[I still read too little, I didn't gain much experience points, but the effect is also there, host, you should find a calculus problem first. ]


  This is advanced mathematics, and Qinglong went to medical school in the past, so he doesn't need to take a few minutes as an elective, which means that he is completely unfamiliar with it.

  After asking the clerk, Kiyotaka easily obtained the calculus book.

  Then open an example problem according to the requirements of the system.

  Then he bought the calculus book in the bookstore, and Qinglong was able to get the permission to mark the book.


  (I) there exists ξ∈(0,1) such that f(ξ)=1-ξ;

  (II) There are two different points η,ζ∈(0,1) such that f(η)f(ζ)=1.

  Well, this is a question.

  [And host you can now test. ] With the sound of the system, Qinglong felt that his body was slightly warm, and then he held the pen, not thinking at all, but he felt that he could write something now.

  Then write it out.

  Answer: Let g(x)=f(x)+x-1, then...

  Then after that it becomes blank.

  Can't write.

  It seems that the known conditions are just copied down.

  [Look, this is the effect. ] But the system said directly, [The current host just doesn't have enough experience points. As long as the experience points are enough, this kind of question can be solved completely, even if you think you haven't written it, but you will. ]

  Is that the case?

  Then try again.

  Although he was still very weak, he really saw a way to become a scholar without concepts, so Qinglong sat there and directly read the calculus book he just bought.

  And this time, I turned to the previous topic again.

  He found himself able to write part of it again.


  In addition to this kind of topic, he turned to some haiku to memorize, and he found that he could also make up part of it.This is good news.He traveled here but didn't like the courses here very much, but no matter what era, academic ability was very important, and now he can gain the ability of a scholar just by reading without moving his head. Qinglong thinks this kind of business is good.

  Perhaps because of the pursuit of victory, Qinglong read three more books in the bookstore, but the eyes of the clerk next to him were too conspicuous, so he bought all the books he had read.

  This is not a good performance, because Kiyotaka found that his wallet in this world is not bulging at all. After buying 5 books, he only has more than [-] yen left in his wallet.

  "The system converts the practical teaching points into money." Qinglong immediately sought a solution.

  [Sorry, host.There is only one thing that can be converted in a world, and you have already chosen the exchange of coins in the world of Chunwu, and the things that can be converted in this world are reading and learning, so the points you teach cannot be converted into money in this world. ..  ]

  It turned out to be the case.

  It's just that Qinglong was not completely in trouble.

  Because this world doesn't have Shiyu-senpai and Sawamura Eiri who gave it for free.

  Ying Lili is a Huang Man cartoonist, her annual income can be in the tens of millions, and Shi Yu-senpai's novels are very popular, so she is also rich, that is to say, as long as she bends down and lets one of them take care of her , then he doesn't have to worry about money.

  But after this option appeared, Qinglong chose to ignore it.

  In the real teaching, he swore that he wanted to be supported by a rich woman just to attract attention, not that he really wanted to do it in his heart, otherwise he would not often give Karuizawa expensive points other than standard tasks.

  Can only think of another way.

  I checked my phone and it was nine o'clock in the evening.


  It was only at this time that Qinglong remembered that he only got a setting by crossing over, but the person is himself, so he has absolutely no memory here.

  In other words, he has absolutely no idea where he lives now.


  He opened the address book on his mobile phone, but he was very confused about whether to call his parents here. After all, his personal awareness was very strong, but he was not ready to accept another pair of parents immediately after going into the countryside.

  So who to ask?

  English pear?


  As a childhood sweetheart, Yingli Li must know where it is, but what kind of excuses are you looking for?Instead, she will be questioned.

  So what about senpai?

  It's the same situation as my senpai.

  In other words, let Yingri come out, and then say that he invites her to play games with his house tonight, so probably Yingli will not refuse or doubt it.

  It's just that it kind of treats the other party as a tool person.

  Qinglong still has a conscience, so he got into a tangle.

  "Anyi classmate." When Qinglong was in trouble, a girl's voice came from beside him.

