to him immediately appeared in Kiyotaka's mind, and he decided to reappear on Kato.

  "Huh?" Kato Megumi let out a small exclamation, because Kiyotaka suddenly held her hand with both hands, to be precise, held her hand, and then stared into her eyes, his eyes full of requests .

  "It's okay, I'll teach you everything. Only the weak are afraid to learn new things, right?"

  And being so, there is no way to refuse.


  It wasn't until they found out that Kiyotaka was holding Kato's hand, Eiri and Senpai didn't come back to their senses.

........ 0

  They feel that it is really time, and the emotional development here has been advancing by leaps and bounds if they don't pay attention.

  "Qinglong, I think you invited me before, I can agree for the time being." The first person who wanted to come over was Sawamura Eri.

  She feels that she is a childhood sweetheart, and if she is excluded, and then let Kiyotaka and Kato Megumi develop, this is really a day.

  "It's really easy to be shaken, Kashiwagi Eri-sensei." Shiyu-senpai mocked Eiri.

  "So you don't want to join?"

  Although there is still a Kato who has become the heroine of the game, doesn't joining in means that he can spend more time with Kiyotaka?And it's very legitimate.

  "Haha—" Senior Sister seemed to be mocking, "Actually, I agreed when Qinglong-kun asked me. I'm different from a certain arrogant. If I'm too arrogant, I will evolve into a loser."

  "Who are you calling a loser!" Ying Li Li immediately quarreled.

  And Kiyotaka has obtained verbal consent for Kato Megumi to join.

  It was only the development of senpai and Yingri that surprised him.

  Because the normal situation should be that they wanted to test whether he wanted to play, so they asked him to write a plan, but now that the book has not been written, they are already current members.

  "Then there is still time to determine the venue of the club's activities." Sister Shiyu said.And Ying Li Li also sat down again, they took out their pens, and began to discuss the normal topics of a society decently.

  But this also shows that they are all members of his society.

  "Then the plan—" Qinglong said.

  "Anything like this is good!" X2

  But she was immediately pushed back by senior sister and Ying Lili.

  So, you don't read the plan book at all.

  All the co-authors just wanted to give and support him for nothing.

  ps: It's not that I don't want to update it, but I didn't know how to write it suddenly, so I thought about it for a long time, sorry.three.

Chapter 156

  Although there was a quarrel directly afterwards, but because everyone came out, everyone drank coffee together before dispersing.

  On Qinglong's side, he used the mobile phone's Baidu map to navigate the nearest bookstore, and then walked in directly.


  Although there are libraries that are more convenient, there must also be books in the bookstores.

  That's right.

  Qinglong is now preparing to test the so-called skills of reading a book and turning it into a scholar.

  [This would have been a useful approach. ] The system said, [Isn't there often some poor students who are always dealing with learning, but at a certain moment, their heads suddenly become clear, and then they explode into geniuses? This is the qualitative change caused by the accumulation of quantitative changes. ]

  Is that the case?

  Let's just trust the system.

  Qinglong picked up a C language.

  He doesn't know anything about this stuff.At the same time, I don't want to understand this kind of knowledge about baldness.

  But he still opened the cover.

  Start from the preface, and here you don't need to think about it or worry about it.

  [Your brain is very smart, even without thinking your brain has already memorized the contents of the book. ] The system prompts on the side.

  In other words, use silent reading without having to think about what to watch at all, right?

  Qinglong began to quickly read silently from the three words of the computer, but he stopped silently after reading one page silently.

  "I just found this book casually. I want to gain the ability to deal with various written exams in practical teaching, but now I really don't need to read textbooks?"

  [There is no need to worry about this at all, because the real academic master also needs to involve books in various subjects and industries, and knowledge is inherently common, so as long as the host reads it, the system will make a unified plan to increase the host's academic power.

  In addition, it is reminded that the current host is just a scumbag. ]

  You don't need to be reminded of this.

  But if you don't limit the books you want to read then that's fine.

  Kiyotaka was a curious person, and in search of answers, he immediately started the test.

  Because he can think and analyze without using his head, silent reading is a very fast thing. He has read a page in just one minute, but the book he is holding now has 388 pages, so for the convenience of reading, he found sat down.


  Putting down the C language with both hands, Qinglong began to test.

  "So how much did your academic power increase after reading a book?"

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