But obviously, the other party seemed to just feel that Qinglong said that casually, so he hadn't entered the situation yet.

  "The person I want to beat today is Ryuuen, so can't you fall down quickly?" Kiyotaka said, and then Kiyotaka leaned on the grip strength of Sudou's right hand, and clenched Ishizaki's right fist that he received. .

  "Oh? Ah, oh, eh...!" Ishizaki seemed to feel strange at first, but his expression gradually became stiff, and then he even showed a crying expression.

  Not only that, but the knees of his body also started to tremble instinctively.

  This is a heart-wrenching performance.

  "Ishizaki?" Ibuki, who was watching the battle, noticed the situation.

  "Ah... wait... it hurts... rely... it hurts... stop!"

  Ishizaki seemed to be unable to support his body, he bent his knees directly, knelt directly on the concrete floor on the cold roof, and spoke in a trembling voice, but it seemed that he could not speak completely, he hurriedly tried to use himself The uncontrolled left hand opened Qinglong's palm, but it seemed to have no effect.

  "Wait—" Ishizaki seemed to be asking for mercy.

  It's hard to believe that he's a little brawler from the past.

  Actually, 823 was so painfully shaken by someone.


  And at this moment, Ibuki was not the only one who found out that Ishizaki was in a bad situation, but someone did it first, and that was Albert, who was still wet.

  Albert's body is 2 meters tall and very strong.

  The huge figure approached Qinglong directly.

  The closer he got, the more he noticed Ishizaki's painful appearance, Albert without hesitation swung his thick arm like a telephone pole towards the back of Kiyotaka's head.

  Albert wasn't just a sturdy idiot.On the one hand, if he hits Kiyotaka, he can defeat Kiyotaka directly, and even if he doesn't hit, he can relieve Ishizaki and break free from Kiyotaka's hands.

  It's just that Albert thinks beautifully.

  When he waved his fist, his body froze.Then he fell backwards, because at that moment Kiyotaka grabbed Ishizaki directly and threw it towards him, smashing him directly.

  Completely cracked his self-righteous moves.

  "I wipe-"

  Ishizaki's body is also heavy, but now it is easily caught and thrown over, and even Albert fell to the ground.


  Long Yuan felt that he seemed to be underestimating the other party. .

Chapter 178

  Albert and Ishizaki fell to the ground together.

  And Ibuki, who came from a family of martial arts, is very aware of the strengths of Ishizaki and Albert.

  But now there are only two strong men who are shown in front of her, rolling on the ground like the kind of people who have no training at all.

  "No way...you-you're not playing, are you, Albert, Ishizaki?" This made Ibuki make an unbelievable voice.

  Or, it's just that she doesn't want to believe this scene.

  With Ibuki's voice, although Ishizaki was thrown out, he also realized that his hand that was just pinched was finally free.

  It's just that the pain made him still half-kneeling on the ground, trying to relieve it.

  Ibuki and Albert should be regarded as acquaintances, because they are from the same junior high school, and Albert also worked as an apprentice in the martial arts hall opened by the Ibuki family.

  So Ibuki is very aware of Albert's strength.

  "Go on, Albert."

  Longyuan decided to give instructions again.

  So Albert, who was not hurt, charged forward with his strong body, waving his strong arms.

  It can be seen that Albert has studied boxing seriously, because his movements and attitudes represent not random swings.

  It's just that Qinglong understands a fart boxing.

  [When the opponent moves, you have to predict the opponent's next move and then counterattack.Control absolute initiative. ] The voice of the student council president Horikita is in his mind.

  Even so, as a rookie learner who has only practiced for a few days, Kiyotaka doesn't think he can remember many types of boxing.

  It's just that Horikita school also taught him a way.

  This is a practice that both newcomers and veterans know.

  Crush the opponent's self-esteem.

  Kiyotaka used the flexibility of his body to directly avoid Albert's left fist, and then launched a formal frontal attack.

  Punch at a rapid pace.

  Kiyotaka punched Albert's stomach with the same force he had just grabbed Ishizaki.