  This is Kato Megumi.

  "Kato - when were you here?" Kiyotaka was surprised because he didn't find the other party at all.

  "Half an hour ago, I came to the bookstore to buy books." Kato said, and then saw that An Yijun seemed to be looking at her all the time, his eyes seemed to be a little hot.

  "Then Kato, do you know where my home is?" Kiyotaka asked.

  "I read it once in the address book...and then I stopped by on the way to school?"

  Just saying that, Kato Megumi felt that something was wrong with Kiyotaka now.

  Because Qinglong suddenly held her hand with both hands.

  "Then please come home with me."


  Holding his hand again, if it wasn't for the serious look in Kiyotaka's eyes, then Kato-san probably felt that he was being disturbed by the sex horse again. .

Chapter 157

  An Yijia is a single-family two-storey residence.

  Qinglong breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the house number with the word [Anyi] hanging on the outer wall.

  "It's just, why did An Yi keep me in the front?" But Megumi Kato, who was beside him, suddenly said so.

  And Qinglong also behaved like this along the way, letting Kato Megumi go home with him, on the pretext that he had something for her.

  But his behavior was still too strange, and he was almost misunderstood that he didn't even know his own home.

  "Actually, I just wanted to confirm whether Kato really paid attention to me." Kiyotaka said, "Actually, he would agree to my willful request, so I thought Kato-san likes me."

  This is an explanation for why he wants Megumi Kato to go first, but it is also a statement of absolute decision.

  "Eh?" Kato Megumi's pupils widened slightly, this was simply frightened, "What do you like—"

  "But I'm sure." Kiyotaka said immediately, "Kato probably just thinks of me as an ordinary classmate. After all, I'm lonely and strange, and I'm still a two-dimensional house, and I'm not interested in three-dimensional women at all. So How can such a person have a girlfriend."

  "Actually, it's not so pessimistic." Kato Kei said, "An Yi-kun probably also has some advantages."

  And when she said that, her eyes were erratic.

  In other words, 26 means that she actually recognized the shortcomings that he just arbitrarily mentioned.

  Kato-san is a little too real.

  "Then come in."

  Because there was a key in the wallet, Kiyotaka was not worried about not being able to get in. He opened the door and entered the entrance. He quickly found the switch to turn on the light, and Kiyotaka asked Kato to come in.

  "Sorry, I'm still here."

  But Kato-san entered the door and didn't step on the entrance.

  Kiyotaka speculated that she found that the lights were turned off at home, indicating that no one was at home, and then she was in self-protection, which meant that Kato-san didn't trust him at all.

  "Then wait a minute." Qinglong said, then immediately ran into the room and turned on the light.


  Wrong, this is probably the parents' room.

  So Qinglong went back again and reached the second floor. This is probably his room. He opened the door and turned on the light, but it was at this moment that he felt that he had come to the kingdom of heaven.

  Because the walls are covered with color pictures and hanging paintings of various two-dimensional characters, there is a special figure table, which is full of expensive figures.

  And Qinglong probably knew why his wallet was so empty, because he could save money after buying these.

  It's just that Kato is still below, and the plan to bring him home is completed with the help of her, but let the other party go back without giving anything, then the other party is purely regarded as a tool person.

  Just to give Kato something?

  Kato agreed to participate in the game club because of a little curiosity to understand the second dimension, so he used missionary methods to let her stay.

  Just to teach her what?

  The second dimension of this world he...

  Qinglong found that the figures and the like here are actually the same as those in his original world.

  This is disappointing.

  [The world and the world are common, so if the host wants to use his animation knowledge to point fingers, it is meaningless, but the world that the host has opened will not continue to appear in other worlds. ]

  This probably means that on the way home with Kato, the idea of ​​using the knowledge of the second dimension to make money has failed.

  Do not.Wait, the world that has been opened will not appear here, so doesn't it mean that the real teaching or spring things here are blank.

  So is this road completely blocked?

  Qinglong's interest did not decline.

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