  Although he could be merciful, he still couldn't be sure of Albert's strength, so it would be foolish to throw water at the opponent in this situation.

  And Albert used his abdomen to catch Qinglong's fist.

  And Albert, who was expressionless, had some changes in his expression, but only a little.

  The hard touch returned to the fist that hit the opponent. From this point of view, Kiyotaka knew that the force that Ishizaki could not bear would only be a little uncomfortable for Albert.

  Not just a huge man with a height of 2.

  It's almost like steel.

  And such a person is obviously not a level that Longyuan can defeat, so how did Longyuan subdue Albert?

  Missing a hit, Kiyotaka started a new attack while thinking very broadly in his mind.


  Attacking the abdomen doesn't work, but even if a man can train, he's still a man.

  So the general weakness of human beings is also Albert's weakness.

  For example, the pit of the heart cannot be exercised.

  Albert also seemed to instinctively sense Qinglong's thoughts, and immediately showed the dexterity of his body, twisting his huge body to avoid Qinglong's attack.And this posture made his body press down a little.

  But Albert just now, didn't Qinglong say he wasn't very smart, didn't he?

  So it was just a feint.

  And Albert's move is very good in Qinglong's prediction, so there is no need to think at all, Qinglong directly raised his hand and made a knife gesture, which stuck Albert's throat in one fell swoop.

  "Aah—' 々—"

  Not expecting to be ambushed here, Albert let out a silent shout.

  "Ayanokouji Kiyotaka!"

  And Ishizaki finally endured the pain, and he rushed up directly from behind Qinglong.

  "Do not--"

  Qinglong didn't pay attention to him just now, so when he made such a sound, it revealed where he was, and Qinglong smoothly kicked his left foot that had just stood firm.

  At this time, half of Albert's body had already stepped down, and Kiyotaka immediately went around behind him, kicked him in the face, and then grabbed the head of Ishizaki, who was kneeling down again, and then made him and the dizzy one. Albert collided.



  But this sudden shock was only for a moment, so both of them fell silent.


  It's just that Albert raised his head and seemed to be in a daze.

  And Ishizaki sat slumped on the ground, holding his face and crying.

  Perhaps he also thought this scene was too embarrassing.

  For a moment, the atmosphere on the roof became quiet.But from time to time, Ishizaki-san's repressed sobbing voice could be heard.

  Probably in his past fighting career, for the first time, he felt aggrieved to cry after losing.

  Ryuuen and Ibuki both imprinted this incredible picture into their minds.

  "¨ˇ It seems that you have exceeded our expectations. Is your attitude so strong because you are confident in your own abilities? I really didn't expect it. I didn't expect a voice recorder at all, just a You may be... no, you are really strong." Long Yuan said, "So Ling Xiaolu Qinglong is also the little prince fighting!"

  "But just dealing with two people in a row, he looked tired, didn't he?" Ibuki said.

  This point is correct. Although it is a simple attack, whether it is to carry Ishizaki and throw it at Albert, or to avoid Albert's attack, it is very laborious.

  He panted slightly.

  Looking a little tired.

  So Ibuki rushed towards Kiyotaka without waiting for Ryuuen's order.

  She is very good at kicking, and her cool legs have also been trained hard, so both the lines and the brightness of her skin tone are beautiful.

  It's just that her speed is still not fast enough.

  "It's the first time I've hit a girl." Kiyotaka (good money) said and avoided her.

  "Ibuki." Then she called her name.


  Ibuki felt that the current posture was not very good, and instead of kicking Kiyotaka just now, he let the opponent go around behind her.

  "I always thought you were relatively simple." Qinglong said.


  Ibuki froze for a moment.But she found that her body suddenly appeared in the air, and then Qinglong directly lifted her up and smashed her down, but when she landed, she blocked it with her feet and slowed down some of the impact.

  But Ibuki still felt pain all over his body.

  At this time, Ibuki heard Qinglong's voice.

  "Because I act casually, no matter what you believe, I don't bother at all when facing Ishizaki~~"

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